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119 Cards in this Set

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Abdominal paracentesis
removal of fluids from the peritoneal cavity
a process of change whereby cognitive processes mature sufficiently to allow a person to solve problems that were previously unsolvable
being responsible for one's actions and accepting the consequences of one's behavior
the blending of attitudes and beliefs; process by which members of a foreign culture learn the values and behaviors of culture to which they have immigrated.
a substance hat releases hydrogen ions (H+) in a solution
a condition that occurs with increases in blood carbonic acid or with decreases in blood bicarbonate; blood pH below 7.35
Acquired immunity
see Passive immunity
Action stage.
occurs when the person actively implements behavioral and cognitive strategies to interrupt previous behavior patterns and adopt new ones; this stage requires the greatest commitment of time and energy
Active euthanasia
actions that directly bring about the client's death with or without consent.
Active immunity
a resistance of the body to infection in which the host produces its own antibodies in response to natural or artificial antigens.
Active ROM exercises
isotonic exercises in which the client moves each joint in the body through its complete range, maximally stretching all muscle groups within each plane over the joint.
Active transport
movement of substances across cell membranes against the concentration gradient.
the specific nursing actions needed to carry out the interventions (or nursing orders)
Activity theory
the best way to age is to stay active physically and mentally.
Activity tolerance
the type and amount of exercise or daily activities an individual is able to perform.
Activity-exercise pattern
refers to a person's pattern of exercise, activity, leisure, and recreation
Actual loss
can be identified by others and can arise either in response to or in anticipation of a situation
a form of healing in which the therapist exerts finger pressure on specific sites.
Acute illness
typically characterized by severe symptoms of relatively short duration.
Acute infection
those that generally appear suddenly or last a short time.
Acute pain
pain that lasts only through the expected recovery period (less than six months). whether it has a sudden or slow onset and regardless of the intensity.
the process of modifying to meet new, changing, or different conditions.
Adaptive mechanisms
earned behaviors that ssist in individual to adjust to the environment.
the extent to which an individual's behavior (for example, taking medications, following diets, or making lifestyle changes) coincides with medical or health advice; commitment or attachment to a regimen.
Adjuvant analgesic
Medication that may enhance the effects f other analgesics or have its own analgesic properties.
the period during which the person becomes physically and psychologically mature and acquires a personal identity.
Adolescent growth spurt
the period during puberty where sudden and dramatic physical changes occur
Advance health care directive
a variety of legal and lay documents that allow persons to specify aspects of care they wish to receive should they become unable to make or communicate their preferences.
Adventitious breath sounds
abnormal or acquired breath sounds
Adverse effects
more severe side effects which may justify the discontinuation of a drug
individual who pleads the cause of another or argues or plead for a cause or proposal
requiring oxygen
Aerobic exercise
any activity during which the body takes in more or an equal amount of oxygen than it expends
absence of a fever
Affective domain
known as the "feeling" domain and is divided into categories that specify the degree of a person's depth of emotional response to tasks; it includes feelings, emotions, interests, attitudes, and appreciations.
the resistance against which the heart must pump to eject the blood into the circulation.
specific antibodies formed in the blood
a substance that acts as an antigen and stimulates the production of agglutinins
a person who doubts the existence of God or a supreme being or believes the existence of God has not been proved.
a drug that interacts with a receptor to produce a response.
Agonist analgesic
full agonists which are pure opioid drugs that bind tightly to mu receptor sites, producing maximum pain inhibition, an agonist effect.
Agonist-antagonist analgesic
mixed agonists-antagonists drugs that can act like opioids and relieve pain (agonist effect) when given to a client who has not taken any pure opioids.
Airborne precautions
methods used to reduce exposure to infectious agents transmitted by airborne droplet nuclei smaller than 5 microns.
Airborne transmission
infectious agent transmitted by droplets or dust.
Alarm reaction
the initial reaction of the body to stress, which alerts the body's defenses
Algor mortis
the gradual decrease of the body's temperature after death.
a condition that occurs with increases in blood bicarbonate or decreases in blood carbonic acid; blood pH above 7.45
the loss of scalp hair (baldness) or body hair
Alternative medicine
an unrelated group of non-orthodox practices, often with explanatory systems that do not follow conventional biomedical explanations.
reduced visual acuity in one eye.
the act of walking
Ambulatory surgery center (ASC)
facilities where surgeries that do not require hospital admission are performed.
a small glass container for individual doses of liquid medications.
a process in which simple substances are converted by the body cells into more complex substances (e.g., building tissue, positive nitrogen balance)
involves activity in which the muscles cannot draw out enough oxygen form the blood stream; used in endurance training.
