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48 Cards in this Set

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List the water soluble vitamins
Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, Folate, Pantothenic Acid, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C
List vitamins that have deficiencies names and include the name of the deficiency.
Thiamine- Beriberi
Riboflavin- Ariboflavinosis inflammation esp tongue
Pantothenic Acid-Rare
Vitamin B6- Anemia, confusion
Vitamin B12- Pernicious Anemia
Folate- Anemia, Neural Tube Defects
What can cause deficiencies of thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, B6, B12, and vitamin C?
Thiamine- malnourished, alcoholics, Asians
Niacin-dialysis patients
Riboflavin-preg, lactation, malurished
B6- Renal, Autoimmune, celicac, chrons
B12-vegans, lack of hcl or intrinsic
Vit C- infants on cow’s milk, dialysis, limited diet, smokers
List symptoms/areas of the body commonly affected by deficiencies of B vitamins.
Skin, mucous membranes, GI tact, nervous system, cardiovascular
List symptoms/areas of the body commonly affected by deficiencies of vitamin C (most notable).
Gums, skin, petichial hemorrhages
Compare and contrast how the water soluble vitamins are similar and different from the fat soluble vitamins.
Water soluble, blood transport, easily absorbed, not stored for long periods,
Describe, in general, the function of the B vitamins.
Energy metabolism, some DNA sythesis
List vitamin/s that can be produced from amino acids.
List vitamin/s that can be produced by bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract.
Biotin and Vitamin K
List the vitamin/s that require intrinsic factor for absorption.
List vitamin/s that help in the formation of collagen.
Vitamin C
List vitamin/s that can affect the neural tube.
List vitamin/s that, if deficient, may contribute to anemia.
Vitamins B6&12, Folate
List vitamin/s that, if toxic, can cause irreversible nerve damage.
List vitamin/s that, if toxic, can cover up a B12 deficiency.
List the protein in eggs that can bind biotin.
Describe the niacin flush and what causes it.
Niacin Tox. , flushing and tingling
List the water soluble vitamin that can be stored extensively.
B6 in muscle
List food groups/foods high in thiamin, folate, riboflavin, B12, and vitamin C.
thiamine-Whole grains, legumes
folate- whole grains, leafy greens, legumes, fruit
riboflavin-milk/dairy, green vegetables, legumes, whole or enriched grain
B12- Animal Products, fish, milk
Vit C- Red and Green, citrus
Which water soluble vitamin/s would most likely be found widespread in foods?
Biotin, pantothenic acid,
Which water soluble vitamin/s would most likely be found in protein containing foods?
B12, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, Riboflavin,
Which water soluble vitamin/s would most likely be found in fruits and vegetables?
Vitamin C, Folate,Biotin, Pantothenic Acid
List the RDA for folate and vitamin C for men and women ages 19-30.
Folate 400mcg, vitamin c males 90mg, females 75mg
List the tolerable upper limit for folate and vitamin C for adults ages 19-70.
Folate 1000, Vitamin c 2000
Name the foods fortified with folate and the amount mandated to be put in food by the Food and Drug Administration.
Bread products, flour, corn grits, cornmeal, farina, rice, macaroni, and noodles

***140 mcg/100g of grain***
List the fat-soluble vitamins.
List and briefly describe the functions of vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, and vitamin A.
Vit D, calcium absorption (bone health)
Vit E, Antioxidant
Vit K, Blood Clotting, Bone Protein Metabolism (osteocalcin)
Vit A, vision, reproduction, proteing synthesis
List the vitamin/s made by sunlight.
Vitamin D
List the vitamin/s made by bacteria.
Vitamin K
List and describe deficiency symptoms of vitamin A, D, and K.
Vit A, Xeropthamolia, Night blindness,bitots spots, reproduction, dry mucious membranes, keratinization

Vit D.- Rickets, Osteomalacia

Vit. K- bleeding
Name the precursors to vitamin A and where they are found in the diet.
Retinol Esters- Retinol- Animals
Beta carotene- Retinal-Plants
Name the precursor to vitamin D.
Sunlight, cholesterol
Define keratinization and which vitamin produces this condition.
Vitamin A deficiency leads to build up of keratin rough dry skin
Describe the process of activating vitamin D starting with the skin. Where does dietary vitamin come into this process?
Joins with previtamin d3 in skin, then hydrolyzed in liver, then again in kidneys
List vitamin deficiency names of vitamin D and vitamin A.
Vit D, Rickets and Osteomalacia
Vit A, Night blindness, Keratinization, Xeropthamolia, bitots spots, xerosis, keratomalacia
List foods fortified with vitamins A and D.
Milk, cereals, oatmeal
List foods high in vitamin E, A, D, and K
Vit E- Widespread
Vit A- Dairy Veg, fruit, fortifieds,liver
Vit D- Milk, egg yolk, oily fish
Vit K- Leafy greens, oil, bacteria in intenstines
List the forms of vitamin A
retinol- storage/transport, reproduction
retinal- vision
retinoic acid- cell differentiation, growth and development
Name the precursors to vitamin A and where they are found in the diet.
Retinol Esters- Retinol- Animals
Beta carotene- Retinal-Plants
Describe the role of vitamin K and its affects on anticoagulant meds
Antagonistic- promotes clotting, food should be consistent
Name the precursor to vitamin D.
Sunlight, cholesterol
Define keratinization and which vitamin produces this condition.
Vitamin A deficiency leads to build up of keratin rough dry skin
Describe the process of activating vitamin D starting with the skin. Where does dietary vitamin come into this process?
Joins with previtamin d3 in skin, then hydrolyzed in liver, then again in kidneys
List vitamin deficiency names of vitamin D and vitamin A.
Vit D, Rickets and Osteomalacia
Vit A, Night blindness, Keratinization, Xeropthamolia, bitots spots, xerosis, keratomalacia
List foods fortified with vitamins A and D.
Milk, cereals, oatmeal
List foods high in vitamin E, A, D, and K
Vit E- Widespread
Vit A- Dairy Veg, fruit, fortifieds,liver
Vit D- Milk, egg yolk, oily fish
Vit K- Leafy greens, oil, bacteria in intenstines
List the forms of vitamin A
retinol- storage/transport, reproduction
retinal- vision
retinoic acid- cell differentiation, growth and development
Describe the role of vitamin K and its affects on anticoagulant meds
Antagonistic- promotes clotting, food should be consistent