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25 Cards in this Set

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Carbohydrate DRI
Adults should get 45-65% of their calories from carbs. (Or 130 grams)
Protein DRI
Adults should get 10-35% of their calories from proteins. (Or 46-56 grams for the "Average" person)
Lipids DRI
Adults should get 20-35% of their calories from fats; kids should get 25-40%
Sources of Simple Sugars/ Carbs
corn syrup, milk, honey, table sugar, molasses, sugar cane, sugar beets & fruit
Sources of Complex sugars/ carbs
vegetables, bread, cereal, pasta, grains & legumes
Sources of complete protein
mostly from animal sources; meat, eggs, milk, poultry, fish
Sources of incomplete protein
plant sources such as nuts, grains, legumes, seeds and veggies (Can be combined to make complete proteins)
Souces of Saturated fats
animal sources; pork, beef, poultry, seafood, egg yolks, dairy, coconut & palm oil
Sources of Unsaturated fats
plant sources; olives, olive oil, veggie, peanut, soybean, cotton seed, corn & safflower oil, nuts and avocados
Essential fatty acids
poly unsaturated veggie oils and fish (omega 3 & 6)
Sources of Trans Fats
hydrogenated oils, some margarines, packaged baked goods, many processed foods
Enzymes in carb digestion
salivary amylase in the mouth, ptyalin in the mouth and stomach, pancreatic amylopsin, and intestinal enzymes sucrase, lactase and maltase
Enzymes in protein digestion
Pepsin in stomach, trypsin, chymotrypsin and carboxypeptidase in pancreas, aminopeptidase and dipeptidase in intestines
Enzymes in lipid digestion
lipase in lingual, lipase and tributyrinase in gastric, bile salts and pancreate lipase
Importance of Carbs
provide nearly all the energy for the brain
form in which glucose is stored in the liver and skeletal muscle tissue
Process sin which glycogen stored in the liver and muscles is converted back into glucose in order to meet energy needs
process in which body stores of protein and lipids are broken down and used for energy (done only once all glycogen has been used up)
alternative fuel created when fats are coverted directly into an energy source
What problem arrises from the presence of ketones?
Ketones raise the acidity of blood and can cause an acid-base imbalance
pancreatic horomone that helps move glucose into cells
Essential amino acids
There are 20, they must be supplied by the diet since the body cannot make them
Non essential amino acids
There are 10, body is able to make them on it's own
Nitrogen balance
occurs when nitrogen intake and output are equal
Positive nitrogen balance
nitrogen intake exceeds output, critical for tissue growth such as during pregnancy and wound healing