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157 Cards in this Set

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a shallow ball and socket that gives up stability for crazy ROM
Glenohumeral joint
humerus 90* of aBduction, 30* forward flexion (basically, the scapular plane)
How many muscles are required in any shoulder movement?
17 – all of them can go through any shoulder ROM
Widens and deepens the glenoid fossa.
GLENOID LABRUM loose at top, tight at bottom
The only osseous connection of the shoulder to thorax is the?
Deformity, Abrasions, Scars, Edema, Discoloration
Bones, Ligaments, Tendons, Muscle
Malpositions, Anomalies, Landmarks, Tenderness
3 PRIMARY shoulder areas
5 secondary shoulder areas
STA, CT junction, spinal and sternal attachments of upper 3 ribs *STA is ScapuloThoracic Articulation
common viscera-somatic referral patterns to shoulder
POMP of shoulder would assess
Flexion, Extension, Adduction (across body), Abduction, Internal and external rotation w/ arm at side then w/ arm at 90* aBd.
4 evaluative directions for shoulder
Protraction and Retraction both w/ GHJ flexed to 90*, Elevation and Depression (passive!)
In any given ROM, always note (2)
crepitus or pain
Name 7 basic shoulder tests (a SAD CAW Lies)
Supraspinatus Stress/Press test, Apley's scratch test, Dugas' test, Codman's drop, Apprehension sign, Wright's test, LIE test
What is the sentence you can remember for 7 basic shoulder tests?
a SAD CAW Lies.
Lie test
Ask can your patient lie on their shoulder? Pain during such may indicate arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis, or sprained ligaments of ACJ or SCJ.
Questions to ask yourself:
Will I...help? Make it worse? Leave it alone? Evaluate progress how? (outcomes assessment)
Where does subscapularis attach, according to the notes
lesser tubercle
Facets on which each rotator attaches
Supraspinatus = superior, Infraspinatus = middle, Teres minor = inferior facet, Subscapularis = lesser tubercle
D/dx for 6 week shoulder pain sharp over deltoid onset after weekend activities at beach
Sprain, capsular tear, subacromial bursitis, labrum (Bankart's) tear or SLAP lesion, bicipital tendinitis, supraspinatus impinge, biceps, ROTATOR CUFF
Apley's scratch test
over top: combined lateral/external rotation and aBduction. Under: combined medial/internal rotation and aDDuction
Supraspinatus press test/Stress test
done first w/ thumb up, then with thumb down. Full can supraspinatus test. Empty can if negative, then points to supraspinatus impingement.
Codman's Drop Arm test
If patient can hold arm up, it's negative for suprasp. Injury. **Have pt slowly lower arm down to side. Painful arc may result. If yes, (+)
NEER's impingement test
vs. impingement sign? Firmly stabilize scapula over acromion, raise arm into full flexion while maintaining internal rotation.
why does Neer's sign test the supraspinatus?
The full flexion w/ internal rotation grinds greater tubercle into acromion, impinging esp. the supraspinatus tendon.
Hawkins-Kennedy test
Pt in James Bourne position killing man w/ book, elbow up. Support their elbow while cranking down on their wrist. [+] supraspinatus impingement
Gerber's lift off test
As though pt. Trying to reach opposite scap, they flat hand then lift. You push back against hand. SUBSCAPULARIS weakness.
What can you do if the patient fails Gerber's Lift off for SUBSCAP mm?
Pinch and Stretch – pincer subscap while pt slowly lifts arm over head. Three passes.
4 second ischemic compression rule
At least 4 seconds needed for pt to perceive and respond to MFTP work. Give at least 6-8 second hold on trigger points.
Bimanual Thumb Thenar Grasp/Proximal Humerus w/ Knee Extension supine
Mobilization w/ distraction (supine) for GHJ circular motion and figure-8 motion. Pt humerus b/w your knees. Also internal/external rot and A-P glide.
Bimanual Thumb Thenar Grasp/ Proximal Humerus w/ knee extension prone
Better for taller table. Pt humerus b/w your knees. Circular and figure-8, P-A glide.
