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50 Cards in this Set

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People with anorexia have little body fat. They keep their body fat low by consuming how many calories each day
300-700 kcals/day
What are the 3 factors that make up the female athlete triad?
Eating disorders2) Menstrual cycle irregular3) Low bone mineral density
Common physical problems that can occur with anorexia nervosa
Women’s irregular menstrual cycle and infertility are effected by anorexia

Which of the following have the highest amount of water?

Tomato Oil Milk Cheese Answer: Tomato

For a person who lost 2 pounds after a workout how much water should he/she drink?

2 cups for each pound lost = 4 cups of water (32 oz)

Bottled water is always healthier than tap water


Why do water companies put fluoride in their water?

People of all ages need this mineral for bone health and prevention of tooth decay

List 4 risk groups for anorexia nervosa

Dieters2) Type 1 Diabetics3) Competitive athletes4) Dietetic Majors

Name and describe four eating disorders.

1)anorexia nervosa2) bulimia3) binge-eating disorder4) pica

Define binge eating

Rapid consumption of large amounts of food in a short period of time-lack of control or inability to stop

Explain pica and different types of pica:-geophagia-amylophagia-pagophagia

Pica – eating nonfood substances

Geo – eating dirt, mud, clay

Amylophagia – uncooked starches, laundry starch, flour, cornstarch

Pagophagia – an excessive amount of ice

What 2 carbohydrate sources should people avoid during a workout?
Fructose and galactose
What are some consequences of high water intake?
Headache, nausea, vomiting, seizure, coma and deathHow much
How much water should a man/woman drink a day?

Woman: 11 cupsMan: 15 cups

What % of a fruit/vegetable is water?


Only 3% of the earth’s water is fresh?


What two minerals act as electrolytes?

SodiumPotassiumAnd Chloride

What is the ideal percentage of carbohydrates in a sports drink?


How many calories are in a pound of fat?

3500 kcals

Which type of fat is most dangerous to health?

Visceral fat – around the abdomenSubcutaneous fat – underneath the skin

List the fat soluble vitamins

Vitamins A,D,E and K

How many calories in a gram of fat?Be able to calculate calories of fat in a food item

9 kcals/gramExample:Food contains 25 grams of fat, how many calories of fat in the food?25 grams x 9 kcals/g = 225

What category of vitamins require fat for absorption?

Fat soluble vitamins

Name a good source of EPA and DHA

Fish and Shellfish

What are the two basic types of vitamins?

Water and fat soluble vitamins

True or False: All supplements are regulated and tested for safety by the FDA.


Name the vitamins that act as an antioxidant

Vitamin C, A and E

Trans fats are made by a process called hydrogenation


Trans fat raise blood cholesterol levels more than any other type of fat.


Define bioavailability

The amount of a nutrient consumed that is available for absorption and use by the body

What organ produces cholesterol?


What diet is a good source of healthy fats?

Mediterranean Diet

Describe the role of fat in the body

-provides energy

-contributes to energy reserves in the body-carries the essential fatty acids/fat soluble vitamins

-increases the flavor and palatability of foods

Calculate BMI=Weight in pounds(height in inches)x height in inches x 703

Example: Sarah weighs 150 lb and is 5’4”150 x 703 = 25.764 x 64

Know BMI categoriesWhat category does Sarah fall into?Underweight? Healthy weight?overweight?obese?

Underweight = < 18.5 kg/m2Healthy weight = 18.5-24.9Overweight = 25 – 29.9Obese >30

Name 2 sources of complete proteins

milk and egg

Definition of complete proteins vs incomplete proteins

Complete – contains all essential amino acids

Incomplete – missing at least one of the amino acids

What are the building blocks of proteins?

Amino acids

Define kwashiorkor

Protein – energy malnutrition disease

Healthy waist circumference for men and women?

Men less than 40”Women less than 35”

Name 4 causes of obesity

1) Poor diet2) Physical inactivity3) Environmental exposures4) Genetic background

What gender is related to a pear shaped body type?Apple shaped?

apple shape-men

pear shape-women

What are some of the red flags for false advertisement on a weight loss product?

1) Use before and after pictures2) Promise rapid weight loss3) Money back guarantee

What is the most effective method for weight loss and maintenance?

Gastric bypass surgery

Define bariatric surgery

A method of last resort for people with BMI over 40 or BIs 35-40 with serious weight-related problems

What agency do you report fraudulent claims about dietary supplements/weight loss products?

The Federal Trade Commission

What are the 2 types of pills on the market in the US currently approved for weight loss

Sibutramine and Orlistat

Name different ways to assess body fat/muscle mass in people

1) Skinfold calipers2) Bioelectrical impedence3) DEXA scan4) Bodpod5) Hydrostatic weighing

How many pounds per week of weight loss is determined to be safe and healthy?

Up to 2 lbs/week

Explain the difference between monounsaturated fats, saturated fats and polyunsaturated fats

Saturated fats: carbon chain saturated with hydrogen ions (all single bonds); solid at room temperature, animal products

Monunsaturated: contain one double bond, liquid at room temperature

Polyunsaturated – contain two or more double bonds; include omega 3 fatty acids and omega 6 fatty acids