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86 Cards in this Set

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The properties of copper that make it suitable for enzyme catalysis

*can exist in multiple oxidation states

*part of many redox reactions

-redox role in iron metabolism

-pro-oxidant in cu2+ state

Copper functions

Key role in several enzymes involved with:

1. iron metabolism (ceruloplasmin/ferroxidases)

2. antioxidant activity (Cu/Zn SOD)

3. Energy production (cytochrome c oxidase)

4. connective tissue formation (lysyl oxidase)

5. melanin synthesis (tyrosine oxidase)

6. neurotransmitter syn/metab

7. myelin formation

Gene expression regulation


The copper transport protein

-also functions as ferroxidase

1. needed for transferrin to pick up and transport iron

2. Ferroxidase oxidizes iron so can be picked up by transferrin

*infection and inflamm increases copper in blood*

Copper role in iron transport

acts as a ferroxidase to oxidize iron to be picked up by transferrin

Copper antioxidant/immune function

1. Part of Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase

-plays catalytic role

2. part of neutrophils and t-cell production/proliferation

Cytochrome C oxidase

1. Energy metabolism

-electron transfer to reduce oxygen to water

2. important in myelin formation

-copper def can cause nerve damage

Additional Functions

1. Connective tissue- crosslinks collagen for bone and blood vessels

2. Pigmentation- cu needed for melanin syn

3. neurotransmitter syn- Norepinephrine

Copper absorption

some in stomach

Most in SI:

1. uptake across brush border membrane via carrier mediated transport

-uses CTR1 and DMT1

*CTR1 transporter copper must be reduced to 1+ form (some)

*DMT-1 transporter coupled with H+ or in 2+ form (most)

2. intracellular transport

-ATOX1 takes copper to ATP7A

3. ATP7A Export across plasma membrane

Copper transport in blood

1. Cu loosely bound to albumin and transported to liver

2. incorporated into ceruloplasmin in liver

3. ceruloplasmin in blood releases copper to cells

Copper storage/excretion

1. Copper enters cells through CTR1 as free metal

-within cells bound to CCS, AAs, or GSH

*NO STOARGE POOL Liver is closest thing

2. excreted through biles in feces

-cell slough

-more excreted when high intake

Metallothionien and copper

Regulates intestinal copper absorption

-intracellular protein that binds copper and blocks transcellular transport

-role to safely store metal ions

-protects cells by scavenging O2 radicals

*more expression when high levels of metals

-if NOT NEEDED lost when enterocyte sloughs off!

Regulatory mechanisms


1. regulates intestinal copper absorp

2. lost with intestinal cells if not absorbed


1. copper incorporated into CP sent to blood

2. can store cu in small amt in metallothi

3. amt excreted in bile influenced by intake levels

Copper sources






bran/germ layer

copper bioavailability

absorb 50-70% oc copper

absoprtion influenced by intake

enhanced: AA and organic acids

decreased: phytates, excess Ca intake, vit. C presence

*high dose of Zn supplement can lead to Cu deficiency

copper assessment

1. serum copper

2. ceruloplasmin levels-

3. Activity of RBC Cu/Zn SOD- can detect long term def.

copper deficiency

-zinc supplements can cause def, patietns on TPN

*can cause anemia unresponsive to iron treatment, impaired immunity, hypopigmentation

-condition called Menke's Syndrome

Menke's Syndrome

-mutation in gene coding for ATP7A, cu cant leave cell

-characterized by kinky hair and cerebral degeneration

-rarely caught early hard to detect

*low levels of Cu in blood, brain, and liver

high in intestine spleen kidney

Wilson's Disease

-mutation in gene coding for ATP7B

defect in ability to secrete Cu in bile and build up in liver and brain, hepatic cirrhosis and neurological effects

-see cu accum in eye (Kayser-Fleisher rings)

