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72 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back

Verbal Communication

spoken and written word

Nonverbal communication

body movement,physcial appearance,personal space, touch, facial expressions

4 basic elements of communication


Theraputic Techniques

Giving information

Stating observations

open question/comments

General Leads

Focused question/comments

Sharing observations


Reflecting feelings

Focused comments

Seeking clarification



Non Theraputic

Why questions

Changing the subject

False reassurance

Giving Advice

Stereotyped Responses


Strokes can result in

aphasia(difficult speech),difficult understanding or verbalizing

Dimensions of a symptom

Location,Quality or whats it feel like, severity,timing, setting, aggravating

When dealing with an angry patient advoid



Situation, background,assessment, recommendation (S- whats happening at the present time)(B- circumstances leading up to problem)(A- What do you think the problem is)(What to do to correct the problem)

HIPAA regulations for documents

only the patient can see and others with consent

Malpractice includes failing to record

health/drug information,nursing actions, medications given, drug reactions, patient's conditions, discontinued medications


Problem,Intervention,evaluation (noteing)


Data,Action,Responce (focus charting)


First step in nursing process


A wasting of size or physiological activity of part of the body caused by disease or other factors


listening to organs


Abnormal sound during auscilation


abnormal enlargement of heart




the mucous membrane that lines the exposed portion ofthe eyeball and inner surface of the eyelids.


to make slight, sudden, sharp noises, rapidly repeated during breathing

Cultural assessment

patient's cultral background


lack of oxygen,blue


the back, as of the body


effusion of serous fluid into the interstices of cells in tissuespaces or into body cavities


redness of the skin

Friction rub

the sound, heard through a stethoscope, made bythe rubbing together of the two inflamed layers ofpericardium in patients with pericarditis or of pleura inpatients with pleurisy


visual examination

Intercostal space

space between the ribs



Orthostatic hypotensions

fall in blood pressure associated withan upright position, usually occurring as a result ofstanding still for a long time or rising from a prolongedstay in bed and often causing faintness, dizziness, andvision disturbances.


pale skin


to examine by touch


the striking or tapping of the surface ofa part of the body for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes

Pleural Rub

discontinuous or continuous, creaking or grating sounds


to breathe with difficulty and with a whistling sound


symptoms at time of fall, previous fall, Location , Actvity of time of fall, Time of fall, Trauma of fall

Before using equipment know the

safety measures

Ambularm for

patients with breaks in skin,swelling,irritation

Chemical restraint

Drug (last resort)

Long term setting restraints require permission from

family members

Belt restraint

a device used around the waist to secure a patient on a stretcher or in a chair

Extremity restraint

Restricts the person from moving (in risk for aspiration in supine position , place patient in lateral position)

Mitten restraint

protects from disloghing or messing with skin

Elbow restrant

Dosnt allow elbow to move

Restraints should not be placed over

equipment and devices

Aggressive patients must never be left

unattendednt while restraints are off

Known seizure risk are to be in the ------- poisition with ----------- up

lowest, side rails

Status epilepticus is a medical emergancy what should be done?

call team, insert oral airway, iv route insert (0.9 % sodium chloride) , assist with lying down position



Infection prevention practices

reduce or eliminate sources of transmission of infection

nosocomial infections

infections from healthcare

chain of infection (6)

1. infectionous agent or pathogen

2.reservior or source for it to grow

3.portal of exit


5.portal of entrance

6.suspectable host


1. freedom from infection.

2. the prevention of contact with microorganism

Medical asepsis

procedures used to reduce the number of microorganisms and prevent their spread.Examples include handwashing and "no touch" dressing technique.

Surgical asepsis

procedures used to eliminate any microorganisms; sterile technique. An example is sterilization of surgical instruments.

Sterilization destroys

microorganisms and its spores

3 situations a nurse would use surgical asepsis on a bedside patient

interntional perforation of the skin such as a needle or IV, when the skin is broken with incision or burn, during insertions into sterile body cavities such as a urinary catheter


personal protective equipment includes gloves,masks,eyewear,gown


keeping two patients together with like infections

Four Factors to decide to perform hand hygiene

1. amount of contact

2. amount of contamination

3. susceptibility of infection

4. procedure being formed

Spore forming organisms

Clostridium difficile or Bacillus anthracis

Tier one precautions

part of care for all patients

Tier 2 precautions

known or suspected infection

Tier 1 precautions listed

applies to any body fluid, hand hygiene, gloves, PPE, be wary of sharp objects, have patients cover mouth

Tier 2 Types of precautions



Droplet nuclei smaller than 5 microns, measles, chickenpox (varicella), disseminated varicella zoster, pulmonary or laryngeal tuberculosis, private room , negative airflow at 6 to 12 exchanges, HEPA filtration, mask, n95 respirator

Droplet precautions

larger than 5 microns, be within 3 feet of patient, diphtheria rubella, streptoccal pharyngitis, pneumonia/scarlet fever, pertussis, mumps, mycoplasma pneumonia, mask or respirator

Contact precautions

Clostridium difficile, respiratory syncytial virus, shigella, major wound infections, herpes,scabies, glove , gown

protective enviroment

stem cell transplants, positive airflow, mask, gown , gloves

TB precautions

airborne precautions, negative pressure room, special respirators (N95 or P100)gloves, gown, eyewear

TB NAP delegations

clarifying precautions, type of changes to report