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13 Cards in this Set

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WBC, leukocytes;
Adult 4500 to 11,000

Urine tests:

High WBC indicates

U T I, Urinary frequency, urgency, dysuria, decreased output. WBCs present with infection & inflammation.

High Cause: with infection, inflammation, stress, tissue necrosis.

Low WBCs indicate

Low Cause: viral infections, chemo, radiation, NSAIDs, Cancer, Sarcoidosis, Aplastic Anemia

Sedimentation rate or ESR. .

Man range 0-15.Woman range 0-20. Speed at which RBC's settle in well-mixed venous blood. Tests for inflammation

High ESR .

Assess acute/chronic inflammation, tissue injury, tumors. promote rest, decrease pain, positioning, adequate nutrition,

High with tissue distruction, pregnancy, arthritis, inflammatory bowel.

Low ESR.
Assess for lessening inflammation, hypoalbuminemia, Low with abnormalities of RBC inhibits sedimentation like, sickle cell, polycythemia.

Glucose tolerance test (GTT)

measures ability of the body to secrete insulin in response to hypergylycemia

fasting 60-110
1hr 190
2 hr 140
3 hr 125


test for renal function
NPO for 8 hours
list patient meds on lab slip

adult 0.6- 1.5
Child 0.4 - 1.2
infant 0.3- 0.6


evaluates renal function
values affected by protein intake, tissue breakdown, fluid volume changes.

7-18 or 8-25?
over 60yrs: 8-20

High: with dehydration
Low: with fluid excess, pregnancy

Calcium - 8.5-10.5
Hypercalcemia with tumor or hyperplasia of parathyroid, multimyeloma
Hypocalcemia w/ diarrhea, malnutrition

Assess hypovolemia, LUQ, Epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting.

Orders. Pain meds., Antiemetics, Antibiotics, NPO, I V fluids, NG?


Assess hypovolemia, LUQ, Epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting.

Orders. Pain meds., Antiemetics, Antibiotics, NPO, I V fluids, NG?


Assess jaundice, itching, icteric sclera, clay color stool, amber urine nausea vomiting. RUQ or LUQ pain. Brusing & bleeding.

Orders; Administer Choleestyramine (Questran),

fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, K. Interventions; tepid bath, oatmeal soap - Aveeno,cool
