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51 Cards in this Set

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Corpus Luteum is responsible for
Secreting Estrogen and progesterone to maintain early pregnancy until the placenta can takes over. Its functional up until about end of 1st trimester.
HCG is produced by ___ and can be detected ____.
The trophoblasts and can be detected by 8 to 10 days after conception, a day after implantation occurs.
positive PPD in pregnancy
Woman needs a chest xray after the 1st trimester. Use and abdominal shield to protect the fetus from radiation.
Treatment for positve PPD in pregnancy
Treatment is determined by the results of the chest xray and timing of seroconversion if known.
If xray is negative for active TB but pregnant woman is determined to be a recent converter, i.e. positive by exposure to active disease or HIV+, Treatment should be given due to active disease risk is high.
CDC guidelines for HIV screening in pregnancy
Not required, but CDC recommends universal screening for pregnant women done as routine early prenatal testing with option to opt out of testing, or decline testing.
Repeat testing recommended in 3rd trimester for woman with elevated risks factors.
Chloasma appears as_____,
Prognosis is _______
"The pregnancy mask"
seen as irregular brownish discoloration of the forehead, cheeks, and nose.
The discoloration will usually fade and disappear after pregnancy is over.
Chloasma etiology
As a result of melanocyte stimulated effects of estrogen and progesterone.
Stimulates growth of breast AND has lactogenic properties AND have Metabolic effects.
Causes vasodilation and drop in blood pressure seen in the 2nd trimester.
Causes a relaxation of the joints - results in "waddle gait"
Promotes development of oxytocin receptors in the cervix
Hemodynamic changes in pregnancy
Increased Cardiac Output,
Increased Heart Rate
Increased Blood Volume
WBC increase in 2nd/3rd trimester.
Red blood cell mass increase (hemodilution ccours due to increased blood volume - leading to decrease in Hgb and Hct)
Decrease in Systolic and Diastolic BP in the 2nd trimester with return to prepregnant levels in the 3rd trimester.
TSH in pregnancy
TSH remains normal in pregnancy.
TBG in pregnancy
There is an estrogen induced increase in TBG. The increase in TBG results in an increase in total T4 and T3 levels. T4 and T3 concentrations do not change in pregnancy.
CDC Treatment of Condyloma Acuminata
Use Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) or Cryotherapy in pregnancy as genital warts in pregnancy often proliferate and become friable in pregnancy.
CDC Contraindicated Treatment of Condyloma Acuminata in pregnancy.
CDC states Podophyllin, Podofilox and Imiquid should not be used in pregnancy.
The preferred treatment in non pregnant patients. Can be self applied.
Risk factors of IUGR
Hypertension, Poor maternal nutrition, smoking, diabetes, substance abuse, multiple gestation, placental abnormalities (Pevia, abruption), short interval between pregnancy.
How does Methotrexate work in treatment of Ectopic Pregnancy?
Methotrexate is a folic acid antagonist which interferes with DNA and cell multiplication.
Preconception counseling for IDDM woman
Counseling should include a glycosylated hemoglobin (Hgb A1C) which provides an accurate long term index of the client's average blood glucose over the previous 8 to 12 weeks. This is helpful for the woman to obtain strict control of her glucose levels prior to pregnancy.
Insulin needs in pregnancy
The need for insulin usually decreases int he 1st trimester and then begins to rise int he 2nd trimester.
Fetal macrosomia
results when there are high levels of maternal glucose. Strict glucose control during pregnancy may reduce this.
Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS) Diagnosis is made when at least one of the clinical and one of the laboratory criteria are met.
Clinical - Vascular Thrombosis (one or more confirmed episode) and pregnancy morbidity (one or more uneplained deaths of normal fetus after the 10th week gestation.; or one or more premature births before 34 weeks due to preeclampsia or severe placental insufficiency or 3 or more consecutive SAB prior to 10 weeks,
Laboratory criteria is presence of Anticardiolipin antibody of IgG and or IgM on at least 2 or more times at least 6 weeks apart and presence of lupus anticoagulant on 2 or more occasions at least 6 weeks apart.
diagonal conjugate
Only AP diameter that can be measured clinically. Gynecoid >11.5 cm
extends from middle of sacral promontory to the middle of lower margin of symphysis pubis.
