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47 Cards in this Set

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Upper Motor Neuron injury causes:
Spastic paralysis
Flaccid paralysis
Spastic paralysis
Lower Motor Neuron injury causes:
Flaccid paralysis
Flaccid paralysis
Spastic paralysis
Spastic paralysis includes:
Cerebral Palsy, Tri-flexion, Leg Hyperextension
Cerebral Palsy, Tri-flexion, Leg Hyperextension


Hypotonia, Areflexia, Immediate Atrophy.
Flaccid paralysis includes:
Hypotonia, Areflexia, Immediate atrophy
Cerebral Palsy, Tri-flexion, Leg hyperextension


Hypotonia, Areflexia, Immediate atrophy
Deep sensibility is lost on the left side from T12 down.
Ipsilateral (left) Fasciculis gracilis is lesioned at the level of T12.
The right Fasciculus Gracilis is lesioned at the level of C6.
Ipsilateral (right) Deep Sensibility is lost from T6 down.
The right Fasciculus Cuneatus is lesioned at the level of C4.
Ipsilateral (right) Deep Sensibility is lost from C4-T6.
The Dorsal Column is lesioned at the level of C4.
Bilateral Deep Sensibility is lost from C4 down.
The Dorsal Column includes Fasciculus Gracilis and Fasciculus Cuneatus.
The right Fasciculus Gracilis is lesioned at the level of T4.
Ipsilateral (right) Deep Sensibility is lost at T4 only.
The right Fasciculus Cuneatus is lesioned at the level of C7.
Ipsilateral (right) Deep Sensibility is lost from C7-T6.
The Ventral White Commisure is lesioned at the level of T2.
Bilateral Pain and Temperature is lost at T4.
The Lateral Spinothalamic Tract crosses at the Ventral White Commisure
The right Lateral Spinothalamic Tract is lesioned at T12.
Contralateral (left) Deep Sensibility is lost from L2 down.
The Spinocerebellar Tract is lesioned.
Ataxia (unsteady wide gait) presents.
Left Lateral Spinothalamic Tract is lesioned at the level of T2.
Contralateral (right) loss of Pain and Temperature from T4 down.
Right Tract of Lissauer is lesioned at the level of T2.
Ipsilateral (right) loss of Pain and Temperature at the levels of T2, T3, and T4.
Brown-Sequard Syndrome general area lesioned:
Lesion of white matter on one side (hemisection):
Left Fasciculus Gracilis, Fasciculus Cuneatus and Lateral Spinothalamic Tract are lesioned at the level of T4.
Ipsilateral (left) loss of Deep Sensibility from T4 down.
Contralateral (right) loss of Pain and Temperature from T6 down.
Ipsilateral (left) loss of Pain and Temperature at the levels of T4, T5, and T6.
Brown-Sequard Syndrome:
Lesion on the Left side at the level of T2 of: Left Dorsal Column (Fasciculus Gracilis, Fasciculus Cuneatus, Dorsal Lateral Funiculus), Lateral Corticospinal Tract, Lateral Spinothalamic Tract
Ipsilateral (left) loss of Deep Sensibility from the level of T2 down.
Contralateral (right) loss of Pain and Temperature from T4 down.
Ipsilateral (left) Spastic Paralysis from T2 down.
Ipsilateral (left) loss of Proprioception from the lower limb leading to Ataxia.
Ipsilateral (left) loss of Pain and Temperature at the levels of T2, T3, and T4.
Dissociated Sensory Loss: Loss of one sensation on one side and another sensation on another side.
Left Ventral Root (Lower Motor Neurons) is lesioned at the level of T2.
Ipsilateral (left) Flaccid Paralysis at the level of T2.
The right Pyramid or Pyramidal Decussation is lesioned at the Corticospinal Tract.
Contralateral (left) Spastic Paralysis.
Left Lateral Corticospinal Tract is lesioned at the level of C1
Ispilateral (left) Spastic Paralysis.
Cranial Nerve VIII, Vestibulocochlear, is lesioned.
Vertigo, Nystagmus, Vomiting, Loss of Hearing presents.
4 Signs
Cranial Nerve IX, Glossopharyngeal, is lesioned.
Loss of sensation in upper pharynx; reduced gag reflex, and Inappropriate regulation of blood pressure (Hypertension or Hypotension) presents.
Cranial Nerve X, Vagus, is lesioned.
Dysphagia and Dysphonia presents.
Cranial Nerve XI, Accessory Nerve, is lesioned.
Cranial Dysphagia and Dysphonia as well as Spinal Paralysis of Sternocleidomastoid and Ipsilateral Trapezius presents.
4 Signs
Medial Part of Medulla:
Medial Lemniscus, Pyramid, and Hypoglossal Nerve are lesioned.
Medial Medullary Syndrome:
Contralateral loss of Deep Sensibility.
3 Medullary Structures are possibly lesioned.
Lateral Part of Medulla:
Spinothalamic Tracts and Spinal Tract/Nuclei of the Trigeminal Nerve are lesioned. Also, Vestibular Nuclei, Cerebellar Connections, Autonomic Fibers, Nucleus Ambiguus, Solitary Tract and Nucleus are affected.
Lateral Medullary Syndrome:
Dissociated Sensory Loss; a sensory loss on one side of the body and the other side of the head/face.
Facial Colliculus is lesioned.
Cranial Nerve VI (Abduscens) and Cranial Nerve VII (Facial) function is lost, and CN VIII (Vestibulocochlear) function is affected.
3 Cranial Nerves affected
Right Lateral Corticospinal Tract is lesioned.
Middle part of Medulla is lesioned.
Contralateral (left) Spastic Paralysis and Ipsilateral (left) Tongue Atrophy presents.
Cranial Nerve XII (Hypoglossal) Location
Cranial Nerve V, Trigeminal, is lesioned.
Facial sensation is lost partially or completely, and facial pain presents. Ipsilateral Jaw Deviation affects Mastication.
Determined by Touch, Pain, Reflexes and Masticatory deficits in the Face.
Cranial Nerve VI, Abducens, is lesioned.
Lateral Rectus Muscle function lost, resulting in Diploplia (Double Vision) and Medial Strabismus (Lazy Eye, no Lateral Movement).
Cranial Nerve VII, Facial, is lesioned.
Bell's Palsy:
Lower Motor Neuron-type Facial Paralysis (Acute and Reversible).
Determined by Facial Expression, Movements, and Taste deficits.
A Stroke occurs.
What is lost and where?
Loss of Sensory and Motor functions in right lower quadrant of face.
The Medial Longitudinal Fasciculus in the posterior aspect of the Middle Medulla is lesioned.
Opthalamagea presents.
In Middle Medulla
The Nucleus Ambiguus of the Middle Medulla is lesioned.
Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing), Dysphonia (hoarseness), and Uvula Deviation presents.
Connected to CN IX (Glossopharyngeal); motor and parasympathetic

