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59 Cards in this Set

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Nephrotic syndrome Nephrosis
Glomerulus becomes increasingly permeable to protein, Albumin that leaks through the membrane and is lost in the urine is Hyperalbuminuric. Causes low serum Albumin
Nephrotic syndrome Nephrosis

Sings and symptoms
Weight gain-child slowly over days or weeks, clothes fit tightly, edema
• Decreased urine output
• Urine-protein-CARDINAL SYMPTOM-greater than +3 on urine dipstick
What is Hirschsprung’s Disease
Mechanical obstruction caused by inadequate motility of part of the intestine
Sings and Symptoms of Hirschsprung’s Disease
Intestinal obstruction and failure to pass meconium at birth What to look for – mom complains of ribbon like stools, abd cramping, distented abd, child very constipated, diarrhea may need
Treatment of Hirschsprung’s Disease
Tx - Surgical- x 2 remove aganglionic bowel
First, temporary ostomy created to relieve obstruction and allow the bowel to return to normal size
Second, when child weighs 20lbs.pull end of normal bowel through the rectum and close ostomy
What is • Intussusception
Telescoping of one portion of the intestine into another
Sings and symptoms of intussusception
classic jelly stool – sauge palpation. Sudden onset of pain to child
Treatment of Intussusception
air enema , Non-surgical hydrostatic reduction by barium enema as long as no perforation
When does Intussusception occur
Occurs between the ages of 3mths.-5 years
When is Intussusception resolved
Resolved problem when child has normal stool.
Imperforate anus
forms of malformation without an obvious anal opening
Signs and symptoms of Imperforate anus
child doesn’t pass meconium stool
• No stool 24 hours after birth
It’s not unusall w/ impact anus to have stool in urine
Treatment of Imperforate anus
Manual dilations-begun by MD, continued by RN and by parents at home
Larger malformations corrected by surgery
Nursing interventions for Imperforate anus
IV feedings, NG tube and abdominal decompression until peristalsis
Post Surgery-anal area clean after surgery
Inflammatory disorder of the blind sac at the end of the cecum
sings and symptoms of Appendicitis
rt lower quaderant pain start around umbilicus, mabie vomiting, nausea, fever
Elevated WBC, rebound tenderness
If a pt has terrible pain w/ appenditis, and pain ends suddenly could be sing of a perforation / Rupture.
McBurney point for id of Appendicitis / Peritonitis
located at a point midway between the anterior superior iliac crest and umbilicus
Tx for Appendicitis, Peritonitis
If not ruptured laprocopic surgery, If ruptured antibiotic then surgery.
Nursing Int for Appendicitis
antibiotics continue for 7 to 10 days
• NG suction-until intestinal activity returns
• Npo until bowel sounds post op.
• NO LAXATIVES, ENEMAS OR HEAT-stimulates bowel motility and increases risk of perforation
Infection is in the lower urinary tract and involves the urethra to the bladder
is an upper urinary tract infection that involves the ureters, renal pelvis,and renal parenchyma (membrane
S + S of UTI
painfull urination, frequent urination, cloudy urine
Strong smelling urine, may burn
Etiology of UTI
urinary stasis, back flow of urine, sexual activity, move common in females
Old people can be confused by UTI.
Constipation may cause urinary statis
Nursing for UTI
Teach avoid irritate bladder like caffine, carbination, tomatos,
Wipe front to back, avoid bubble bath,
• Increased fluid intake promotes flushing of the bladder and lowers the concentration of organisms
Nephrotic syndrome
Hyperalbuminuria-proteins, especially albumin, lost in urine when glomerular membrane becomes permeable to proteins
(serum blood)-reduction of serum albumin level in blood, fluid is pulled into interstitial spaces especially abdomen causeing (ascites)
S + S Nephrotic syndrome
Weight gain over days! edema, stomach distended. 2-7 yrs old, males more common blood work Albumin low, protein low. High albumin in urine, high cholesterol
Tx Nephrotic syndrome
Low salt diet and fluid restrictions, Antibiotics,
• Infuse albumin as ordered but watch for fluid shifts as it causes hypertension and volume overload
• Corticosteroids are the first line therapy-Prednisone, 7-21 days then tapered
Acute post streptococccal glomerulonephritis due to Streptococcal Streph Throat
S + S Glomerulonephritis-APSGN
Dark colored urine due to gross hematuria “tea-colored”
• Periorbital edema and facial edema worse in morning
Nursing Considerations-Nephrotic Syndrome-MCNS
Examine urine for albumin
Daily weight
Measurement of Abdominal girth
Assessment of edema-eyes,
Strict I and O
Treat Severe APSGN
hematuria-seizure precautions and IV equipment at bedside
• Take BP at least every 4 hours and report abnormalities
• Give Antihypertensive drugs
treatment of HyperThyroid
Diet-high protein, high carbohydrates and high calorie; RESTRICT COFFEE AND CAFFEINE , Bedrest, Radiation therapy of thyroid-treatment of choice-iodine is taken up by thyroid and destroys cells, results 6-8wks.
Post op Thyroid surgery
keep in semi-fowler’s position to promote venous return from the head and neck and to decrease oozing into the incision--- watch for signs of hemorrhage
Elicitation: Tapping on the face at a point just anterior to the ear and just below the zygomatic bone
Postitive response: Twitching of the ipsilateral facial, muscles, suggestive of neuromuscular excitability, caused by hypocalcemia
Elicitation: Inflating a sphygmomanometer cuff above systolic blood pressure for several minutes
Postitive response: Muscular contraction including flex-ion of the wrist and metacarpophalangeal joints, hyperextension of the fingers, and flexion of the thumb on the palm, suggestive of neuromuscular excitability caused by hypocalcemia
Hyper Thyriod causes what?
 Thyroid enlargement ----goiter and Graves disease
S + S Hypo Thyroid
 Fatigue and lethargy, sleeps for long periods
 Weight gain
 Coarse hair- Alopeci
 Puffy eyelids
Diagnostics for Hypo Thyroid
 TSH-elevated
 Decreased T3 and T4
 ECG-sinus bradycardia
Diagnostics for Hyper Thyroid
Increased T3 and T4-in blood
TSH-from pituitary low or undetectable
ECG-atrial fibrillation
Hypo thyroid Treatment
Diet-high fiber, high protein, low calorie
 Thyroid hormone replacement-Synthroid, lifelong
 Possible surgery-if goiter present
Hypo thyroid nursing Int
Encourage pt. to express feelings of depression
Encourage mental stimulation and physical activity
Provide warm environmentintolerant to cold
Severe complication of HypoThyroid
myxedema = Vital signs reflect bradycardia and hypotension