Back & forth, Side to side, Internal circles, External circles, weights added
Supine GHJ RHYTHMIC Stabilization (dynamic GHJ loading)
Pt supine, arm up at 90* hold 30 sec. Then circles w/in 10* limit. “Knock arm out of balance,' then with 1lb. Weight
BATON (or wand) excercises from active care class
standing preferred. Supine best after surgery/early rehab. Pt uses pole to intro cardinal ROM's
General MOTION rotator cuff exercises
1-5lb. Standing 4 motions: forward flexion (90*), Scaption, all the way to 90* sides aBduction, down the back into Extension maximal.
Number of reps and sets for general MOTION rotator cuff exercises
3 sets/ 5-12 reps
Isometric exercises for INTERNAL rotators
Estab PAIN FREE arc of motion. Pt stands at wall/door w/ bent elbow. Pushes 10-20% max effort for 30 sec. Go 10* past tension.
isometric exercises for EXTERNAL rotators
Estab PAIN FREE arc of motion. Pt stands at wall/door w/ bent elbow. Pushes 10-20% max effort for 30 sec. Go 10* past tension.
Side posture GH exercises Level I
LYING FLYES: (abduction) straight arm w/ 1lb while on side on table. LYING 'L' FLYES same but arm 90* for external rotation.
Level II side posture exercises for GH
Lying flyes for abduction,Standing (or seated) “L” Flyes for external rotation, Lying “L” flyes for external rotation. All 2 or 3 sets/ 10-12 reps each arm
What should you find out before you recommend stretching of GHJ?
if patient is HYPERmobile due to mm or capsular injury. Monitor closely for instability or worsening sx esp if home exercises.
Pec Stretch I
corner or doorway stretch, humeri parallel to floor and elbows bent (90*). Hold one rep 5-10 seconds
Pec Stretch II
corner or doorway stretch. Arms angled UP and bent elbows. Increases stretch. Hold one rep 5-10 seconds.
Pole pec stretch
arms aB 30-45* and extended to just behind back, 30*. Holding handrail, steps forward, stretches pecs. 3 reps.
Front deltoid and biceps stretch
arms aB 30-45* and extended behind back to tolerance. Pt holds support or doc can hold arms and pt. Steps forward. One rep, 5-10 sec
External rotator stretch
No clue. For internal stretch of GHJ. Fist on iliac crest w/ GHJ @ ~45* aB. With opposite hand, pt holds onto elbow and pulls forward. ???
Which test looks like a good way to dislocate pt shoulder, esp. if you help?
External rotator stretch w/ assistance. Doc support hand on their shoulder, pulls their bent elbow/fist on hip towards doc. Pt sues.
Most frequently injured rotator cuff mm?
Supraspinatus = superior, Infraspinatus = middle, Teres minor = inferior facet, Subscapularis = lesser tubercle
Most clinically relevant rotator cuff mm?
W/ most shoulder conditions, the first GHJ motion lost is?
External rotation and aBduction
Classic presentation of frozen shoulder arm aBduction?
Pt elevates entire shoulder to facilitate arm aBduction = frozen
APPREHENSION test (shoulder 90*, elbow 90*)
Trepidation on pt part indicates hx of instability or dislocation (do NOT do if suspect dislocation). Arm 90*, doc slow external rotate
Scapulohumeral rhythm:
First 30* arm abduction occurs GHJ. Then scapulothoracic articulation at 2:1 ratio w/ GHJ abducting while STA rotates superiorly.
Trigger points in lower part of levator scap result in ______ cervical malposition
Trigger points in upper levator scap result in lower cervical malpositions. WHY?
the twist of levator scap.
Yergason's test
Doc palp BICIPTAL GROOVE. Pt flexes affected elbow. Pt resists effort to extend arm and attempt to supinate. Pain over intertubercular sulcus (+)
Abbot-Saunder's test
Doc palp BICIPITAL GROOVE. Arm out in aB w/ hand prone. Doc guides wrist into supination at 120* then lowers arm. Pop/click – bicipital tendinitis.