Obstetric conjugate
shortest AP diameter of the pelvis. Can't be measured clinically. must used D.C - 1.5 cm = 10
Bituberous Diameter
Between ischial tuberosities
about 11 cm
Interspinous Diameter (Bispinous)
The "midplane." Smallest diameter of the pelvis. 10 cm Distance between the ischial spines.
Ischial spines
Best if blunt
Side walls
Best if straight.
best if curved
Pubic Arch
Best if at least 90 degree angle.
Pregnancy Mnemonics
4- normal vaginal pH
40 weeks - gestation
400 oocytes - from menarche to menopause
400,000 oocytes present at puberty
28 days normal menses cycle
280 GA; from LMP to end gestation
280-14 = 266 days from conception
280 GA -14 Day of ovulation = 266 days since Conception
NDDG 3 hr GTT values:
fasting >105
1hr >190
2hr >165
3hr >145
samples sloughed fetal cells for chromosomal analysis and biochemical markers for open neural tube defects.
Done 15-19 weeks. Best if done between 14-16 weeks.
Increased pregnancy loss prior to 15 weeks
done between 10 - 13 weeks. Risk of limb deformaties if done prior to 9 weeks.
CVS may allow exchange of maternal - fetal blood and therefore may cause a falsely elevated MSAFP
Multiple Marker screens
ME low
AB high in Down's syndrome
MSAFP - low
Estriol - low
Inhibin A- high
BhCG- high
Multiple Marker screens
Neural tube defects
MSAFP - high
First Trimester Screen
- Ultrasound for nuchal translucency thickenes
- Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein (PAPP-A)
- Free bhCG
Down's Syndrome - 1st trimester screen:
- Ultrasound for nuchal translucency thickenes 85% detection
- Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein(PAPP-A) HIGH
- Free bhCG - HIGH
Quad Screen
adds Inhibin A
Indications for QUAD screen
>35 years of age, Hx of birth defects, Diabetes - use of insulin, Use of harmful drugs or toxins in pregnancy, use of radiation or exposure in pregnancy,Viral infection in pregnancy.
Risks of moderately overweight to obese
HTN,GDM-insulin,UTI, C/S,
Preeclampsia, Macrosomnia
Shoulder Dystocia,Late IUFD,
2 fold increase of NeuralTD

Complications a/s weight >300lbs
Chronic HTN, Diabetes,
Cesarean for CPD, PP infection
FHT should be checked at each prenatal visit after 10 weeks.
May or may not be heard by doppler at 10 weeks. If no FHTs by 13 weeks, confirm, viability and GA with sonogram.
Fundal height - 1st trimester
8 wks - size of tennis ball
10 wks - size of orange
12 weeks - size of grapefruit (palpable above symphysis pubis)
Uterine Fundus
12 weeks - symphysis pubis
16 weeks 1/2 way between
symphysis pubis &umbilicus
20 weeks 1-2 fingers below
24 weeks1-2 fingers above
28-30 weeks 1/3 between
umbilicus & xiphoid process
32 weeks 1/3 between
umbilicus & xiphoid process
36-38 weeks 1 finger below
xiphoid process
40 weeks 2-3 fingers below
xiphoid process if lightening
HBV infection and if present for more than 6 months, chronic status
Immunity to HBV
PPD skin test
Reading of PPD skin test
Should be read in 48-72 hours, Can remain positive for up to 1 week. Induration is significant, not the redness.
So if patient returns in 5 to 7 days and test induration is + , then PPD test is considered +. If induration is -, then test should be repeated and patient to report back in 48-72 hours for reading of skin test.
1. Lie /Presentation
2. Position
3. Engagement
4. Attitude
Sexual Desires in Pregnancy
Woman's desires may change in pregnancy.