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40 Cards in this Set

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(another name, deficiencies, function)

B1, coenzyme in glucose and energy metabolism, beriberi, wernicke-korsakoff syndrome
disease cause by thiamin deficiency (weakness, neurological symptoms)
wernicke-korsakoff syndrome
thiamin deficiency associated with alcohol abuse
riboflavin (another name, function)
B2, assists in absorbing other nutrients and citric acid cycle,
riboflavin deficiency. inflammation of eyes, lips, mouth
riboflavin (deficiencies, dietary source)
ariboflavinosis, injuries heal poorly because new cells cant grow. MILK
niacin (another name, deficiencies)
B3, pellagra
niacin deficiency. 4 D's. diarrgea, dermatitis, dementia, death
what destroys biotin
avidin in raw eggs
pantothentic acid (another name, where did it get its name from)
calcium pantothenate, greek pantothen = "everywhere"
vitamin B6 (another name)
folate (another name, function)
folic acid, DNA synthesis and amino acid metabolism
folate deficiencies
neural tube defects- anecephaly (brain) spina bifida (spine). macrocytic anemia - cells don't divide
what can too much folate mask
B12 deficiency
vitamin B12 (another name, function, source)
cobalamin, cyanocobalamin, needed to absorb iron, from animal products
vitamin c (another name, function)
ascorbic acid, antioxidant, produces collagen
vitamin c deficiency and source
scurvy: collagen replace by abnormal collagens, citrus fruits
vitamin A (another name, function)
retinol, night vision, cell differentiation
vitamin A pre-formed in animal products
vitamin A pre-cursors found in plants. natural pigments give fruit their color
vitamin A deficiencies
blindness (cells dont differentiate- produce keratin instead of mucus). xerothalmia and keratomalacia
vitamin A toxicity
too much carotenoids lead to hypercarotenemia -too much carotenoids in adipose tissue - skin turns orange
Vitamin D (another name, function)
calciferol, cholecalciferol, absorption of calcium and phospherous (acts like hormone)
vitamin D sources and deficiencies
sunlight!! rickets and osteomalacia
vitamin D deficiency. in children poor bone development
vitamin D deficiency. in adults. loss of minerals from bones, bone/muscle pain
vitamin E (another name, functions)
tocopherol, antioxidant and protects cell membranes
vitamin E deficiency
cell membranes break down. hemolytic anemia
vitamin K (where is name from, function)
danish word for coagulation (blood clotting)
2 forms of vitamin K and where each is from
phylloquinone - plants.

menaquinones- animals.

adding nutrients that werent already in the fodo
adding nutrients back after they were taken out by processing
how well a nutrient can be absorbed
set point
level at which body weight resists change
estimated energy requirements (EERs)
amount energy needed to maintain healthy body weight
basal metabolism (BEE)
all the involuntary things the body does to live
basal metabolic rate (BMR)
rate of energy spent under resting conditions
resting energy expenditure (REE)/ resting metabolic rate (RMR)
when basal metabolism is measure by energy uses 5-6 hours without food/exercise
thermic effect of food (TEF)
energy required for digestion/absorption and metabolism. body temp rises for several hours after eating
nonexercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT)
energy used for all activities except sleeping, eating, and sports