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83 Cards in this Set

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What is the nursing process?
-A Delicious PIE
What is the nursing process?
-A Delicious PIE
Assess - Evaluate patient's condition
Diagnose - Identify patient's problems
Plan - Set goalds of care and desired outcomes
Implement - Perform nursing actions
Evaluate - Determine if goal was met
Who is the primary source?
What is the first thing you do with a patient?
The physical Exam includes what four techniques?
I Practice Patient Assessment
The nursing process is a _____________ approach
What three things are included in an assessment?
Patient History
Physical Exam
Diagnostic studies
What are examples of subjective data?
"I feel short of breath"
Only patient can provide this
What are examples of objective data?
Signs you can see, feel, hear, or smell.
Palpate a bilateral rhonchi
Includes information about a patient's physical and developmental status, emotional health, social practices and resources, goals, values, lifestyle, and epectations about the health care system.
Health History
What nursing process is this?
A clinical judgement about an individuals response to actual and potential ealth problems or life processes.
-Patien's response to a health problem that the nurse is licensed to treat.
Nursing Diagnosis
What to do in a Diagnosis?
Interpret data
compare it with definign characteristics
Identify related factors
find the problem, etiology, signs/symptoms
What nursing process is this?
Ineffective airway clearance related to (R/T) excessive secretions as manifested by (AMB) weak cough, bilateral rhonchi
Diagnosis example
Physiological complication that nurses monitor to detect the onset of changes in a patient's status.
Collaborative Problem
Assessment questions when asking how patient performs routine tasks.
How does your feeling tired affect the way you are able to do household chores?
"What did you do in a typical day before you got cancer?"
Assessment questions to ask about lack of energy affecting patient physically.
Do you have more energy after you sleep or rest?
How does feeling tired affect your interest in sexual activity.
When Planning what do you do?
Set goals and develop plan of action
Stablish priorities
Outcomes with time frames
Document plan of care
Planning must be ____ centered and ______
Client; realistic
Client will cough and expectorate sputum by 1600
Example of planning
Three types of planning interventions
interdependent (Collaborative)
Things the nurse can order or do without a physician
-Turn, cough, and deep breath every 2 hours
Must be ordered by a physician
-Incentive spirometer every 2 hours
Requires knowledge, skill, or expertise of other health care professions
-Breathing treatments every 4 hours and prn
Interdependent (Collaborative)
"Tell me the reason you came here"
-"Tell me about the problems you are having."
--Prompts to describe situation in more than 1 or 2 words
Open ended question
Positive comments such as "all right," "go on," or "uh-huh"
"How often do you feel really tired or fatigued."
-"After taking a nap do you feel more rested."
Yes or no answers or 1/2 word answers
Closed-ended questions
comparison of assessment data with another source to confirm accuracy.
Examples of Diagnostic Labels
Compromised, decreased, delayed, walking, violence, urinary, trauma, tissue, pain, fatigue
Shows type of pattern relationship with the diagnosis.
"The disease process of cancer" is making Mrs. mcphail fatigued."
Related factor - Etiologies
When do you consult?
When you cannot solve a problem using personal knowledge, skills, and resources.
What nursing process is this?
Performance of nursing interventions necessary for achieving goals and expected outcomes of nursing care.
Treatments performed through interactions with patients
- IV catheter, counseling during time of grief
Direct care interventions
Treatments performed away from patient but on behalf of patient or group of patients
-safety, infection control, documentation
Indirect care interventions
What are the three implementation skills?
Cognitive, Interpersonal, and Psychomotor
Application of critical thinking skills
- therapuetic interventions, normal/abnormal responses
Cognitive skills
Trusting relationship between patient skills
-caring, communicate clearly, supporting
Interpersonal Skills
Skills that require cognitive and motor activities
-Wen taking a pulse you need to understand A&P (Cognitive) and assume proper positioning and use of touch to detect pulse correctly (Motor)
Psychomotor Skills
During Implementation, make sure you _____ the patient; is there a change in patient's status?
__________ and ___________ the care plan - are the interventions still appropriate?
(Hint R&R)
Review and Revise
What Nursing Process is this?
Was the goal met?
Were changes needed?
ex- Goal met - expectorating white sputum
Goal not met - Continues weak cough and no expectoration
Mr. Harvey goes weekly to the outpatient clinic to have his blood pressure checked. He smokes one pack of cigarettes per day. His BP is 146/88. His father died from heart disease at age 49 and his brother is recovering from a heart attack.