Treatment: reduce Cu intake, chielation therapy, oral zinc supple

Copper deficiency signs


Skeletal, dermal, vascular defects


CNS disorders

Zinc properties that make it suitable for enzyme catalysis


-flexible coordination that is ideal for enzyme active sites

-not redox sensitive

-electron acceptor

3 types of roles for zinc

1. catalytic

2. structural

3. regulatory

Catalytic roles of zinc

Key enzymatic reactions:

1.respiration (carbonic anhydrase)- gets rid of CO2

2. energy metabolism (fructose 16BP)

3. protein digestion (peptidases)

4. bone formation (alkaline phosphatase)

5. RNA polymerases

6. collagenases

7. heme biosynthesis

8. folate metabolism (polyglutamate hydratase)

Structural and regulatory roles of zinc

1. Zinc fingers (MTF1)

2. antioxidant defense

1. phospholipase C

Other important roles of zinc

1. component of gustin- taste

2. gonad development

3. skin integrity

Zinc digestion and absorption


-hydrolysis from AA or nucleic acids in stomach

A (depends on level of intake:

1. Transcellular- carrier mediated

-brought into cell via ZIP4 and ZNT5 (ZIP4 affected by dietary intake, more with def)

-ZNT1 carries out of cell regulated by metallothionien

2. paracellular- diffusion through tight junctions (not regulated)

Metallothionien and zinc

-zinc levels regulated in intestine by this

-zinc binding protein produced in response to high zn levels (blocks transcellular movement)

more on metallothionien regulation

1. Zn levels regulated at intestinal level

-MT produced in response to high zn

-zn stronger inducer than copper

2. no real stoarge site for zn

-MT can bind 7 atoms of zn or copper

-induced in liver or pancreas

-MT levels greatly increased by need

-Hepatic MT induced by inflammatory cytokines

How is Metallothionien induced

1. via MTF1

2. promoter in region bound to MTI

3. when zn avail=MTI (zn sensitive inhibitor) dissociation- this allows MTF1 to bind to metal response element

4. transcription of metallothionien gene

Zinc transport

1. travels from intestine to liver via albumin

2. transferred to a2-macroglubulin in liver(40%) or stays on albumin

3. transport to endothelial cells- mostly via albumin endocytosis

4. released in cell cytosol and bound to zinc binding proteins

genetic zinc transport disorders

Acrodermatitis enteropathica

-impaired zinc absorption and transport

-mutation of gene that codes for ZIP4

-causes slow growth, rashes, impaired wound healing, night blindness, immun sys def.

Zinc excretion

-zn recycling similar to iron

1.mostly lost through fece- pancreatic secretions

2. can be actively secreted if needed

-transporters for export upregulated when high zn in blood

-ZIP5 from blood to enterocyte, ZNT6 from enterocyte into lumen

some urinary loss

Zinc sources




zinc bioavailability

about 20% absorbed (more from animal products)

heat reduces bioavailability

Enhanced: AA and organic acids

inhibited: phytates, oxalates, fibers, polyphenols, divalent cations (Ca)

Zinc nutrient interactions


-zinc increases production of MT

-MT has higher affintity for Cu than Zn(will bind cu and hinder abs)

Vitamin A:

-zinc needed for retinol to retinal conversion

-zinc needed for liver syn of RBP


-increases intestinal zinc losses

Def observed with decreased levels of transport proteins

Zinc Assessment

1. Serum zinc- does not change unless extreme def

Fasting- increases flood zn

infection- decreases blood zinc (liver uptakes zn)

2. acute phase proteins- CRP to see if decrease d/t infection or increased need

3. hair- long tern status

Zinc deficiency symptom

nonspecific- loss of appetite, dermatitis, alopecia, poor growth, night blindness, diarrhea

1. impaired taste acuity

2. impaired immune function and wound healing

3. decrease in retinol mobilization form liver

4. decreased work capacity from muscles(resp)

Zinc toxicity

gi distress, nausea, diziness

chronic large oral doses: decreased immune function, reduced copper status, Lower HDL cholesterol

*beware of zinc lozenges and denture cream

Iron chemistry

free iron is toxic- extra OH-, complexed with proteins

key roles of iron

O2 metabolism

electron transfer

immune function

cognitive performance

iron containing proteins

1. Heme proteins

-hemoglobin (delivers 02)

-myoglobin (O2 reservoir in muscle)

-oxygenases, peroxidases

-ETC components (cytochromes)

2. Iron sulfur cluster proteins

-Aconitase, succinate dehydrogenase, NADH dehydrogenase

3. Iron containing enzymes (nonheme)

-mononuclear (hydroxylases, syn of carnitine, tyrosine, dopamine, etc.)