When lowering arm in Abbot Saunders test, pay attention to?
painful arc on descent (could be bicipital tendinitis or torn bicipital ligament)
Doc palp BICIPITAL GROOVE. Arm flexed to 90* (bent elbow) doc holds wrist and provides resistance while pt tries to raise and supinate. Pop/click – bicipital tendinitis.
SCARF test
passive horizontal adduction/crossover test: VERY sensitive for ACJ sprain. Doc pulls pt arm across and over opposite shoulder. (+) pain ACJ sprain
O'BRIEN test
100% for LABRAL TEAR or ACJ SPRAIN: Pt thumbs down approx sternum/breast height, doc overpressures. Now thumb up w/ same. Pain on thumbs down but not thumbs up is (+) for ACJ sprain or labral tear.
If O'Brien's positive on top of shoulder?
ACJ sprain
If O'Brien's positive pain deep inside shoulder?
LABRAL tear (internal derangement of some sort)
Bimanual Digital Grasp/Scapulothoracic Mobilization (side posture)
hand in back pocket side posture postion – doc reach thru crooked arm to inf scap border, push S-I on AC joint, figure 8 + circular scap rotations
Bimanual digital thenar Grasp/Scapula; I-S glide of scapula (prone)
Thumb-index web contact under inferior angle, outside hand stabilize acromion and lift I-S (Trager move w/ a filet of scapula)
Interlaced Digital/Proximal Humerus; M-L glide of G/H joint w/ 90* flexion (supine)
pt on back. Doc kneels, grasps pt humerus at axilla in regular two hand grip, pull/traction GH medial to lateral. Brace pt elbow against your cephalad shoulder
Interlaced Digital/Proximal Humerus; Superior -Inferior glide of GHJ w/ 90* flexion (supine)
Different from M-L! Same kneeling move but now pt elbow braced against doc inside shoulder. Distract S-I (head to toe)
Palmar/Olecranon; Anterior-Posterior (A-P) glide of the glenohumeral joint (supine)
Slide pt to side of table. Sling/cradle pt shoulder in your outside hand, hold olecranon w/ inside hand. Push olecranon down towards floor/A-P
Three Point Contact/Proximal Humerus grasp; Maximal External rotation GHJ
Kneel. Pt arm abducted. Let their post forearm rest on your knee. Sup hand twists externally on upper humerus. Inf hand lifts elbow. Doc elbow pushes down pt wrist.
Thumb Web/Axilla w/ Knee Extension LAD of GHJ (supine)
intergenu on forearm (accd to photo). Thumb web in their axilla (yes, you are internally rotating wrist so be careful) LONG AXIS TRACTION arm
Thumb Web/Axilla w/ Knee Extension ROTATION (internal or external) of GHJ (supine)
Intergenu on forearm (accd to photo). Regular grip at axilla both hands, twist internal or external rotation. Distract w/ knees.
Reinforced Palmar/Olecranon; A-P glide of glenohumeral joint
move you did to K for adhesive capsulitis
2 was to stretch rhomboids:
Pt crosses wrists and grasps own hands, extending elbows fully. Pt seated and does a Jimmy Durante (cha cha cha) on knees
Home shoulder rehab for flexion, aBduction, and extension of shoulder
PULLEY & WALL WALK (pt walks up wall in flexion/abduction of fingers. Use height marker. Careful of painful arc)
Be able to perform neuro eval C5-T1 w/ peripheral nerve sensory patches, too.
Shoulder III is about TOS
ALLEN test
Humerus parallel to floor while pumping fist. Occlude both arteries and let either radial or ulnar go; watch reperfusion time. NOT a TOS test but done before doing the TOS tests.
Perform on unaffected arm first for baseline. Palpate distal radial pulse; raise pt arm slowly to 180* max. Occlusion or pain is positive TOS.
