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55 Cards in this Set

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Health history w patient w scoliosis
job, exercise, diet, health history, infection, familial or genetic abnormalities
caused by mutation in the fibroblast growth factor-cartilage turns to bone
ehlers-danlos syndrome EDS
a group of inherited disorders marked by extremely loose joints, hyperelastic skin that bruises easily, and easily damaged blood vessels
Marfan syndrome
disorder of connective tissue, the tissue that strengthens the body's structures.

Disorders of connective tissue affect the skeletal system, cardiovascular system, eyes, and skin
People with Marfan's tend to be unusually tall, with long limbs and long, thin fingers.
-severe cases effect valves & aorta
Stickler syndrome
group of hereditary conditions characterized by a distinctive facial appearance, eye abnormalities, hearing loss, and joint problems
-flattened facial appearance, severely nearsighted
-affects connective tissue-specifically collagen
thinning of bone tissue and loss of bone density over time
What expected outcomes do you focus on with scoliosis?
patient's ability to perform activities of daily living
Functional evaluation for scoliosis
Chest dimensions
-kyphosis (hunchback)
lateral curve or deviation of the spine
scoliosis is Idiopathic?
mostly occurs in girls btwn ages 10-13
What is most common scoliosis?
right thoracic and left lumbar
scoliosis can cause polio
polio-damage to the paraspinal muscles
Nursing dx for scoliosis
1. risk for noncompliance-exercise program r/t duration & intensity of exercise
2. Impaired physical mobility r/t brace
3. Risk for skin integrity r/t brace
4. Disturbed body image r/t deformity & brace
Assessed by having pt walk away for a short distance
Chest dimensions
-pigeon chest
-funnel chest
-barrel chest
oval, anteroposterior diameter is half its transverse diameter
Pigeon chest
may be caused by rickets
Funnel chest
depressed sternum
Barrel chest
anterior/transverse ratio is 1:1--seen with kyphosis and emphysema (normal in infants)
Normal anterior transverse ratio
1:2 at about age 6 to adult
Degenerative disk disease
normal changes in your spinal discs as you age. Spinal discs are soft, compressible discs that separate the interlocking bones (vertebrae) that make up the spine. The discs act as shock absorbers for the spine, allowing it to flex, bend, and twist. Degenerative disc disease can take place throughout the spine, but it most often occurs in the discs in the lower back (lumbar region) and the neck (cervical region
Diagnostic tool of choice for DDD?
Pain in DDD
acute pain can last up to 3 months
how to assess someone going under a cervical diskectomy?
onset, duration, location, diminished function, ROM, exacerbation
Pt under going cervial diskectomy--nursing diagnoses?
1. acute pain r/t surg procedure
2. impaired physical mob r/t post op surgical regimen
3. deficient knowledge about the post op and home care management
Pt under going cervial diskectomy, planning and goals
relief of pain
improved mobility
increased self care
Pt under going cervial diskectomy--nursing interventions to relieve pain
1. bed position (flat for 12-24 hrs)
2. administration of meds
3. position for comfort
4. reassuring pain can be relieved
Pt under going cervial diskectomy--nursing interventions for improving mobility
cervical collar is worn, instructed to turn the body instead of the neck
Pt under going cervial diskectomy--nursing interventions monitor/manage potential complications
-evaluations for bleeding/hematoma
-neuro checks (swallowing, extremity weakness, return of radicular pain), respiratory difficulty
DDD expected outcomes
-reported decreased pain
-demonstrates improved mobility
-demonstrates proper mechanics
-has absence of complications
Spinal bifida
malformation of the spinal cord and spinal canal
-defect in vertebrae through which the spinal cord can protrude
bone marrow disorder
Sb most common in what areas
lumbar & sacral
Sb most common developmental disorder of the CNS
London 1697
Sb in the US
1/2000 births
Cause of Sb
unknown, has been implicated to: environmental, genetic, maternal obesity
Sb occulta
A bony defect in the vertebral column that causes a cleft in that column. The cleft remains covered by skin. Treatment is usually not required.
Sb with meningocele
is a birth defect in which the backbone and spinal canal do not close before birth. The condition is a type of spina bifida. Symptoms: A newborn may have a sac sticking out of the mid to lower back
Sb with meningomyelocele
Hernial protrusion of the meninges and spinal cord through a defect in the vertebral column, often spina bifida.
-Protrusion of the spinal membranes and spinal cord through a defect in the vertebral column
Sb with myeloschisis
a developmental anomaly characterized by a cleft spinal cord.
-a developmental defect characterized by a cleft spinal cord that results from the failure of the neural plate to fuse and form a complete neural tube
sac like protrusion on back indicates?
meningocele or myelomeningocele
Sb occulta detection
usually only detectable on xray, somtimes just meninges
Sb and allergy
18-40% have latex allergy
foods--bananas, kiwi, milk
Sb nursing care mobility & comfort
-promote mobility & emotional support
-comfort with tactile stimulation
Sb nursing care & sac
-cover w sterile saline dressing
-monitor for leaks
Sb nursing care and positioning
place pt in prone position w hips flexed and legs abducted (minimize tension on sac)
-maintain position w towel rolls between the knees
Sb nursing care, vitals bowels
-assess for motor deficits, bowel & bladder involvement
-assess vitals & signs of infection
Latex allergy
10% health care workers
50% Sb
34% children w 3 or more surgeries
Body response to latex with allergy
IgE mediated response after repeated exposure to latex
Ancephalophacy (encephalophacy)
Any disease in which the functioning of the brain is affected by some agent or condition
pain control for encephalophacy
-decrease platelet clumping action
-causes renal irritation
-gastric erosion
-suppression of inflammation
-decrease pain
-decrease immune response
-monitor glucose
-binds to glucocorticoid receptors
-behavior change