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58 Cards in this Set

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Organic substances required for many enzymatic reactions

What is the main function of vitamins

To be a catalyst for metabolic functions and chemical reactions

What are the two classes of vitamins

Water soluble

Fat soluble

What are the water soluble vitamins

Vitamins C and B complex

What are the fat soluble vitamins
Vitamins A, D, E, and K

Do vitamins yield any usable energy to the body


What does Vitamin C do in the body

aids in tissue building and metabolic reactions(wound and fracture healing, collagen formation, adrenaline production, iron absorption, conversion of folic acid, cellular adhesion)

Where is vitamin C found

citrus fruits, tomatoes, peppers, green leafy vegetables, and strawberries

What increases the need for vitamin c

Stress and illness

Deficiency in vitamin C causes what?

Explain disease


a hemorrhagic disease with diffuse tissue bleeding, painful limbs/joints, weak bones, and swollen gums/loose teeth

B complex vitamins have many functions in

cell metabolism

B vitamins partner with other B vitamins to produce what

metabolic reactions. Energy, metabolism and neurological function
Where is the source for most vitamin B found

Green leafy vegetables, unprocessed or enriched grains

Almost all plant and animal tissues especially grains, meats and legumes

What is thiamin (B1) necessary for

Proper digestion, peristalsis, and providing energy to the smooth muscles, glands, the CNS and blood vessels
What does a deficiency of thiamin B1 result in

beriberi, gastrointestinal findings and cardiovascular problems

What is riboflavin (B2) required for

Growth and tissue healing

What can a deficiency in Riboflavin B2 lead to

Cheilosis (manifestations include scales and cracks on the lips and mouth),smooth/swollen red tongue and dermatitis particularly in the skin folds

What are the sources for riboflavin B2

milk, meats and green leafy vegetables

What does niacin B3 aid in

Metabolism of fats, glucose, and alcohol
What can a deficiency in niacin B3 lead to

pellagra ( manifestations include sun-sensitive skin lesions, and gastrointestinal and neurological findings)

What does Pantothenic acid B5 aid in

biological reactions (energy production, catabolism, and synthesis of fatty acids, phospholipids, cholesterol, steroid hormones, the neurotransmitter acetylcholine)

What can a deficiency in Pantothenic acid B5 result in

anemia and CNS changes. However, deficiency is unlikely due to the diverse availability in foods

What are the sources for Pantothenic acid B5

Organ meats (liver, kidney), egg yolk, avocados, cashew nuts and peanuts, brown rice, soy, lentils, broccoli and milk.

what is pyridoxine B6 needed for

cellular function and synthesis of hemoglobin, neurotransmitters and niacin

What can a deficiency in pyridoxine B6 cause

anemia and CNS disturbances

What can a high intake of pyridoxine B6 cause

Sensory neuropathy

What are sources for pyridoxine B6

organ meats and grains
What is biotin used for

coenzyme used in fatty acid synthesis, amino acid metabolism and the formation of glucose

What can a deficiency in biotin lead to

Deficiency is rare, but results in neurological findings (depression and fatigue) and rashes on the skin, especially the face. ("biotin deficient face"

What are the sources of biotin

eggs, milk and dark leafy vegetables

What is folate (folic acid in synthetic form) used for

hemoglobin and amino acid synthesis, cellular reproduction and prevention of neural tube defects in utero
What do deficiency in folate (folic acid ) cause

Megaloblastic anemia, CNS disturbances, and fetal neural tube defects (spinal bifida and anencephaly)

Where can folate be found

liver, dark green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, whole grain products and legumes

What is Cobalamin B12 used for

production of red blood cells

What can a deficiency in Cobalamin B12 cause

pernicious anemia (seen mostly in strict vegetarians) B12 is found strictly in foods of animal origin. Pernicious anemia can also be found in those with the absence of the intrinsic factor needed for the absorption of B12

Where is cobalamin B12 found?
Beef liver, shellfish and fortified grains

Why do all fat soluble vitamins have a possibility for toxicity

Their ability to be stored in the body for long periods of time

What is the absorption of fat soluble vitamins dependent on

The body's ability to absorb dietary fat

What clients are at risk for having the absorption of fat soluble vitamins interrupted

Those that have conditions that affect the secretion of fat converting enzymes, or conditions of the small intestines. (Cystic fibrosis, celiac disease, Crohns disease, or intestinal bypasses)

What clients should be careful not to take more than the daily recommendations of fat soluble vitamins? Why?

Those who have liver disease.

Levels can build up

Vitamin A (retinol, beta carotene) contributes to what

Vision health, tissue strength and growth and embryonic development

Care should be given to what type of client when administering Vitamin A. Why?

Pregnant Clients

Some forms have teratogenic effects on the fetus

What can deficiencies in Vitamin A lead to?

Vision changes, xerophthalmia (dryness and thickening of the conjunctiva) and changes in epithelial cells (especially the mouth and vaginal mucosa)
What are the sources for vitamin A
Fish liver oils, egg yolks, butter, cream, and dark yellow/orange fruits and vetetables (carrots, yams, apricots, squash, cantaloupe)

What does vitamin D (calciferol) assist in

utilization of calcium and phosphorus, and aids in skin repair. Can be used preventively for immune function.

____________ enables the body to synthesize vitamin D


What does deficiency in vitamin D result in

Bone demineralization and extreme deficiency results in rickets.

What clients may require additional amounts of Vitamin D

those on glucocorticoid therapy

What can excess consumption of vitamin D lead to


What are the sources of vitamin D

fortified milk, cod liver oil, and eggs

What can low levels of vitamin D lead to

increased risk for chronic diseases such as multiple sclerosis, type I diabetes, hypertension and certain cancers
What does vitamin E (tocopherol) aid in

an antioxidant that helps to preserve muscles and red blood cells, and maintains the myelin sheath that insulates nerve cells

What can a deficiency in vitamin E lead to

hemolytic anemia and affects the nerve fivers that influence walking and vision

What are the sources for vitamin E

vegetable oils and certain nuts

Vitamin K (menaquinone, phylloquinone) assists with what

blood clotting and bone maintenance

What can a deficiency in vitamin K lead to

increased bleeding time
What is used as an antidote for excess anticoagulants

Vitamin K

Where is vitamin K found

in some oils, liver, and green leafy vegetables (spinach broccoli, cabbage)

* the typical American diet provides enough