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94 Cards in this Set

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Define Lipids

Soluble in organic solvents

3 Categories of Lipids

Simple, Compound, Derived

Give examples of simple lipids

FA, TG, DG, MG, esterified lipids

Give examples of compound lipids

phospholipids, glycolipids, lipoproteins

Give examples of derived lipids

products of esterified lipids (ie cholesterol)

Fatty Acids have a ___________ chain with a _________end

hydrocarbon chain with carboxylic acid end

Is the carboxyl end of FAs polar or non-polar? Water or fat soluble?

Is hydrocarbon end of FAs polar or non-polar?

Water or fat soluble?

Carboxyl end=polar (water soluble)

Hydrocarbon End=non-polar (fat soluble)

A fat is saturated when the ________ is fully saturated with hydrogen.


Saturated fat is _______ at room temperature.

Give examples of saturated products.

Solid; Animal fats & Tropical Oils

Fat becomes unsaturated in the presence of _______ _______.

double bonds

Unsaturated fat is ___________ at room temperature.


What is a MUFA?

What are it's primary food sources?

Monounsaturated Fatty Acids have only one double bond

Sources: Olives, Avocado, Canola

What is PUFA?

What are it's primary food sources?

Polyunsaturated FAs have 2 or more double bonds

Soybean, safflower, sunflower, corn, fish, flax

When a hydrocarbon change is straight, it has a _______ formation.

Trans formation

When a hydrocarbon chain is bent, it has a ____ formation

Cis formation

___________ makes food more stable and is easily oxidized.


Name the 3 SCFAs w/ their carbon:double bond ratio

Acetic Acid 2:0

Propionic Acid 3:0

Butyric Acid 4:0

Name the 3 MCFAs w/ their C:DblBnd ratios

Caproic Acid 6:0

Caprylic Acid 8:0

Capric Acid 10:0

Name the 4 LCFAs w/ NO double bonds

Lauric Acid 12:0

Myristic Acid 14:0

Palmitic Acid 16:0

Stearic Acid 18:0

Name the only LCFA that is a MUFA

Oleic Acid 18:1

Name the 5 LCFAs that are PUFAs

Linoleic Acid 18:2

Linolenic Acid 18:3

Arachidonic Acid 20:4

EPA 20:5

DHA 20:6

Arachidonic Acid is the precursor to _____


Omega 3 FAs are most common in __________,

precursors to ______________,

& reduce risk for heart disease by ___________



By decreasing platelet aggregation and decreasing blood lipids

How do we make sure that our bodies get the omega 3 benefits of flax seeds?

Crush them. Our bodies dont have the enzymes to break through their shell. Don't crush until right when you're going to eat it because they will go rancid.

Essential FAs are essential because...

Our body cannot produce them

Which FAs are considered essential?

Linoleic & alpha-Linolenic

Recommended Intake:

Linoleic---AMDR=__________% of calories,

AI= ____g/d

Omega 3---AMDR=________% of calories,

AI= _________g/d

Lino AMDR=5-10% calories & ____g/d(?)

Omega AMDR=0.6-1.2% & _____ g/d(?)

What is an EICOSANOID?

A 20 carbon FA derivative produced from arachidonate or omega 3 FAs

What are the 3 classes of Eicosanoids?

1. Prostaglandins

2. Thromboxanes

3. Leukotrienes

What effects do eicosanoids have on your body?

Vasodilation, vasoconstriction, platelet aggregation effects, chemotaxis, hormone secretion (degree of effects depends on source of production)

Triglycerides make up about ____% of all dietary fat


What is the basic structure of a triglyceride?

Glycerol backbone with 3 fatty acids attached

How are lipids absorbed if they are not water soluble?

They must be emulsified by bile acids

Name the 3 enzymes for lipid digestion

lipase, phospholipase, cholesterol esterase

Products of digestion form micelles with the aid of __________. In a micelle formation, hydrophobic ends are facing ______ and hydrophilic ends are facing_____

Bile salts

Hydrophobic ends face inward

Hydrophilic ends face outward

In absorption, the lipid is transported from the micelle into _______.

Bile salts are then recirculated to the ______.



In lipid _________, TG are resynthesized from LCFAs and MGs


SCFAs and MCFAs go directly to portal circulation and combine with ______ because this is how FFAs are transported in the blood.


This is a lipid-protein vesicle that is secreted into lymphatic circulation.


Transport of lipids is mainly through water soluble complexes called ___________


Lipoproteins are distinguished by what 3 things?

Lipid:Protein ratio

Lipid Types


Are lipoproteins bad or good? Why?

Lipoproteins are GOOD because we need them to transport cholesterol, VLDL, etc. for ENERGY and BODY FUNCTIONS!

VLDL is synthesized in the ______


More proteins in a particle mean ______ density

HIGHER density

Define a Remnant

What is left from chylomicrons

_______% of chylomicrons are formed from dietary fat


The majority of lipoproteins are _____


What are the main roles of lipoproteins?

