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58 Cards in this Set

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The mechanical and chemical breakdown of food
The process of nutrients entering the body
GI tract: food in...
GI tract: Bolus in...
GI tract: Chyme in...
CI tract: Waste in...
Ascending colon
Transverse colon
Descending colon
Time for each meal to digest
3-4 hours
Time for each meal to transit
24-72 hours
GI tract secrets: (3)
4 steps of digestion
1. Cephalic phase
2. Mouth
3. Pharynx
4. Esophagus
Explain Cephalic phase
Sight, sound, taste, smell of food stimulates gastric secretions in the stomach
Explain digestion in the mouth
Saliva and salivary amylase combined with chewing softens and breaks down food and fiber
Explain digestion in the pharynx
Swallowing bolus, passes through the esophagus
Explain digestion in the esophagus
Peristalsis passes bolus to stomach through a sphincter
Muscle that closes entryway to lungs when bolus passes through
Salivary Amylase
Secrete saliva to break down food

Enzymes break down carbohydrates and lipids

Mucus lubricates the food for easier swallowing

Water, salts help mix food
In stomach bolus mixed with...
acid to form chyme
Role of Gastrin
Stimulates the release of gastric juice from the lining of the stomach
Gastric juice made of
HCL and pepsinogen
Role of pepsinogen
pepsin (actual enzyme) breaks down protein into amino acids
After stomach, chyme enters____ through____
small intestine through the pyloric sphincter
Time it takes for chyme to leave the stomach
2-6 hours
4 layers of tissue in wall of GI tract:
1. Mucosa
2. Connective tissue
3. Smooth muscle
4. Connective tissue
Role of mucosa
Secrets mucus into lumen
Role of first layer of connective tissue in GI tract
supports, provides nutrients to mucosa and provides nerve signals for muscle contractions
Role of smooth muscle in GI tract
Contracts to mix and propel food
Role of second connective tissue in GI tract
support and protection
Enzyme in stomach
Hormone in stomach
What does gastrin do?
-Stimulates production of stomach acid and pepsinogen
-Maintains a narrow pH range (1.5-1.7)
-Increases gastric motility and emptying of the stomach
Gastrin secreted by...
cells in the pyloric region and upper duodenum
Gastrin stimulated by...
food entering the stomach and thoughts of food
Stomach emptying depends on...(3)
1. Size and composition of the meal
2. pyloric sphincter rate of food entering the small intestine
3. Emotions
Length of small intestine
20 feet
Order of small intestine
1. Duodenum
2. Jejunum
3. Ileum
Length of Duodenum
12 inches
Length of Jejunum
8 feet
Length of Ileum
11 feet
Small intestine is the main sight of...
digestion and absorption of water, vitamins, minerals, sugars, fats and proteins
Secretions to aid in digestion in small intestine:
1. Bile-emulsifies fat
2. Pancreatic juice-
3. Intestinal digestive enzymes-breaks down proteins and sugars into single units
Brush border enzymes
intestinal digestive enzymes, microvilli
Inner surface of intestine covered in ____ which are covered in _____
Villi; microvilli
Each villus contains a _____ and a ______
blood vessel; lymph vessel
Ring of contraction that propels material through the GI tract
Back-and-forth action that breaks down the food
Mass movement
Peristaltic wave that contracts over a large area of the large intestine to help eliminate waste
Liver produces ____
Gallbladder releases____ into _____
bile into small intestine
CCK signals
to release bile and enzymes into small intestine
All enzymes are...
Enzymes convert____ into____
substrates into products
CCK stimulates
gallbladder to release bile and pancreatic enzymes
Passive diffusion
Intestinal wall is permeable
Going from high concentration to lower concentration
No energy required
Facilitated diffusion
Carrier shuttles substances into the absorptive cells
Going from high concentration to low concentration
No energy expanded
Active transport
nutrients carried across cell membrane
Requires ATP energy
water equilibriate level of salts against membranes