Patient becomes stuporous and hypothermic
Severe complication of HyperThyroid
Thyroid storm
hypermetabolism;onset abrupt with initial symptoms including tachycardia, vomiting and stupor
Hyperactivity of the adrenal cortex that results in excessive secretion of glucocorticoids, particularly cortisol
S+S Cushings
Moon face, exes hair, thin extremities, ecchymosis, protruding ABd, Blood chemistry-increased cortisol, decreased potassium (unexplained), hyperglycemia (DM is common)
Medical Tx Cushing's
diet low sodium, low carb, low cal, high potasium, high protein Diuretics
Chronic hypo activity of the adrenal cortex, resulting in insufficient secretion of glucocorticoids (cortisol) and mineral corticoids (aldosterone)
S + S of Addison’s
= bronzed skin, nipples + buccal mucosa, GI-nausea, weight loss, diarrhea
 Hypotension-orthostatic blood pressure
Blood chemistry of Addison’s
increased K, increased BUN, Decreased ( HCT, Hgb, glucose, cortisol, aldosterone, )
Medical Tx Addison’s
Life long supplements for Glucocorticoids + Mineralcortiods
Diet for Addison's
Diet-high carbohydrate, high protein, high sodium, low potassium in small frequent feedings before therapy; after therapy high potassium and low sodium
Nursing INT Addison's
Maintain diet, stress reduced environment, Adminmeds 2/3 in AM, 1/3 in PM.
Addisonian Crisis
Marked hypotension, cyanosis, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, costovertebral tenderness, fever, confusion, coma, arrhythmias, hypovolemic shock and renal failure
Tx of Addisonian Crisis
Emergency medication = Tx = Solu-Medrol IM
Hyperpituitarism (Acromegaly)
Hypersecretion of growth hormone by the anterior pituitary gland; if after growth plates close bones increase in thickness and width
S+S Hyperpituitarism (Acromegaly)
Deepening of voice, protruding jaw, widehands and feet.
How do they Diagnos Hyperpituitarism (Acromegaly)
Enlarged pituitary on CT scan , X-rays reveal thickened long bones and skull
Causes-benign adenomas and GH secreting tumors
Tx of Hyperpituitarism
Surgery anterior pituitary gland must be on life long replacement therapy of glucocorticoids, thyroid and sex hormones