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111 Cards in this Set

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noncombustible residue remaining after a measured sample of food is burned at 600 C for 120 min.
How do you determine ash?
by calculating the residue as a percentage of the original sample ex. 50 g sample ash is 3.5g, 7%
4 essential minerals ash contains?
is ash content required on pet food labels?
excessive ash content has been implicated in ________ in cats
FUS (feline urological syndrome) or FLUTD (feline lower urinary tract disease)
Calcium and Phosporous are necessary for..?
normal bone development, provide rigidity for bones and teeth, aid in blood coagulation, needed for nerve excitability
a proper ratio of ____ &____ is necessary to achieve normal ____ & ____.
calcium & phosphorus
growth & development
Bone is composed of?
bone matrix. containing: calcium, phosphorous, carbonate, citrate, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride, fluoride, & trace elements
rise in ____ give rise to ___ which are bone forming cells
elastic semihard tissue covering the surface of the bone. permits smooth motion & deminishes friction.
The ___ is a temporary cartilage formation which grows by multiplying its ____ ____.
own cells
Where does bone growth take place?
epiphyseal-diaphyseal plate
"closing of the epiphysis" is what ?
occurs when?
the junction is replaced by calcified bone
age 1
Phosphorous from animal source? plant source?
what is an excellent source of calcium and phosphorus to pets?
bone meal
Nutritional Secondary Hyperparathyroidism
NSH results in a _____ or _____ of bones due to failure of the bone matrix to ____.
this formation of bone matrix takes place but what is low and what fails to calcify?
calcium is low in supply and bone fails to calcify
this condition occurs in what kind of animals?
ones who are fed an all meat diet during their growth stage.
what does this condiditon result in?
weight-bearing skeletal deformities and folding or compression fractures.
Hypertrophic Osteodystrophy?
young, rapid grwowing dos of large or giant breed variety. pain and soft tissue swelling usually around the distal radius, ulna and tibia, lameness and varying degrees of fever, lethargy and anorexia.
Canine Hip displasia?
genetic problem, small acetabulum, a mishapen femoral head.
Canine hip displasia causes?
lameness and pain in the joints
#1 dog affected by it?
English bull dog
Animals under_____ can remove the ____ ____ and will do fine. in larger animals a ____ ____ can be done.
femoral head
hip replacement
Degenerative joint disease?
pen-fed young bulls, lameness atrophy of the muscles of the hip and hind limb
Thought to be _____ but can be made worse by a diet high in ______ and low in _____ but is dense in _____ so that the bull has a high body weight is growing fast.
Rickets (osteomalacia)?
(soft bones) young growing animals, caused by deficiency in phosphorus and Vitamin D.
The bones fail to ____ which results in a ____ appearance of the legs and swollen joints.
Parurient Paresis
Hypocalcemia and hypophosphatemia in cattle following calving. unable to rise.
enclapsia-dogs. lactation tetany-mares.
Parathyroid Hormone?
PTH, produced by the parathyroid gland, necessary for moving calcium from the bone. prevents having continual bone growth.
produced by the thyroid gland, which inhibits bone resorption.
Vitamin D?
(sun) functions as a hormone. promotes intestinal calcium absorption. calcium absorption occurs in the small intestine, mainly the duodenum and the jejunum.
use in fundamental enzymatic reactions, especially the use of amino acids and fatty acids for energy.
Where does magnesium absoption occur?
small intestines
what all affect magnesium absorption?
calcium, phosporous, calcitonin, and parathyroid hormone
deficincy in magnesium in puppies causes?
depression, incoordination, muscular weakness, hyperextension of forepaw, droopiness of ears & tail.
Mg deficiency in cats causes?
muscular weakness, hyperirratibility, convulsions, reduced food intake & poor growth.
excess Mg in cats?
has been associated with FUS
Hypomagnesemia (grass tetany, grass staggers)
cattle, during spring (lush & green pastures) eat only top of grass that has been heavily fertilized. Mg levels are low. Nitrogen fertilizer inhibits Mg absorption.
Or calves fed strictly milk diet
ataxia, possible seizures, could lapse into a coma, then death.
Sodium, Chloride, & Potassium are?
Fluid regulators
electrolytes (when dissolved into water dissasociates into electrically charged ions and is capable of conducting an electrical current)
What do they do?
help to maintain the balance between fluids inside& outside the cell.
Sodium is?
an essential element of plasma and other extracellular fluids.
What does Na help do?
aid in the transfer of nutrients & the removal of wastes from the cell. Also produces bile, which is important in the digestion of fats & carbs. Excess is excreted by the Kidney.
Chloride is needed for?
the formation of hydrochloric acid in the gastic juices, which is used to digest protein. It is excreted in the urine.
Causes of NaCl deficiency?
prolonged & severe diarrhea, vomiting, & adrenal cortical insufficency.
Signs of NaCl deficiency are?
fatigue, exhaustion, inability to maintain water balance, decreased water intake, retarted growth, dryness of skin, & loss of hair.
NaCl excess can occur wit hwater deprivations signs are?
thirst, pruritis, constipation, anorexia, seizures, and death.
Potassium is needed for?
proper enzyme, muscle, nerve function, fluid balance, & apetite. It is absorbed in the small and large intestine.
