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83 Cards in this Set

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Which nutrients supply energy?
Carbs, protein and lipids (fats)
Which nutrients are needed to regulate body processes?
vitamins, minerals and water
Carbs and protein supply how many calories?
Fats supply how many calories?
Basal metabolism
Energy required to carry on the invol. activities of the body at rest; the energy needed to sustain the metabolic activities of cells and tissues and to maintain body processes.
How to calculate basal metabolic rate for men and women
men 1 calories/kg of body wt per hour. women .9 cal/kg per hour.
What increases BMR?
growth, infection, fever,emotional tension or stress, extreme environment temperatures, elevated epinephrine and thyroid hormones.
What decreases BMR?
aging, prolonged fasting and sleep.
calculate ideal body wt
female= 100 pound for 5 foot, plus 5 pd for each inch. males= 106 for 5 ft and 6 pounds for each inch
kg/ meters squared pounds/ inches squared x 703
below 18.5
25 to 29.9
30 greater
extreme obesity
40 greater
sugars starches , organic compounds composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. serve as structural framework of plants. Only animal source of cab is lactose or "milk sugar"
if muscle or liver glycogen stores are deficient, glucose is convered to glycogen and stored.
glycogen is broken down in time of need to supply a ready source of glucose.
how to prevent ketosis
at least 50 to 100 g of carbs are needed daily to prevent ketosis (abnormal accumulate of ketone bodies that is freq assoc with acidosis.
RDA carbs
45 to 65% of total calories, in the form of complex carbs.
RDA protein
10 to 20% of total caloric intake
95% of lipids; predominant form of fat in food and major storage form of fat in the body.
remaining 5% of lipids
compound (phosphoipids, lipid + another substance) derived lipids (cholesterol)
saturated fats
contain more hydrogen. animal fats, solid consistency @ room temp. raise serum cholesterol levels.
unsat fats
veg fats, liquid @ room temp, referred as oils, lower serum cholesterol levels.
trans fat
when manuf partially hydogenate liquid oilds, become more solid and stable. raises serum cholesterol.
fatlike substance found only in animal products. NOT essential nutrient, body makes plenty. imp for cell membranes, abundant in brain and nerve cells. syn bile acids and precursor of steroid H and vit. D. high level raises risk of artherosclerosis.
fiber intake does what?
increases fecal excretion of cholesterol.
Fat is
most conc source of energy in the diet. 9 cal/gram. high satiety value b/c delays gastric emptying time. aids in absorp of fat sol vitamins A D E K
organic compound sneeded in small amounts; active in the form of coenzymes, facilitate chemical reactions in body.
B-complex (water sol)
ascorbic acid, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, biotin pantothetnic acid, folate and cobalamin.
water sol
not stored in body, excess excreted via urine. not likely to become toxic, but megadoses can be harmful. absorbed thru intestinal wall directly into bloodstream
excessive intake
of vit A and D is toxic.
inorganic found in all body fluids and tissues in the form of salts (nacl) or combines with organic compounds (iron in hemoglobin)
calcium, phosphorus, sulfar, sodium, chloride, potassium and magnesium
trace elements <100, iron, zinc, manganese, chromium, copper, molybdenum, selenium, fluoride and iodine. alos, arsenic, boron, nickel silicon, cobal and vandium (no est. rda for these)
mcg. aluminum, lithium, nickel, silicon, tin and vandium. very low qualities and essentiality in uncertain.
being 20% above ideal weight.
when birth wt. doubles
in 4 to 6 months
when birth wt. triples
by age 1.
when solid foods are introduced
4-6 months of age, introduce new foods one at a time for a period of 5 to 7 days.
loss of sweet and salty tase
between 55 and 59 yo
alcohol abuse increases need for what?
Need for vitamin B, used to metabolize alcohol. alcy impairs nutrient storage, increasing nutrient catabolism and increasing nutrient excretion.
ways that nutrient metabolism can be altered by drugs
Change ph of GI tract; increase GI motility; damage intestinal mucosa; bind with nutrients making them unusable
morons do not eat/use
coffee, tea, alcohol and limit meat consumption
hindus do not eat
beef, b/c cows are sacred
special meal prep, no intake of pork and shellfish
screen for warning signs of poor nutrition. Disease, Eating poorly, Tooth loss/mouth pain, Economic hardship, Reduced social contact, Multiple meds, Invol. weight loss/gain,Needs assistance, Elder above 80yo
24 hour food recall
relies on memory and may not be reliable information
food diary/calorie count
specified period, usually 3 to 7 days
diet hx
24 hr recall+ food diary + food freq+ interview questions
triceps skin-fold
measure of subcutaneous fat
midarm circumference
measure of skeletal muscle
midarm muscle circum
measure of both skeletal muscle mass and fat stores
how to measure protein status
measuring serum albumin and transferrin and by a total lymphocyte count.