-dinuclear (ribonucleotide reductase)

Heme proteins

1. Fe2+ protoporphyrin IX: can bind 02 (goes up in iron deficiency)

2. Hemoglobin:

-Fe+protoporphyrin = heme

-4 hemes + globin = hemoglobin

-delivers O2 to tissues, binds in lungs

-returns CO2 to lungs

More heme proteins

1. Cytochrome P450

-detoxifies and makes substrates water soluble

(most cytochromes give electrons, don't transfer O2 like cytochrome C oxidase)

2. Peroxidase (catalase)

-rids peroxides

Iron-sulfur cluster proteins

-either 2Fe-2S or 4Fe-4S centers

-Role in enzyme reaction catalysis

-role in electron transfer reaction (NADH,succinate dehyd)

-iron sensing proteins (Aconitase)

*when enough Fe present, cluster intact. When Fe low, Aconitase inactive and acts as IRP*

Other non-heme containing proteins

1. monooxigenases and dioxygenases

-insert oxygen atoms into substrates

*require substrate, Fe2+, and iron reducing agent like Vit. C

-ex: tryptophan hydroxylase

Iron Storage

1. Ferritin- primary storage form

-apoferritin: w/o iron, soluble yet biologically available, iron stored as Fe3+(by ferroxidase)

-Hemosiderin: also hold iron, mostly during overload, fe less available here

Iron transport

1. Transferrin- main transporter

-made in liver, high affinity for Fe3+

-stays about 1/3 saturated

2. transferrin receptors

-affintity for TF proportional to degree of saturation

-homodimer, disulfide bridge

-each receptor can bind 2 Fe

Transferrin Cycle

1. Take in TF and receptor in a vesicle

2. Acidify it and iron released from transferrin

3. Iron put into mitochondria or ferritin

4. transferrin receptor released back to surface

Regulation of Iron

1. transcription level- some (Tf, TfR)

2. Post-transcriptional level- most

-IRE (iron response elements) in mRNA of ferritin, TfR, IREG1

-IRP (iron regulating protein) only bind IRE when LOW iron

-ferritin and IRE binds > blocks ferritin syn

Iron digestion/absorption

-Absorb 10-15%, when low stores, absorb more

Heme: absorbed intact by endocytosis after globin cleavage

-heme oxygenase releases ferrous iron from heme in cell (RLS)

Nonheme: needs to be reduced to be absorbed

-iron binds DMT1 and enters cell

-exported out of cell by IREG1 (ferroportin)

-oxidized by hephaestin to 3+

-loaded onto transferrin or stored as ferritin in cell

Rate limiting step in iron absorption

Heme oxygenase releases ferrous iron from heme inside cell

*heme iron absorption

Non-heme iron abs reduced by

phytic/oxalic acid


high doses of 2+ charge ions like Cu or Ca

high body iron stores

low stomach acidity

Non-heme iron abs increased by

acidic pH

free AA (glu,asp)

Organic acids

low iron status

meat factor

Iron excretion

Not much excretion

conserved and recycled well by RBCs

1. RBC goes to liver after 120 days

2. iron removed from heme by heme oxygenase

3. rest of heme to billirubin and to bile for excretion

biggest iron pool

heme in hemoglobin

Additional reg of iron metab

Hepcidin- made by liver

acts on enterocytes and macrophages

-holds onto iron and doesnt let leave cell

*inflamm increases hepcidin so iron doesnt leave cell

Iron assessment

1. Storage

-ferritin: relative to body stores, most sensitive because only decreased with iron def., but not specific