In Evans, p261, doc stands behind seated pt. Palps both radial pulses same time. Pt abducts and active shoulders back and down. Can flex cervical or hold breath. Drop in patency or reproduced pain = TOS
Difference between Eden's and Military/Soldier's positon?
Eden's is active; Soldier's is passive.
While palpating the radial pulse of seated pt, doc passively brings pt shoulder down and back. Can ask extend neck. Repro pain or diminished pulse = TOS
ADSON'S test
Adson's for Anterior scalene: palp radial pulse, pt extends neck and looks back at doctor/pulse/same side. Repro pain/down pulse = NVB compression by scalene causing TOS
same as Adson's but for MIDDLE scalene; pt extends neck and looks away from doc/pulse/arm being tested. NVB compress by middle scalene causing TOS
SCARF test is VERY specific for?
ACJ sprain
O'BRIEN test is very sensitive and very specific for what two injuries?
ACJ and LABRAL tear of GH
A posture to teach patients with TOS
TOP GUN posture against wall
Inside Web/Proximal Humerus; Outside web/distal humerus; M-L glide of GHJ w/ arm at side
(supine) for TOS: Get low; your inside hand in axilla, outside hand on outer supracondylar area. Crank in opposite directions then impulse M-L. Really a distraction of GHJ.
Hypothenar PROXIMAL clavicle; S-I glide of SCJ (supine)
TOS: Kneel. Pt arm abducted, resting on your knee. Stabilize and distract arm while HYPOthenar to medial CLAVICLE @ STERNOCLAVICULAR joint S-I. Patient covers.
Hypothenar DISTAL clavicle; S-I glide of AC joint (supine)
TOS: Kneel. Pt arm abducted, resting on your knee. Stabilize and distract arm while HYPOthenar to lateral CLAVICLE @ ACROMIOCLAVICULAR joint S-I. Patient covers.
Reinforced Thenar/Proximal Clavicle; I-S glide of SCJ (seated)
TOS seated: Adjusting hand under their arm around to clavicle at SCJ joint. Support hand over their other shoulder onto your hand. Lean them back into your chest. I-S
Web/Distal Clavicle; S-I glide of SCJ (seated)
TOS: pt seated. Doc knee up on table, pt arm draped over. Traction arm while calcaneal hand on SCJ would impulse S-I. Like stuffing a trashcan that's too full.
Web/Distal Clavicle; S-I glide of ACJ (seated)
TOS: pt seated. Doc knee up on table, pt arm draped over. Traction arm while calcaneal hand on ACJ would impulse S-I. Like stuffing a sleeping bag back into the sack.
Distal Proximal/Clavicle, Thenar/Manubrium; Distraction (LAD) of SCJ (seated)
TOS: seated. Reach under their arm to clavicle and over their arm to sternum. Thenar contacts. Distract (separate them at the SCJ joint) Vector: M-L LAD
Rehab home exercises TOS
Fingertip Rhomboid strengthening exercise (back to wall, fingers touch, retract scaps); EGOSCUE METHOD; arms out supine, pinch scaps together, small internal then external circles, then repeat prone/thumbs down, keeping scaps retracted seriously
Egoscue method addresses?
TOS via rhomboid strengthening. Circles in air at sides first supine back, forward, then prone back and forward.
TOS stretches
from previous lab: rhomboid stretches w/ clasped hands and also one w/ crossed hands on knees (legs passively stretch as abducted.)
Structures that can cause lateral elbow pain
Radial head articulation, LCL, aponeurosis tear, lateral epicondylitis, radial head fx or subluxation, neural entrapments, etc.
Cubital tunnel is also called the
proximal ulnar tunnel and ulnar groove
Where is the median nerve regarding the elbow?
Cubital fossa
Peripheral nerves to examine w/ elbow
Musculocutaneous and Radial (Muscle cars; kiss my guns! Radials brake hard if you try to run.)
Is ALLEN's test a TOS test?
NO but should be performed before any exam procedure requiring pulse strength/patency eval.