Anaerobic exercise
involves activity in which the muscles cannot draw out enough oxygen form the blood stream; used in endurance training
Anaphylactic reaction
a severe allergic reaction usually occurs immediately after the administration of the drug.
the art and science of helping adults learn.
a condition in which the blood is deficent in red blood cells or hemoglobin
an emotional state consisting of subjective feeling of animosity or strong displeasure.
a diagnostic procedure enabling X-ray visual examination of the vascular system after injection of a radiopaque dye.
Angle of Louis
the junction between the body of the sternum and the manubrium; the starting point for locating the ribs anteriorly
ions carrying a negative charge and include chloride, bicarbonate, phosphate, and sulfate.
permanently immobile joints.
lack of appetite.
Anorexia nervosa
a disease characterized by a prolonged inability or refusal to eat, rapid weight loss, and emaciation in persons who continue to believe they are fat.
visual examination of the anal canal used an anoscope (a lighted instrument)
reduced oxygen in the blood.
(legal) a written response made by the defendant
immunoglobulins, part of the body's plasma proteins, defend primarily against the extracellular phases of bacterial and viral infections.
Anticipatory grief
grief experienced in advance of the event.
Anticipatory loss
the experience of loss before the loss actually occurs.
a substance capable of inducing the formation of antibodies
the anterior curve of the auricle's upper aspect.
agents that inhibit the growth of some microorganisms
the failure of the kidneys to produce urine, resulting in a total lack of urination or output of less than 100 mL per day in an adult.
a state of mental uneasiness, apprehension, or dread producing an increased level of arousal caused by an impending or anticipated threat to self or significant relationships
Apgar scoring system
a scoring system to assess newborn babies.
any defects in or loss of the power to express oneself by speech, writing, or signs, or to comprehend spoken or written language due to disease or injury of the cerebral cortex
Apical pulse
a central pulse located at the apex of the heart.
Apical-radial pulse
measurement of the apical beat and the radial pulse at the same time.
a complete absence of respirations.
Apocrine glands
develop in the axillae, anal and genital areas, external auditory canals, and around the umbillicus and the areola of the breasts
closed tissue surfaces
a pulse with an abnormal rhythm
Arterial blood gas
test performed to evaluate the client's acid-base balance and oxygenation
Arterial blood pressure
the measure of the pressure exerted by the blood as it pulsates through the arteries
a condition in which the elastic and muscular tissues of the arteries are replaced with fibrous tissue.
the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity
freedom from infection or infectious material
lack of oxygen due to interrupted breathing
the withdrawal of fluid that has abnormally collected (e.g., pleural cavity, abdominal cavity) or to obtain a specimen (e.g., cerebral spinal fluid)
an attempt or threat to touch another person unjustifiably
the process of collecting, organizing, validating, and recording data (information) about a client's health status
a downward or lateral transfer of both the responsibility and accountability of an activity from one individual to another
see Acculturation
Assisted suicide
a form of active euthanasia in which clients are given the means to kill themselves.
an uneven curvature of the cornea that prevents horizontal and vertical rays from focusing on the retina.
a condition that occurs when ventliation is decreased and pooled secretion accumulate in a dependent area of a bronchiole and block it.
one who denies the existence of God
the buildup of fatty plaque within the arteries
two uppoer hollow chambers of the heart.
Atrioventricular (AV) node
conduction pathways that slightly delay transmission of the impulse from the atria to the ventricles of the heart.
Atrioventricular valve (AV)
between the atria and ventricles of the heart, the tricuspid valve on the right and the bicuspid or mitral valve on the left.
wasting away; decrease in size of organ or tissue (e.g., muscle)
Attentive listening
listening actively, using all the sense, as opposed to listening passively with just the ear.
mental stance that is composed of many different beliefs; usually involving a positive or negative judgment toward a person, object, or idea.
related to or experienced through hearing.
flap of the ear.
the process of listening to sounds produced within the body
Auscultatory gap
the temporary disappearance of sounds normally heard over the brachial artery when the sphygmomanometer cuff pressure is high and the sounds reappear at a lower level
Authoritarian leadership
makes decisions for the group
the power given by an organization to direct the work of others; the right to act.
an antigen that originates in a person's own body
Autocratic leader
see Authoritarian leader
an electrical impulse and contraction independent of the nervous system and generated by the cardiac muscle.
the state of being independent and self-directed without outside control, to make one's own decisions
an examination of the body after death to determine the cause of death and to learn more about a disease process
the ability to perceive environmental stimuli and body reactions and to respond appropriately through thought and action