K signs of deficiency?
poor growth, restlessness, muscular paralysis, dehydration, lesions in the heart & kidney.
K deficiency can be caused by?
chronic diarrhea, vomiting, starbation or diabetes mellitus.
High levels of K have been known to affect what?
the absorption of Mg.
Most nutritional deficiences are unheard of due to?
supplementation in pet foods.
combined with large protein molecule makes hemoglobin, which is the iron containing compound in red blood cells.
Fe is needed in?
transporting oxygen & enzymes in energy utilization.
Fe is absorbed in?
the small intestines. it is rapid, appearing in the red blood cells in about 4 hrs after ingestion.
what is the larges utilization of Fe?
the formation of red blood cells, hemopoiesis
What is a result in deficiency of Fe?
anemia. symptoms include: reduced appetite, diarrhea, rough hair coat, increases suceptability to disease.
What can anemia be caused by?
hereditary, pathological, or nutritional origins.
When is nutritional anemia more likely to occur?
in the young during suckling period.
____ is extremely low in iron source.
The ____of the newborn does have a supply of ____ which normally lasts through to weaning but may not do to ____ _____ in the dam.
nutritional deficiencies
How do we test for anemia?
PCV test, find out % of RBC's microhematocrit tube fill with blood, put into centrifuge. use chemistry/blood analyzer
bone marrow fails to produce essential blood elements. Does not respond to anti-anemia therapies.
caused by shortened life span of RBC & the bone marrow inability to compensate for the decreased life span.
reduction in hemoglobin & increased area of central palor in the RBC.
varying degrees of erythrocyte under development.
due to the absence of RBC due to parasite ingestion.
PCV or Microhematocrit in most species (average)?
commone in natural feedstuffs, body has inability to absorb, most commercial pet foods are supplemented.
Zinc Deficiencies?
hypsogonadism (small genitals), skeletal deformities, corneal lesions, & impaired immune response.
occurs in the body; liver, & bones.
essential 4 normal reproduction.
what interferes with the absorbtion of manganese?
excessive calcium & phosphorous.
is manganese supplemented in commercial pet foods?
Manganese is found essential in ___ utilization & be involved in the ___of___. IT is also involved in the production of____, and it is one of the ____ clotting factors.
production of insulin
used for mobilizing iron for hemoglobin synthesis.
Iron is used for maturation of?
collagen, pigmentation of hair, neural transmission
where's copper absorbed?
stomach &upper small intestine.
where's copper stored?
liver, kidney, & brain.
Copper deficiency in cat?
decreased plasma & connective tissue defects in the aorta.
Copper deficiency in dog?
dwarfing & skeletal malformations(hereditary)in the Alaskan Malemute.
What breeds have genetic predisposition to copper toxicity?
Bedlington terriers, west highland white, dobermans, & cocker spaniel
High copper levels in the liver but serum concentrations low is called?
Bedlington Terrier copper associated hepatopathy or copper storage disease.
copper deficiency in ruminants?
may cause anemia & central nervous system disorder.
aka: enzootic ataxia, swayback, falling disease.
Has copper deficiencies been reported in pigs?
required in growth factor. toxin.
selenium deficiency?
etiological agent in myopathies.
selenium toxicity?
characterized by garlic oder to breath.
Selenium & _______ go hand & hand?
Vitamin E
(need each other to function)
Most common disease associated with selenium deficiency?
White muscle disease or enzootic Muscular dystrophy
in calves, lambs, & foals.
signs of selenium deficiency?
dysphea, frothy nasal discharge, irregular heart rate.
usually in young animals
Mulberry Heart Disease affects?
What other disease may occur in pigs?
Hepatosis dietetica, degenerative disease of the liver.
-massive hepatic necrosis & sudden death are the clinical signs.
Have any occurances been reported in cats?
Where can selenium be found?
High protein sources such as wheat or soy.
Selenium toxicity is?
due to overconsumption, usually by ruminants.
what are the symptoms?
listlessness, hairloss, soreness or sloughing of hooves, lameness, cardiac atrophy.
acute toxicity can cause?
blindness, abdominal pain, respiratory arrest.
is for synthesis of 2 hormones produced by the thyroid gland. the hormones are necessary for regulation of cell oxidation.
Natural feeds normally do not contain enough _____ to meet the bodies requirements so it is _______ __________.
normally supplemented
deficiency in cats?
goiter, alopecia, abnormal calcium metabolism & death.
deficiency in dogs?
goiter, skeletal deformities, alopecia, lethargy, timidity.
Trace mineral
component in vitamin B12. deficiency is unlikely if adequate B12 is in the diet.
Trace mineral
no levels established for domestic animals. food source: rice, legumes, oats, most vegestables.
trace mineral
occurs in the amino acids cystine & methinonine, no levels set.
trace mineral
important in the formation of uric acid. toxicity signs: chronic diarrhea, ill-thrift, depigmentation of hair.
trace mineral
essential to fertility & immune system.
trace mineral
important 2 bone mineralization. essential
Trace mineral
essential 2 metabolism of carbs. may be relate 2 the onset of daibetes mellitus in primates.
trace mineral
necessary for bones & teeth.