96-98% of TOS is caused by
With most elbow conditions, palpation that causes pain is likely due to
the structure being palpated
Elbow injuries can refer to the
shoulder and wrist
4 cardinal elbow ROM
Flexion, Extension, Pronation, Supination
cubital fossa is on ______ surface, while cubital ____ is posterior
fossa anterior, tunnel posterior and medial
Nerve most sensitive to heavy metal
MILL's test
Lateral epicondylitis test: keep pt wrist flexed the entire time, overpressure to max stretch extensor. + lateral elbow pain
COZEN's test
Lateral epicondylitis: biker chicks wrist extension, forearm prone. Inability to resist doc overpressure. + lateral elbow pain
GOLFER's test
Medial epicondylitis: can do version I wrist flexion or version II arm fully extended, wrist fully extended. Overpress wrist. Pain or weakness.
Elbow dynamomter test
3 times
Elbow: dynamometer. Max effort and pain. If CHOPAT strap helps, the extensor injury positive and indicates lateral epicondylitis.
PROTNATOR TERES SYNDROME of elbow: just like shaking hands. Doc also presses p.t. While attempting to supinate wrist and straighten pts arm. Pronator teres strain or PTS (syndrome) of MEDIAN nerve entrapment. AIN branch. Mimics CTS.
What muscle syndrome of elbow often mimics CTS?
PTS Pronator Teres Syndrome
Valgus stress test for elbow
MCL stress. Do closed packed (full extension) then open packed (30*). Do not grip over radial head. If instability present, STOP
Varus stress test for elbow
LCL stress. Do closed then open packed positions. Varus stress can cause pain at a dysfunctional or injured radial head.
Varus and Valgus stress test positives indicate
MCL or LCL sPrain (ligaments)
Soft tissue elbow stretches
Wrist extensor stretch and Wrist flexor stretch (on desk or table). Hold 10-12 sec.
What are Dr. Homack's two favorite thing?
Kittens and outcomes assessments.
When performing cross friction massage on extensor group, do not exceed patient's pain level of
5 or 6 out of 10. Spend 30-60 sec. Per area. After massage, have pt perform stretches. Cryotherapy okay
Web/Distal Humerus, forearm Grasp Pull; LAD (radiohumeral and ulnohumeral)
seated or standing. Doc grasp above carpals at styloids. WEB contact to humerus. Distract. Impulse LAD
Thumb/Radius push/ distal Forearm Grasp; P-A glide in pronation of the radial head
Looks just like Mill's test. Impulse would be be P-A. Remember to maintain wrist flexion
Thumb-Indes web/Proximal ULNA elbow in FLEXION; a-P glide of the ulna
Mid-Hypothenar/knife-edge contact. Pt elbow resting on doc knee up on table. Doc knife edge in cubital fossa, fulcrum wrist. Impulse proximal ULNA A-P
HAMMER twist for elbow
Mallet. Have pt attempt full 180 degrees. Can isolate to elbow by bending elbow to 90*. Repeatedly pronates and supinates forearm like Dynaflex.
3 muscles of snuff box
AEE Longus Brevis Longus: Abductor pollicis longus, Extensor pollicis brevis, Extensor pollicis longus APL/EPB/EPL
Where should you Tinel tap for CTS?
past the crease of the wrist
WRINGING TEST can demonstrate
pain in carpal tunnel or subluxation/dislocation of carpals due to a fracture
Where can the median nerve be entrapped? ******
under prox head of pronator teres, cubital fossa, and in carpal tunnel
Medial borders of carpal tunnel
pisiform and hook of hamate (borders of tunnel of Guyon and medial border of carpal tunnel)
Lateral borders of the carpal tunnel
tubercles of scaphoid (proximal) and trapezium (distal)
TINEL tap at carpal tunnel and tunnel of Guyon
Tap ONCE. Can also perform at ulnar groove/cubital tunnel. Really can be done wherever a peripheral nerve passes.
PHALEN's test
fail! Hands down. Max flex wrists and hold 30 sec. Diminishes size of carpal tunnel. + pain or paresthesia median n. CTS.