1. Stabilize an aqueous environment (enables them to float in blood and carry)

2. Specific physiological actions ie receptor recognition and enzyme activation

Apo-A is in ____ particles

HDL particles

The higher the Apo-A, the ______ HDL because it carries the cholesterol.


Are there Apo-B in HDL particles?


This is an exogenous protein b/c it is synthesized from dietary fat


Chylomicrons are first made in the ______


Chylomicrons enter the bloodstream via the ___________

Vena Cava

TGs are rapidly hydrolyzed by _______ to FFAs & MG with the help of Apo-C

Lipoprotein Lipase (LPL)

FFAs and MGs are absorbed into the tissue cells.

Which tissue cells do they go to and how are they used in those tissues?

Muscle cells: for energy and TG synthesis

Adipose cells: for TG synthesis

Chylomicron remnant is rich in ____.


Chylomicron Remnant is removed from the blood by the _____


True or False: Chylomicron is the ONLY exogenous lipoprotein.


VLDL is classified as an _____ lipoprotein


In the liver, products of chylomicron remnant and other lipid sources are packaged as _____


_______ is secreted into the blood and acted on by LPL, similar to the process for chylomicrons


What does IDL stand for?

Intermediate Density Lipoprotein

LDL is taken up by cells via _____, and deposits cholesterol in the _____ & _____ cells.

apo B-100 Receptor

Liver and Peripheral Cells

____ is potentially atherogenic.


LDL is related to _________

Lp (a) / Lipoprotein A

HDL removes _______ from tissues and LDLs.


Describe "reverse cholesterol transport"

Cholesterol is converted to cholesterol ester by lecithin: cholesterol acyltransferase which allows HDL to pick up for cholesterol and cholesterol is returned to the liver


Damage occurs to blood vessel.

LDL is deposited in blood vessel

Smooth muscle cells multiply

Monocytes invade and form macrophages

LDL is oxidized

Result is formation of fatty plaque which may eventually occlude the blood vessel and stop blood flow

What's the difference btwn saturated fat, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated

-Saturated=Increase in TC, LDL-C (stearic acid)

-MUFA= decrease TC, LDL-C, HDL-C unchanged (may increase HDL if sub for SFA)

-PUFA=decrease TC, LDL-C, may decrease HDL-C (omega 3 is likely most beneficial)

Trans Fatty Acids increase _______ &

decrease _______.

increase LDL-C

decrease HDL-C

Only ___% of the population is affected by cholesterol


Increased cholesterol intake decreases __________ and increased __________.

cholesterol synthesis; HDL activity

_______ is related to apoE polymorphism (E4).


Other factors influencing lipids??

Exercise, plant sterols, red yeast rice, weight loss, alcohol, simple sugars, omega 3 fatty acids, antioxidants, medications, soluble fiber, niacin, coenzyme Q10, smoking, genetics

Influence of lipids on other risk factors?

Blood pressure, inflammation, blood clotting, insulin resistance

7 steps to fat catabolism

1. Mobilization

2. Circulation

3. Uptake

4. Activation

5. Translocation

6. B-Oxidation

7. Mitochondrial Oxidation

The process of B-Oxidation yields _____&______.

Each cycle yields _______, which enters the Kreb cycle.


Acetyl CoA

Even number chains in B Oxidation produce _______, and odd number chains produce _______.

Propionyl CoA; Succinyl CoA

3 Types of Ketones




Ketones form due to _____?

Due to accumulation of Acetyl CoA (occurs from lack of oxaloacetate which is primarily produced from pyruvate.. also from reliance of fat for energy through B oxidation)

What is it called when there are high levels of ketones in the blood?


Ketosis causes a decrease in blood _____ which leads to _________.

pH; metabolic disturbances

When are ketones primarily formed?

Low CHO intake, starvation, and diabetes

CoA ALWAYS contains __________ as a part of it's structure!

Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5)

FAs are synthesized from _____ & _____

Acetyl CoA & Malonyl CoA

Fatty Acid synthesis REQUIRES ______


In FA synthesis, malonyl CoA is made from ________ + _______

Acetyl CoA + Biotin

Recommended Intakes:

Total Fat= _______% of calories (AMDR)

SFA: <______% calories

PUFA: AMDR for linoleate= _____% of calories

AMDR for linolenate= ______% of calories


Cholesterol: < _______mg/day

Total Fat= 20-35% of calories (AMDR)

SFA: <10% calories

PUFA: AMDR for linoleate= 5-10% of calories AMDR for linolenate= 0.6-1.2% of calories


Cholesterol: < 300 mg/day

Ethyl alcohol's structure is similar to _____.

It's metabolism is similar to _______.

Absorption and transport is _______.


Fat Catabolism

Absorption and transport

Ethyl alcohol provides ______ kcal/g


Oxidation of ethyl alcohol produces ____

LITTLE energy

Is alcohol technically a nutrient?


What does ADH stand for?

Alcohol Dehydrogenase Pathway