3 Signs
CN XII, Hypoglossal, is lesioned.
Ipsilateral tongue paralysis and atrophy presents.
Cranial Nerve IV, Trochlear, is lesioned.
Ipsilateral Superior Oblique function lost (cannot look down and in) and double vision presents.
Cranial Nerve IV, Trochlear, nuclei are lesioned.
Contralateral Superior Oblique function lost (cannot look down and in) and double vision presents.
Cranial Nerve III, Occulomotor, is lesioned.
Ptosis (drooping eyelid) and Mytriasis (enlarged, unresponsive to light pupil) presents. Superior, Medial, Lateral and Inferior Rectus, as well as Inferior Oblique function lost.
Upper Motor Neuron injury: Contralateral (Left) Corticospinal Tract in Crus Cerebri and Ipsilateral (Right) Corticospinal Tract at the level of C3.
Midbrain at the level of the Superior Peduncle injury: Cranial Nerve III (Occulomotor)
Right Hypereflexia of the Upper and Lower Extremities and Left Lateral Strabismus presents.
Two lesions
Right Loss of Vibration of the Upper and Lower Extremities and Left Medial Strabismus presents.
Tegmentum of the Pons at the level of the Facial Colliculus is lesioned.
Ipsilateral (Right) Dorsal Column at Cervical Area
Contralateral (Left) Medial Lemniscus at the levels of Medulla, Pons (Tegmentum), or Midbrain.

Cranial Nerve VI (Abducens) is affected
In the Cerebellum, the Flocculonodular Lobe is lesioned.
Impaired utilization of visual cues, Truncal Ataxia, Incoordination, inability to perform Tandem Gait as well as instability with eyes open or closed during Romberg's test.
In the Medial Cerebellar Hemispheres: the Tonsils, Globose, and/or the Emboliform Nuclei are lesioned.
Symptoms may include: Hypotonia (decreased muscle tone), Pendular Reflexes, Scanning (monotone) Speech, and Appendicular Ataxia exhibited by Dysmetria (inability to judge the distance which results in over- or undershooting), Ataxic Joint Motion, and Intention Tremor (gross tremor that disappears at rest).
Posture and Locomotion affected

7 Symptoms
In the Lateral Cerebellar Hemispheres: The Dentate Nuclei are lesioned.
Symptoms may include: Decomposition of Movements, having to think of “subconscious movements”, and Truncal Ataxia evidenced as Dysrhythmia (irregular rhythm of movements), and Dysdiadochokinesia (inability to perform rapid, alternating movements).
In the Midbrain at the level of the the Edinger-Westphal Nucleus: Cranial Nerve III, Occulomotor, is lesioned.
Ptosis (drooping eyelid), Lateral Strabismus, and Mydriasis (enlarged, unresponsive to light pupil) present.
Sphincter Pupillae and Ciliaris affected
Right Lateral Spinothalamic Tract is lesioned at the level of T2.
Contralateral (Left) Loss of Pain and Temperature from the level of T4 down.
Ventral White Commisure (with Lateral Spinothalamic Tract) is lesioned at the level of T5.
Bilateral loss of Pain and Temperature at the level of T5.