Assessment Data:
A. The patient will quit smoking by the end of the day today.
B. Teach the patient the risk factors of coronary artery disease
C. request an order from the physician for a nicotine patch.
D. BP is 146/88
D. BP is 146/88
What is the goal to question #40
A. The patient will quit smoking by the end of the day today.
B. Teach the patient the risk factors of coronary artery disease
C. request an order from the physician for a nicotine patch.
D. BP is 146/88
B. Teach the patient the risk factors of coronary artery disease
What is the intervention to question #40?
A. The patient will quit smoking by the end of the day today.
B. Teach the patient the risk factors of coronary artery disease
C. request an order from the physician for a nicotine patch.
D. BP is 146/88
C. The physician will order a nicotine patch.
Who introduced the idea of systematic method of assessment/ individualized care?
Florence Nightingale
The Purpose of nursing diagnosis focuses on a ____ than the actual problem
What are the components of a nursing Diagnosis?
2 part statement
Cause of problem
-"related to" or "due to"
Four nursing Diagnosis categories:
Risk or potential
Nursing Diagnosis that displays specific signs/symptoms that relate to patient's problem and exist here and now?
- alteration in comfort, ineffective breathing pattern, impaired skin integrity
Nursing diagnosis that has no chief complaints or is just requesting info on improving health
Nursing diagnosis that has evidence for a problem that didn't exist prior to receiving care, but bc of medical diagnosis there could be a possibility.
-possible imbalance nutrition, insufficient oral intake
Nursing Diagnosis situation that may cause difficulty in future:
- high risk for injury or high risk for sleep pattern disturbance
Risk or Potential
Classification system that assists with organizing patterns of human response to develop an appropriate nursing diagnosis
What are the four steps of planning?
Set priorities
Write goals
Develop expected outcomes
Planning nursing actions
what step of planning determines the problem that poses the greatest threat to the patient?
Setting Priorities
What example of planning is this?
Patient will be free of infection throughout hospitalization
Lungs will remain clear postoperatively
pt's skin will be healed by 12/07
Writing Goals
What example of planning is this?
-sputum will remain white
pt. will remain afebrile
lungs clear to auscultation
Expected Outcomes
Part of planning in which nurse assists pt. to achieve goal?
Nursing Actions
What is the fourth step of the nursing process?
What is the 5th and final step of the nursing process?
"Pt will walk unassisted lenght of hall 3 times by 9/19 (2 days) example of?
Outcome Statement
Pt walked lenght of hall 2 times on 9/19 is an example of?
What do we ask at the end of evaluation process?
Do we ____, _____, or _____ the plan?
Continue, modify, terminate
Is administering O2 an Independent, Dependent, or Interdependent Intervention?
Dependent, bc O2 is a drug.
What is the foundation for clinical decision making?
The Nursing Process
"A patient tells the nurse, "I have had this dull ache in my side now for 4 days; it really hurts when I bend over." the nurse responds, "uh huh -- go on." The nurse's response if an example of:
1. Inference
2. Cue
3. Back-Channeling
4. Open -ended question
Back Channeling
A patient has a pressure ulcer resulting from urine incontinence and sustained pressure over her coccyx. The nursing plan of care includes a goal of "Pressure ulcer will heal in 3 weeks." Which of following is evaluative measure for goal?:
1. Turn patient every 90 minutes
2. Measure diameter of ulcer
3. Measure color of patient's urine.
4. Determine patient's report of discomfort during turning.
2. Measure diameter of the ulcer
A nurse has been interviewing a newly assigned patient. The cues from the assessment suggest that the patient has had a problem with breathing. The nurse does not validate the finding by doing a physical examination. This is an example of what type of error?
1. Error in data clustering
2. Error in data collection
3. Error in diagnostic statement
4. Error in interpretation and analysis
4. Error in interpretation and analysis
Roberta is a nursing student reporting off at the end of her shift to John, an RN. Roberta tells John that her patient has a priority nursing diagnosis of pain. She tells John the last time the ordered analgesic was given was 2 hrs ago. The patient continues to report pain at a level of 4. Roberta also tried repositioning and distraction to reduce the patient's discomfort. Roberta has observed her patient grimace while turning. What expected outcome measure did Roberta report to John?
1. Administartion of the analgesic as ordered
2. The use of distraction as a pain-relief measure
3. The reported pain level of 4 on a scale of 0 to 10
4. Observation of the patient grimacing during turning
3. The reported pain level of 4 on a scale of 0 to 10
The nurse prepares to administer care to a patient by first positioning him more comfortably. She inspects his surgical wound and reinforces the dressing with exra tape. The nurse explains the procedure she will use for insertion of a urinary catheter. She prepares the patient and inserts the catheter. Which of the following steps was a dependent nursing intervention?