serum albumin
good indicator of a pt nutritional status a few weeks prior to when the bloood is drawn and can help i.d. chronic nutrition problems. overhydration = low level. dehydration very high level.
prealbumin levles
indicate ST nutritional status and used to detect daily changes in a pts protein status. decreased =protein depletion, malnutrition. normal is 23-43
clear liq
clear @ room or body temp- gleatin, broth, bouillion, ice pops, clear juices, carb bev. reg/decaff coffee and tea
full liq
milk/milk drinks, puddings, custards, plain frozen desserts, past. eggs, cereal gruels, veg juices.
NO high fiber/fat and highly seasonsed. bland or low-fiber diet.No gas forming foods, i.e. cabbage/brocolli. No coarse breads/cereals. may be used LT, adequate in calories/nutrients used after surgery or with gi distress, trans between liquid and reg. diet.
mech. soft
limited chewing ability. chopped, mashed and pureed. NO raw fruits/veg. No seeds nuts or dried fruit. reg. diet with mod for texture. after neck/head/mouth surgery.
ST nutritional support
NG, NI tube. less than 6 weeks.
LT nutritional support
PEG tube, LPGD (active, children)
dumping syndrome
overdistention of the SI, causes distention, N/V/D cramping and lightheadedness., caused by intermittient or bolus feedings.
hydrolyzed formulas
contain proteins and other nutrients in simple forms that require little or no digestion, used in pts with impaired digestion or absorption.
highly conc, hypertonic nutrient solution, provides calories, restores nitrogen balance and replaces essential fluids, vitamins, electrolytes, minerals and trace elements.
less conc nutrient solution sometimes rxd for pts who are able to take oral feedings but not enough to meet nutritional levels. thru a periperal vein, they cant tolerate highly conc sol, so PPN isn't as nutrient dense as tpn. PPN isotonic. low conc of dextrose and and amino acids. fewer calories and supplement a pts inadequate oral intake. 10% glucose.
hypertonic, proteins, carbs and fats, electrolytes, vitamins and trace elements, do not stop suddently. 25% gluclosed. monitor bgls.
if stop parenteral nutrition
admins a 5 or 10% dextrose sol to prevent hypoglycemia.
provide energy, spare protein and prevent ketosis
cellulse/ water-insoluble fibers
whole wheat, veg/fruit skins, cabbage, peas, green beans, brocolli, peppers carrots. absorb water to increase fecal bulk; decrease intestinal transit time; nondigestable and are excreted, help relieve constipation, excess can cause gas, distention and diarrhea.
water soluble fibers
oat bran and oatmeal, begs, prunes, pears apples, ban, oranges, slow gastric emptying, lower serum cholesterol, delay glucose absorption, help improve glucose tolerance in diabetics.
nuts, whole milk and milk produces, butter, oils, salad dressings, high fat meats, provide energy, structure. Reduce to 30% or less of total calories.
Vitamin K
dark, green leafy vegs. nec for blood clotting, def causes hemorrhagic disease of newborn, delayed blood clotting. excess cause hemolytic anemia and liver damage with synthetic vitamin K.
Vitamin D
sunlight, milk, fish liver oils, helps metab calcium and phosphorus, stim calcium absorption, def causes rickets, retarded bone growth and malformation. excess causes renal calculi, n, headache, exc calc of bones.
organ meats and seafood. nec for protein metab and formation of heme portion of hemoglobin. def causes pernicious anemia (lack of intrinsic factor)
pyridoxine, yeast, ban, cantaloupe, brocolli spinach. coenzyme in protein, fat, carb metabolism. def causes microcytic anemia, cns problems, excess causes difficulty walking, numbness of hands and feet.
vit E
veg oils, wheat germa nd whole grain products. antioxidant protects vit a, heme synthes. def causes increased rbc hemolysis and macrocytic anemia in premature infants, excess causes fatigue, diarrhea and enhance action of anticoagulant meds.
vit A
liver, carrots, egg yolk, fortified milk, visual acuity in dim light, form skin and mucous membranes, immune function. def causes night blindness, rough skin and no bone growth. excess causes anorexia, loss of hair, dry skin, bone pain, vomiting, birth defects.
albumin does what with age?
declines with age.
hemoglobin does what with age?
part of aging process, declines.
For healthy CNS
B-complex vitamins, thiamin, niacin, B6 and B12.
For healthy bones
Vit D, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.
Need ? g of fiber...
25 for women, 38 for men