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78 Cards in this Set

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senile keratosis
Slowly developing, localized thickening of the outer layers of the skin as a result of chronic, excessive exposure to the sun; commonly develops in older adults.
Localized dilation of the wall of a blood vessel, usually caused by arteriosclerosis, hypertension, or a congenital weakness in the vessel wall.
Group of malignant neoplasms, primarily of the skin, that are composed of melanocytes; common in fair-skinned people having light-colored eyes and in persons who have had a sunburn; any black or brown spot having an irregular border, pigment appearing to radiate beyond that border, or a red, black, and blue coloration observable on close examination.
apical impulse
Point at which the apex of the heart touches the anterior chest wall; best site for auscultation of heart sounds; also called the point of maximal impulse (PMI).
acute stress disorder
Begins with the person experiencing, witnessing, or being confronted with a traumatic event and responding with intense fear, helplessness, or horror.
Increase in intensity and clarity of the vocal resonance that may result from an increase in the lung tissue density, such as in the consolidation of pneumonia.
therapeutic communication techniques
Specific responses that encourage the expression of feelings and ideas and convey the nurse's acceptance and respect.
Increased lumbar curvature.
How people interpret the impact of the stressor on themselves, of what is happening and what they can do about it.
Referring to the characteristic of any drug or substance that has a harmful effect on the eighth cranial nerve or the organs of hearing and balance.
Inflammation of the gallbladder; may be acute or chronic.
vocal fremitus
Vibrations created by sound waves that can be palpated externally.
Abnormal protrusion of one or both eyeballs.
Syndrome involving sudden sleep attacks that a person cannot inhibit; uncontrollable desire to sleep may occur several times during a day.
Portion of the vaginal wall and bladder that has prolapsed or fallen into the anterior vaginal orifice.
Injury to the skin's surface caused by abrasion.
fight-or-flight response
The stress response that is arousal of the sympathetic nervous system.
Continuous palpable sensation, like the purring of a cat.
Patient behaviors (drug seeking) that may occur when pain is undertreated.
Portion of the diencephalon of the brain that activates, controls, and integrates the peripheral autonomic nervous system, the endocrine processes, and many bodily functions such as body temperature, sleep, and appetite.
malignant hyperthermia
Autosomal dominant trait characterized by often fatal hyperthermia in affected people exposed to certain anesthetic agents.
arcus senilis
Thin white ring along the margin of the iris.
Involuntary rhythmic movements of the eyes; the oscillations may be horizontal, vertical, rotary, or mixed.
Heartbeat that deviates from the normal pattern.
Transfer of heat away by air movement.
Transfer of heat from one object to another with direct contact.
Abnormal benign growth on the surface of a bone.
Secretion of sweat, especially profuse secretion associated with an elevated body temperature, physical exertion, or emotional stress.
adventitious sounds
Abnormal lung sounds heard with auscultation.
Condition characterized by sudden muscular weakness and loss of muscle tone.
Process by which cells and structures become modified and develop more refined characteristics
psychosocial moratorium
Period of adolescence when society allows the physically mature teenager to delay the assumption of adult responsibilities. This is a time for youth to try a variety of ideological and vocational roles before making a commitment.
Process that enables a child to concentrate on more than one aspect of a situation.
Nagele's rule
Concept that the estimated due date for a pregnant woman can be determined by counting back 3 months from the last menstrual period and adding 7 days; this calculated due date is based on the belief that the average length of pregnancy is 9 months.
Period of approximately 6 weeks after childbirth during which the woman's reproductive system is in transition to the nonpregnant state.
Use of therapeutic interventions to stop labor.
neonatal period
Stage of life from birth to 1 month of age.
Onset of a girl's first menstruation, usually occurring between the ages of 9 and 16 years.
Embryonic form that arises as a cavity within the morula, where cellular differentiation begins.
Child's ability to trace a line of thinking back to where it originated
Early stage of human development in which a solid mass of cells forms from the zygote approximately 3 days after fertilization.
Fertilized ovum created by the joining of the mother's ovum and father's sperm.
Developmental period of emotional and physical changes, including the development of secondary sex characteristics and the onset of menstruation and ejaculation.
stochastic theories
Biological theories that consider that aging is caused by random damage that accumulates over time.
Ability of a child to place objects in order according to their increasing or decreasing size.
Abnormal condition of one or both upper eyelids in which the eyelid droops; caused by weakness of the levator muscle or paralysis of the third cranial nerve.
tactile fremitus
Tremulous vibration of the chest wall during breathing that is palpable on physical examination.
Abnormal condition characterized by the constriction or narrowing of an opening or passageway in a body structure.
orthostatic hypotension
Drop in systolic blood pressure of 15 mm Hg or more when a person rises from a recumbent position to a sitting or standing position.
primary appraisal
Evaluating an event for its personal meaning.
vocal fremitus
Vibrations created by sound waves that can be palpated externally.
Rapid heart rate ranging between 100 and 150 beats per minute.
Method of temperature regulation used by the body to lower body temperature.
Passage of a fluid, such as blood, through a specific organ or an area of the body.
Small tumorlike growths that projects from a mucous membrane surface.
Low-pitched fluttering or humming sound, such as a heart murmur.
acute pain
Follows acute injury, disease, or surgical intervention and has a rapid onset; varies in intensity, and lasts for a brief time, usually less than 6 months.
Audible abdominal sound produced by hyperactive intestinal peristalsis
Small open ulcer that drains serous material; found on genitalia, associated with syphilis.
pulse pressure
Difference between the systolic and diastolic pressures, normally 30 to 40 mm Hg.
Inflammation of the peritoneum produced by bacteria or irritating substances introduced into the abdominal cavity by a penetrating wound or perforation of an organ in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract or the reproductive tract.
auscultatory gap
Disappearance of sound when obtaining a blood pressure: typically occurs between the first and second Korotkoff sounds.
Blockage in a canal, vessel, or passage of the body.
Thick, raised, pearly-white patch of precancerous tissue found on the lips, buccal mucosa, penis, or vulva.
Abnormal deficiency of oxygen in arterial blood.
Lateral spinal curvature.
Condition in which the eyelid turns inward toward the eye.
cherry angiomas
Ruby red papules of the skin.
basal metabolic rate (BMR)
Amount of energy used in a unit of time by a fasting, resting subject to maintain vital functions.
Hardened tissue, particularly skin, due to edema, inflammation, or infiltration by a tumor.
Superficial dermatitis of unknown cause.
Chronic metabolic condition caused by overproduction of growth hormone and characterized by gradual, marked enlargement and elongation of bones of the face, jaw, and extremities.
Inflammation of skin characterized by itching, redness, and skin lesions.
Pertaining to natural and synthetic chemicals that have opium-like effects although they are not derived from opium.
point of maximal impulse (PMI)
Anatomical point along the fourth to fifth intercostal space at the midclavicular line where the heartbeat can most easily be palpated through the chest wall.
Excessive sleepiness.
Measure of the packed cell volume of red cells, expressed as a percentage of the total blood volume.
Chemical that transfers an electrical impulse from the nerve fiber to the muscle fiber.