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46 Cards in this Set

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Chronic metabolic condition caused by overproduction of growth hormone and characterized by gradual, marked enlargement and elongation of bones of the face, jaw, and extremities.
adventitious sounds
Abnormal lung sounds heard with auscultation.
Allen's test
Test for the patency of the radial artery. The client's hand is formed into a fist while the nurse compresses the ulnar artery. Compression of the ulnar artery is continued while the fist is opened. If blood perfusion through the radial artery is adequate, the hand should flush and resume normal pinkish coloration.
apical impulse
Point at which the apex of the heart touches the anterior chest wall; best site for auscultation of heart sounds; also called the point of maximal impulse (PMI).
arcus senilis
Thin white ring along the margin of the iris.
basal cell carcinoma
Malignant epithelial cell tumor that begins as a papule and enlarges peripherally, developing a central crater that erodes, crusts, and bleeds. Metastasis is rare. Primary cause is excessive exposure to the sun or to x-rays.
Audible abdominal sound produced by hyperactive intestinal peristalsis
Increase in intensity and clarity of the vocal resonance that may result from an increase in the lung tissue density, such as in the consolidation of pneumonia.
Abnormal sound or murmur heard while auscultating an organ, gland, or artery.
Inflammation of the gallbladder; may be acute or chronic.
Portion of the vaginal wall and bladder that has prolapsed or fallen into the anterior vaginal orifice.
Swelling of a body cavity; may be caused by fluid, gas, or a mass.
Eversion of the eyelid that exposes the conjunctival membrane and part of the eyeball.
Condition in which the eyelid turns inward toward the eye.
Redness or inflammation of the skin or mucous membranes that is a result of dilation and congestion of superficial capillaries; sunburn is an example.
Injury to the skin's surface caused by abrasion.
Abnormal protrusion of one or both eyeballs.
Abnormal benign growth on the surface of a bone.
Excessive body hair in a masculine distribution caused by heredity, hormonal dysfunction, or medication.
Increased muscle tone.
Hardened tissue, particularly skin, due to edema, inflammation, or infiltration by a tumor.
Exaggeration of the posterior curvature of the thoracic spine.
Thick, raised, pearly-white patch of precancerous tissue found on the lips, buccal mucosa, penis, or vulva.
Increased lumbar curvature.
Group of malignant neoplasms, primarily of the skin, that are composed of melanocytes; common in fair-skinned people having light-colored eyes and in persons who have had a sunburn; any black or brown spot having an irregular border, pigment appearing to radiate beyond that border, or a red, black, and blue coloration observable on close examination.
To spread.
Involuntary rhythmic movements of the eyes; the oscillations may be horizontal, vertical, rotary, or mixed.
Blockage in a canal, vessel, or passage of the body.
Instrument used to illuminate the structures of the eye for the examination of the fundus, which includes the retina, choroid, optic nerve disc, macula, fovea centralis, and retinal vessels
Instrument with a special ear speculum used to examine the deeper structures of the external and middle ear
Referring to the characteristic of any drug or substance that has a harmful effect on the eighth cranial nerve or the organs of hearing and balance.
paralytic ileus
Usually temporary paralysis of intestinal wall that may occur after abdominal surgery or peritoneal injury and that causes cessation of peristalsis; leads to abdominal distention and symptoms of obstruction.
Inflammation of the peritoneum produced by bacteria or irritating substances introduced into the abdominal cavity by a penetrating wound or perforation of an organ in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract or the reproductive tract.
Inflammation of a vein.
point of maximal impulse (PMI)
Anatomical point along the fourth to fifth intercostal space at the midclavicular line where the heartbeat can most easily be palpated through the chest wall.
Abnormal condition of one or both upper eyelids in which the eyelid droops; caused by weakness of the levator muscle or paralysis of the third cranial nerve.
pulse deficit
Condition that exists when the radial pulse is less than the ventricular rate as auscultated at the apex or seen on an electrocardiogram; indicates a lack of peripheral perfusion for some of the heart contractions.
Lateral spinal curvature.
senile keratosis
Slowly developing, localized thickening of the outer layers of the skin as a result of chronic, excessive exposure to the sun; commonly develops in older adults.
Abnormal condition characterized by the constriction or narrowing of an opening or passageway in a body structure.
tactile fremitus
Tremulous vibration of the chest wall during breathing that is palpable on physical examination.
Continuous palpable sensation, like the purring of a cat.
Superficial veins that become dilated, for example, varicose veins on the lag or esophageal varicosities along the surface of the esophagus
ventricular gallop
Abnormal low-pitched extra heart sound (S3) heard in early diastole.
vocal fremitus
Vibrations created by sound waves that can be palpated externally.
whispered pectoriloquy
Transmission of a whisper through the pulmonary structures so that it is heard as normal audible speech on auscultation.