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51 Cards in this Set

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signs of developmental delay after independently walking for months
persistent tip toe walking, failure of develop a mature walking pattern
signs of developmental delay by 18 months
not walking, not speaking 15 words, doesn't understand function of common household items
signs of developmental delay by 2 years
does not use two word sentences, doesn't imitate actions, doesn't follow basic instructions, can't push a toy on wheels
signs of developmental delay by 3 years
difficulty with stairs, frequent falling, can't build a tower of 4 blocks, difficulty manipulating small objects, extreme difficulty separating from parents, can't copy a circle, doesn't engage in make believe play, can't communicate in short phrases, doesn't understand simple instructions, little interest in other children, unclear speech, persistent drooling
signs of developmental delay by 4 years old
can't jump in place or ride a tricycle, can't stack 4 blocks, can't throw ball overhand, doesn't grasp a crayon with thumb and fingers, has difficulty scribbling, doesn't use sentenced with three or more words, can't use the words I and you properly, doesn't respond to people outside the family, resists using toilet or dressing or sleeping, doesn't engage in fantasy play
signs of developmental delay at age 5
unhappy or sad often, has little interest in playing with other children, extremely aggressive, can't build a tower of 6-8 blocks, easily distracted or can't focus on an activity for 5 minutes, rarely engages in fantasy play, can't use plurals or past tense, can't brush teeth or wash and dry hands
Erikson's stage at birth to one year
trust vs mistrust
Erikson's stage at 1-3 years old
autonomy vs shame and doubt
Erikson's stage at 3-6 years
initiative vs guilt
Erikson's stage for school aged children
industry vs inferiority
early signs of hypoxia
mood changes, headache, altered depth and pattern of respirations, htn, anorexia, anxiety, confusion, lethargy, nasal flaring, retractions, expiratory grunt, wheezing, absent or decreased breath sounds
signs of severe hypoxia
bp changes, dimness of vision, somnolence, stupor, coma, dyspnea, decreased respirations, bradycardia, cyanosis
RSV season
fall to spring
meds to treat RSV
humidified air, bronchodilators,corticosteroid, ribaviron
medication to prevent RSV
palivizumab (synagis)
used in asthma patients to detect child's personal best
chest x ray for asthma patients
shows hyperinflation
asthma symptoms
dyspnea, wheezing, coughing, produces frothy clear gelatinous sputum, lips deep red that progress to cyanosis, hyperresonance on percussion of chest.
chest sounds on severe asthmatic attack
may become inaudible
asthma triggers
dust mites, dander, foods, humidity or cold.
medications for asthma
albuterol, aminophylline, atropine
decreased pulmonary blood flow
tetralogy of fallout, tricuspid atresia
mixed blood flow
transposition of great vessels, total anomalous pulmonary venous connection, truncus arteriosus, hypoplastic left heart syndrome
increased pulmonary blood flow
atrial septal defect, ventricular septal defect, AV canal defect, patent ductus arteriosus
obstruction to blood flow from ventricles
coarction of the aorta, aortic stenosis, pulmonic stenosis
atrial septal defect
if jot closed by 3 needs surgery but it usually closes by 18 months, will hear split second heart sound over pulmonic valve and have a systolic ejection murmur
ventricular septal defect
signs of heart failure appear at 4-8 weeks, palpate chest for thrill
AV canal defect
contains both atrial and ventricular septal defects, loud murmur noted in first 2 weeks of life, happens more in down syndrome, may show first degree heart block on EKG
patent ductus arteriosus
frequent respiratory infections, widened pulse pressure,harsh continuous machine like murmur that's louder under the clavicle. indomethacin closes PDA
coarctation of the aorta
bp is increased in the heart and upper extremities in the body and decreased in lower portions of the body, increased risk of hemorrhagic CVA
aortic stenosis
chest pain similar to angina when active, dizziness with prolonged standing, faint pulses if severe
pulmonary stenosis
high pitch click following second heart sound and systolic ejection murmur appear on left sternal border, could reopen foramen ovale, typically have normal growth hx
tetralogy of Fallot
right ventricular hypertrophy, ventricular septal defect, pulmonary stenosis, overriding aorta. load hoarse murmur. Tet spells in which child squats to improve pulmonary blood flow. pit child in knee chest position
tricuspid atresia
usually needs open foramen ovals and patent ductus arteriosus. cyanosis worsens after ductis arteriosus is closed
transposition of the great vessels
significant cyanosis without murmur, cyanosis when feeding or crying. loud second heart sounds. unoxygenated body goes out to the body instead of the lungs
total anomalies pulmonary venous connection
oxygenated blood enters right atrium. you see cyanosis, tires easily, difficulty feeding, retractions with tavhypnea, hepatomegaly, splitting second heart sounds
truncus arteriosus
only one major artery leaving the heart. will see cyanosis with activity, poor growth, adventitious breath sounds, murmur associated with VSD
hypoplastic left heart syndrome
all structures of the left side are severely underdeveloped. will see pallor of extremities, gallop rhythm. this is found prenatally on maternal ultrasound
infective endocarditis
microbial infection of endothelial surfaces of the heart. will see low grade fever, fatigue, anorexia, flu like symptoms, Roth's spots, Janeway lesions and osler nodes
acute rheumatic fever
10 day course of penicillin needed. may give corticosteroid and NSAIDS. will exhibit rash positive throat culture
s&s of heart failure for children
failure to gain weight or rapid weight gain, fatigue, syncope, decrease in # of wet diapers
nutrition needs for heart failure
infants need 150 cal/kg/day. small frequent meals. 24-48 calorie/ ounce formula
Kawasaki disease
acute systemic vasculitis leading to coronary aneurism or coronary dilation. will see fever that doesn't go down with antibiotics, joint pain, edema in feet and hands, desquamation on palms and soles of feet. provide acetaminophen, ice chips, popsicles. only childhood disease where aspirin maybe used for treatment
cleft lip
lip should be formed by 5-6 weeks gestation. surgery is usually done between 2-3 months of age.
cleft palate
palate is usually formed at 7-9 weeks gestation. surgery is complete within 12-18 months of age
complications of cleft lip or palate
speech impairments, may have hearing loss due to recurrent ear infections, mouth breathe
teaching for parents of children with cleft lip and palate
feed child with infant in upright position, burp frequently BC they suck in a lot of air, special nipples maybe needed, rest when infant signals exhaustion, spoon feeding thickened formulas may also work, breast feeding can contour to babies mouth shape And may help more.
cleft lip post op
elbow restraints to prevent rubbing of suture line, clean suture line with swab dipped in saline, keep infant in upright position, keep hard objects away from infants mouth including pacifiers, prevent crying which may rip sutures
cleft palate post op
no hard foods, opiates first 48 hours after surgery, may resume feeding shortly after surgery with wide spoon, may be allowed to lie on abdomen, elbows maybe retrained.
tracheoesophogeal fistula and esophageal atresia
suspect if polyhydramnios, suspect if excessive foamy secretions. keep npo until surgery, keep head of bed elevated, Iv hydration, provide suction as needed. might need chest tube to drain fluid. infant at higher risk for other abnormalities (vacterl)
biliary atresia
chalky white stool, dark urine, jaundice, ascites, enlarged liver, cirrhosis and finally liver failure. vitamin deficiencies of A,D,E, and K. may have a Kasia procedure but may need liver transplant