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28 Cards in this Set

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What are the major research traditions in Qualitative Research?
The major research traditions in qualitative research are ground theory, phenomenological research, and ethnographic research.
Ground Theory
Grounded theory seeks to describe and understand the key social psychological and structural processes that occur in a social setting. studies focus on an evolving social experience.major component of this theory is the discovery of a core variable. Researchers of this theory strive to generate comprehensive explanations of phenomena that are grounded in reality.
Has roots in both philosophy and psychology is concerned with the lived experiences of humans. It is an approach to thinking about what life experiences of people are like and what they mean.
primary research tradition within anthropology.provides a framework for studying the patterns and experiences of a defined cultural group in a holistic fashion. Ethnographers typically engage in extensive fieldwork, often participating to the extent possible in the life of the culture under study. aim is to learn from
What are the activities in a qualitative study?
conceptualizing and planning the study, conducting the study, and disseminating the findings.
Conceptualizing and planning a qualitative study
Generally begins with general topic area and focusses on aspects of a topic that is poorly understood. Do not develop hypothesis. Does not do a literaure review. Selecting sites and gaining entrée
Gaining entrée: typically involves negotiation with gatekeepers who have the authority to permit entry into their world.
Making broad design decisions and planning to go into the field. Uses emergant design. Addressing ethical issues
Conducting a Qualitative Study
Making sampling decisions
Collecting data
Evaluating trustworthiness
Analyzing data
Interpreting data
Disseminating the findings
Seeking publication outlets
Providing rich descriptions
Types of Research Reports
Presentations at professional conferences
Journal articles
Presentations at professional conferences
Oral reports

Poster sessions
Journal articles
Summery of studies in a professiona journal. Papers often subjected to peer review (other researchers doing work in field)
IMRAD Format

§Method Section



The Introduction Section
sets the stage for what the researcher did and what was learned. immediatly follows the abstract.
The Method Section
describes methods used to answer research questions/ problems
The Results Section
presents the reaearch findings
Brief description of major features of a study at the beginning of the journal article
Two types of abstacts
§Old style—single paragraph, about 200 words

§New style—more detailed abstracts with specific headings
Introduction includes:
§Central phenomena, concepts, or variables
§Statement of purpose, research questions
§Review of literature
§Theoretical/conceptual framework
§Study significance, need for study
Method Quantitative includes:
Research design
§Measures and data collection
§Study procedures
Method Qualitative includes:
§Research tradition
§Study participants
§Setting and context
§Data collection approaches
§Study procedures
Results Section
the actual study findings. contains basic decriptive information.
Results Quantitative
§Descriptive information (e.g., description of subjects)
§Results of statistical analyses
§Names of statistical tests
§Value of calculated statistic
§Level of statistical significance
Level of statistical significance
Statistical Test
a procedure for testing hypotheses and evaluating the believability of the findings.
Level of statistical significance
index of how probable it is that the findings are reliable.
For example, p < .05:

Probability is less than 5 in 100 that the findings are spurious (probability is 95 in 100 that the findings are “real”)
Resulta Qualitative
organized according to major themes, processes, or categories identified in the analysis.
includes raw data—quotes directly from study participants
Discussion Section
the researcher draws conclusions about the meaning and implications of the findings.
Discussion includes:
§Interpretation of the results-translation of findings into practical, conceptual, or theoretical
§Study limitations
The style of research reports make it difficult for beginning researcher consumers to become interested in the story. What are four factors that contribute to this?
§Compactness—page constraints ( many ideasand concepts are compressed into little space)
§Jargon (authors use research terms)
§Objectivity, impersonality(Ouan. more objective, passive voice, impersonal. Qual. more subjective, active voice, personal)
§Statistical information