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24 Cards in this Set

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The end stage of chronic HIV infection
acute retroviral syndrome
flu like symptoms of fever, swollen lymph glands, sore throat, HA, malaise, N/D muscle and joint pain, occurs 1-3 weeks after initial HIV infection
AIDS-dementia complex
dementia caused by HIV in the brain of HIV CNS problems caused by lymphoma, cytomegaovirus (CMV), cryptococcus, dehydration, progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), or medication side effects
branched chain DNA (bDNA) test
used to measure viral load of HIV ifection
families of HIV 1 of which at least 9 have been identified
human imunodeficiency virus (HIV)
causitive agent of HIV
Kaposi's sarcoma (KS)
a common type of neoplasm seen in HIV pts that is thought to be caused by the human herpes virus 8 (HHV8), lesions are seen on the skin and the oral mucosa
nonnuceloside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
drugs that conbine with the reverse transcriptase enzymes to block the process needed to convert HIV RNA into HIV DNA
nuceleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
drugs that insert a bit of protien into the developing HIV DNA chain, blocking futhur development of the chain and leaving the production of the new strain HIV DNA incomplete
nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors
drugs that inhibit the action of reverse transcription
occupational exposer
contraction of a disease through a job related situation
opportunistic diseases
infections and cancers that affect immunocomprimised people that can lead to disabilities, disease and death
oral hairy leukoplakia
painless white, raised lesions on the lateral aspect of the tounge, caused by epstien-barr
pneumocystis carinii
fungus commonly causing opportunistic pneumonia in HIV pts
post exposure prophilaxis
treatment with common antiretroviral therapy upon exposed to HIV fluids
protease inhibitors
drugs that prevent the protease enzyme from cutting the HIV protiens into proper lengths needed to allow variable virions to assemble and bud out from the cell membrane
type of enzyme necessary for the completion of HIV replication within a cell
RNA virus that replicate in a backwards manner (from RNA to DNA)
reverse transcriptase
enzyme that is present in retroviruses; allows for synthesis of DNA from RNA
development of antibodies following an infection
a multinucleated nonviable mass that destroys all affected cells
viral load
quantity of viral particals in a biological sample
large amounts of virus in the blood that results from inital viral infection
window period
2 month time period in which a person will not test positive for HIV antibody