2. Functional

-Soluble TfR: BEST shows TfR presence

-total and % sat of transferrin

-RBC volume and Free protoporphyrin: late

3. Anemia- Hb finally effected, not good indicator alone

4. total iron binding capacity

-better for positive iron balance

Iron Deficiency Causes

insufficient intake

inadequate absorption

excess iron loss

increased need (pregnancy)

defective release of stores

malabsorptive disorders

Why fatigue in iron def?

many parts of energy metabolism need iron

Iron toxicity

fatigue, organ failure, bronzing, multiple organ failure


uncontrolled iron absorption

-mutated gene inhibits transferrin to TfR

Vitamin B6 vitamers



PL > PLP *Active form of B6

Functions of B6

1. Transamination reactions

2. Decarboxylation reactions

3. 1 carbon metabolism

4. CHO metabolism (glycogen phosphorylase)

5. heme synthesis

6. Conversion of tryptophan to niacin


catalyzed by PLP-dependent aminotransferase

1. Amino acid is taken off and bound to PLP (schiff base) leaving ketacid and pmp

2. a different a-keto acid reacts with PMP and process reverse

B6 as coenzyme

catalyzes reaction for conversion of serine to glycine

B6 and heme synthesis

Needed for rate limiting step of heme sythesis

B6 and synthesis of Niacin

The synthesis of niacin from tryptophan requires B6

-60:1 ratio of tryptophan to niacin

B6 sources

PN- plant foods

PM, PL- animal foods


starchy veg

noncitrus fruit



B6 absorption

through passive diffusion by carriers

sent to liver

transported as PLP in blood bound to albumin

dephos then aborbed them phosd again

B6 storage/excretion

stored in liver

excreted in urine

*always dephosd before crossing membranes

*PNP and PMP can be converted to PLP via pyridoxine phosphate oxidase

B6 assessment

Plasma PLP- best test

xanthurenic acid excretion- higher in urine in def

folate coenzyme form

THF- tetrahydrofolate

Folate functions

1. amino acid metabolism

2. nucleotide synthesis (purine/pyrimidine)

Folate metabolism


1. reduction of pterin moiety

2. addition of glutamates

3. acquisition and oxidation/reduction of 1 carbon units at the N-5 or N-10 positions

Folate forms

1. THF

2. 5-methyl THF

3. 5,10 methylene THF

Folate key pathways for AA and nucleic acid metabolism

1. Serine to glycine pathway

-yields 5,10 methylene THF

2. Methylene pathway: Homocysteine to methionine *requires B12

-uses 5-methyl THF to regenerate THF

3. Histidine catabolism: histidine to glutamate depends on THF

-produces FIGLU for folate status assessment

4. Thymidilate pathway

-requires 5,10 methylene THF

folate and glycine metabolism

5,10 methylene THF required for

-serine to glycine

-glycine degredation

Folate and neurotransmitters

needed for choline to be converted to acetylcholine

Folate and Methionine resynthesis

1. B12 converts 5-methyl THF to THF

-5 methyl THF used for methionine

2. THF can be converted to 5,10 methylene THF

-this is used for nucleic acid syn and serine syn

3. 5,10 methylene THF is converted to 5 methyl THF which is a methyl donor

*Without B12 methyl groups stuck> METHYL FOLATE TRAP (THF cannot be regenerated)

Folate transport

-delivered to cells as 5-methyl THF

stored and used as THF

folate bioavailability

syn- 85-100%

foods- about 50%

*conjugase inhibitors

Dietary Folate Equivalents

d/t diff in bioavailability of both forms

Folate toxicity


gi distress


foalte assessment

serum folate- recent intake

RBC folate- folate stores

plasma homocysteine levels


2 enzymatic reactions that require B12

1. methionine synthase- homo to methion

2. methylmalonyl coa mutase


via transcobalamin

*B12 in methylcobalamin in blood

b12 source

micro org