1. Insertion of the urinary catheter
2. Reinforcement of dressing with tape
3. Instruction about the procedure for insertion of the urinary catheter
4. Positioning the patient for comfort
1. Insertion of the urinary catheter
A nursing student completes an assessment of a patient who just returned from a diagnostic procedure. The patient's BP is 92/70 mm Hg, and the patient reports feeling dizzy. The student goes to the medical record to learn what the patient's blood pressure and symptoms were before the diagnostic test. The nursing student's review of the medical record for data is an example of:?
1. Validation
2. Data analysis
3. Consultation
4. Outcome measurement
1. Validation
Mrs. Weber is a 52-year old patient who is facing reconstructive breast surgery. She has not had surgery in the past and is asking questions of the nurses in the outpatient surgery center. Mrs. Weber tells the nurse she would like to know more about what to expect. The nurse identifies the nursing diagnosis of readiness for enhanced knowledge related to planned surgery. An example of a goal for this diagnosis would be:
1. Provide instruction on routine postoperative monitoring
2. Perform vital sign measurement every hour following surgery
3. Patient identifies reason for vital sign monitoring following surgery
4. By day of surgery, patient understand the routine monitoring protocol following surgery
4. By day of surgery, patient understands the routine monitoring protocol following surgery
Mr. B, a 47 year old male patient goes to the annual community health fair. During a routine blood pressure screening, it is determined that his BP is significantly above normally expected levels.
What additional assessment data should be obtained from the patient and family?
Additional data about patient's medical history and current health status.
Mr. B returns for a follow up visit at the medical center's adult health clinic. Mr.B is diagnosed with hypertension and an antihypertensive medication is prescribed, but he appears unsure about how and when he should take the prescription. He also identifies that his father died from a heart attackat 54 years old.
Identify the relevant assessment data for Mr. B.
prescription of antihypertensive medication
insecurity about medication regimen
relating fathers death at age 54 from Heart Attack
What are the three phases of the interview?
Orientation phase, working phase, and termination phase.
Based on following data cluseters, identify possible nursing diagnoses:
Abdominal pain, three loose liquid stools per day, hyperactive bowel sounds.
Based on following data clusters, identify possible nursing diagnoses:
Fatigue, weakness, tachycardia upon activity, exertional dyspnea:
Activity Intolerance
A new graduate is preparing to work with patients on a medical unit. The nursing process is applied as a :
1. Method for processing the care of many patietns
2. Tool for diagnosing and treating patient's health problems
3. Guideline for determining the nurse's accountability in patient care
4. Logical, problem-solving approach to providing patient care.
4. Logical, problem solving approach to providing patient care.
Upon admission, the nurse begins to assess the patient, The patient appears uncomfortable, stating that she has severe abdominal pain. The nurse should:
1. Inquire specifically about the discomfort
2. Let the patient rest, returning later to complete the assessment
3. Perform a complete physical examination immediately
4. Ask the family about the patient's health history
1. Inquire specifically about the discomfort
The following nursing diagnoses are proposed for patients on the medical unit. The diagnostic statement that contains all of the necessary components is:
1. Impaired gas exchange related to accummulation of lung secretions
2. Imbalanced nutrition related to chemotherapy treatment
3. Complicated grieving
4. Pain related to abdominal surgery
1. Impaired gas exchange related to accummulation of lung secretions.
A nurse is working with patients who go to the community center for health screenings and educational sessions. An example of a wellness nursing diagnosis label that is appropriate for this group is:
1. Risk for impaired skin integrity
2. Readiness for enhanced family coping
3. Altered parent-infant attachment
4. Fluid volume deficit
2. Readiness for enhanced family coping
In reviewing the nursing diagnoses written by a new staff memeber, a supervisor identifies which of the following as a correctly written nursing diagnosis?
1. Altered respiratory function related to abnormal blood gasses
2. Urinary infection related to long-term catheterization
3. Deficient knowledge related to need for cardiac monitoring
4. Pain related to severe arthritis in finger joints.
3. Deficient knowledge related to need for cardiac monitoring.
A nurse is working with a patient who has the following symptoms: dyspnea, ankle edema, weight gain, abdominal distention, hypertension. The nursing diagnosis that is most apropriate for these signs and symptoms is:
1. Ineffective tissue perfusion
2. Disturbed body image
3. Impaired gas exchange
4. Excess fluid volume
4. Excess Fluid Volume
There are a number of activities that are to be performed by a nurse during a clinical shift. In deciding to perform a nurse-initiated intervention, the nurse:
1. administers oral meds
2. orders lab tests
3 changes sterile dressing
4. Teaches newborn hygienic care
4. Teaches newborn hygienic care