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27 Cards in this Set

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Define adventitious?
Adventitious arising sporadically, occurring accidently or spontaneously.
Define afebrile?
Afebrile means without a fever or when a fever breaks.
Define antipyretic?
Antipyretic- reducing fever or medication that reduces a fever.
Define apical rate?
Apical rate is the heart rate felt at the apex of the heart
Define apnea?
Apnea is a temporary c essation of breather causing a decrease in body's intake of oxygen and release of CO2
Define ashen?
Ashen - very pale
Define auscultatory gap?
Auscultatory gap is a period of silence that sometimes occurs in determination of blood pressure by auscultation amy occur in hypertension and aortic stenosis
Define blood pressure?
Blood pressure is teh force exerted on the walls of an artery by pulsing blood under pressure form the heart systolic/diastolic
Define Bradycardia?
Bradycardia is a slow pulse rate below 60 beats/min in adults
Define Bradypnea?
Bradypnea is the rate of breathing is irregular but abnormally slow, less than 12 breaths/ min adults
Define cheyne-stokes?
Cheyne-stokes respiration rate and depth irregular characterized by alternating period of apnea and hyperventilation.
Define Crepitus?
Crepitus is crackling noise in joints.
Define Cyanosis?
Cyanosis is a blue, gray, slate or dark purple discoloration of skin or mucous membranes caused by deoxygenated or reduced hemoglobin in blood. Found in hypoxemic patients may point to congential heart defect.
Define Eupnea?
Eupnea is the normal rate & depth of ventilation.
Define Febrile?
Febrile is a mild rise in body temperature up to 102.2 increase in WBC decrease iron concentration in blood plasma suppressing growth bacteria. Also fight viral infection by stimulating interferon natural virus fighting substance.
Define Fever?
Fever- pyrexia- alteration in the hypothalmus set point. Triggers defense mechansism which cases the body to produces conserve heat. Before set point occurs chills, shivers & feel cold once high temp reach chill phase resolves.
Define F.U.O.?
F.U.O. is fever of unknown Origin etiology (cause can not be determined)
Define Hemoptysis?
Hemoptysis is the expectoration of blood arising from nasopharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi or lungs, cough up blood, frothy, bright red & alkaline may be mixed w/ sputum (may have chest pain)
Define Hypertension?
Hypertension is high BP asymptomatic disorder pre-diastolic 80-89 systolic 120-139 classied hyper >90diastolic > 140 systole must be more than 2x at elevation
What is hypertension associated with?
Hypertension is associated with the thickening & loss of elasticity in arterial walls. Peripheral vascular resistence increases w/in thick & in elastic walls blood flow to heart, brain , kidneys decreases.
Hypertension is more likely in what kinds of people?
Incidence of hypertension is more prevalent in diabetics, older adults and African-Americans
What are teh major factor underlying cause of death in Hypertensive patients?
Majjor factor underlying death from hypertensive patients is stroke, myocardial infarction.
Define Hypotension?
Hypotension is low BP systole below 90, caused by dilation arteries in the vascular beds, loss of substantial blood volume, or failure heart muscle to pump adequality.
Define Hyperthermia?
Hyperthermia is an elevated body temperature related to the body's enability to promote heat loss or reduce heat production.
Define Hyperventilation?
Hyperventilation is the increased minute volume ventilation, which results in decrease in CO2 (hypocopria)
What type of patients are associated with hyperventilation?
Patients with asthma, metabolic acidosis, pulmonary embolism, pulmonary edema & anxiety induced states.
What treatment is recommended to raise level of CO2 in hyperventilated patients?
It is recommended that he patient breath in and out through one nostril with mouth closed.