Pray you pass this exam. Hold 30 sec to stretch median n. in carpal tunnel. + pain or paresthesia median n. =CTS
Pt wrings out a rolled up towel. Pain thru Median n.=CTS. False positives for fx, TFCC sprain, arthritis
FLICK test/sign
Pt reports waking at night to shake out hand d/t tingling, pain or numbness. Highly correlated to CTS.
most frequent cumulative trauma disorder
Pulsating tingling at tunnel of Guyon
vascular structure putting pressure on a neurologic structure
De-innervation of digtal nerves test
Inability of fingers to wrinkle/prune/shrivel in water. Only evident w/in first few months of injury
Subluxation of radial head and carpals may cause
mechanical alteration of carpal tunnel, predisposing patient to CTS
2 parts: first both hands around distal ulna and radius. Squeeze. Sharp pain indicates arthritic djd, esp. RA. 2Nd part pt makes FIST, localizes pain.
If squeezing wrist during bracelet test relieves pain?
Diastatis of radioulnar joint. Speeder board and LAD
positive: incomplete index finger flexion, thumb spared = FLEXOR DIGITORUM MFTP. Positive: incomplete finger flexors of digits 2-4, SCALENE MFTP's
TFCC eval at ulnomeniscotriquetral structures
Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex: Thumb to pisiform, crooked index to ulnar styloid. Squeeze/pinch. Relief is positive for TFCC injury
TFCC ranges of motion evaluation
Grasp wrist and hand on either side of wrist crease: A-Pshear, P-A shear, Scaphoid shift test w/ doc thumb, Varus & Valgus. = ULNAR COLLATERAL ligament prob
TFCC. Face patient like slap hands game. Elbows at 90*. Doc provides resistance and pt tries to push upward. TFCC injury if pain local to ulnar side of wrist.
What test places the TFCC under load via posterior shear?
Supination lift test
Hand grip dynamomter for wrist
CTS: weakness or pain due to carpal tunnel. And first mm affected in CTS hand ins ABDUCTOR POLLICIS BREVIS, supplied by median n. after passes thru CT. If Median being compressed, the APB cannot provide base for fingers to work against when gripping dynamomter.. Weakness, pain, paresthesia.
soft tissue problem to d/dx from true CTS?
PTS Pronator Teres Syndrome
Soft tissue wrist stretch (new)
Thenar and hypothenar cross stretch. Interlace fingers and spread their palm, just like you did for 13 years as a massage therapist.
Transverse carpal ligament stretch is also called
the carpal tunnel stretch
Reinforced Hypothenar/Radius; M-L compression of distal radioulnar joint
Speeder board, distal ulna on drop piece.
Reinforced Thumbs/Carpal/ A-PO/P-A glide of individual carpals
any carpal; reinforced thumb. For adjustment, ask pt to lean back slightly. Extend slightly for either P-A or flex for A-P. Impulse STRAIGHT DOWN.
Bilateral Thenar/Proximal (or distal) Carpal row; A-P/P-A glide or tilt intercarpal joints
stand outside patient, encircle their wrist w/ a sandwich grip. Doc squeeze, carpals distract. Fingers will flex, extend and separate if done correctly.
Hand grasp pull w/ forearm stabilization/ LAD intercarpal joints
Same as elbow LAD but now hand crosses wrist. Traction. Small impulses may be given
Bimanual Palmar grasp/Hand w/ Axillary Stabilization manipulation for sustained LAD intercarpal joints
Stand to side of pt, grasp hand in both of yours, brace w/ your humerus against their bicep and traction. Lean back for further traction.
Thumb Index/Ulnomeniscotriquestral joint A-P glide
same intention to pinch pisiform to ulnar styloid. Pt stands away in High 5 position. Doc to side.
Rehab for wrists
COINS on backs of hands to create floating fingers while typing. Ice bucket -water and ice, pt goes through cardinal wrist motions. Limit 5-10 min.