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46 Cards in this Set

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3 actions of antacids
work by neutralizing stomach acid
stimulate secretion of mucous
increase tone of cardiac sphincter (makes stomach more resistant to irritation, reduces cancer risk)
________ may be added to antacids to reduce gas pain by causing gas bubbles to break apart so they can be burped up or passed on
Indications for use of antacids
Gastric hyperacidity
GERD (heartburn)
Patients with severe renal failure should take _____ based antacids because they are milder than magnesium and calcium
Magnesium can cause an adverse effect of
Aluminum can cause an adverse effect of
Calcium can cause 2 adverse effects
constipation, kidney stones
If a patient is experiencing constipation or diarrhea dr. miht switch them to ___________________so they effects are cancelled out.
an aluminum & magnesium combo
Antacids are to be given within ___ to ____ hours of other medications because it can decrease the absorption of other drugs.
If a patient suddenly stops taking antacids what can happen?
rebound hyperacidity
H2 antagonists block the H2 receptors in the ____-producing ___ cells in the stomach, making these cells less responsive and resulting in an _____ in pH of the stomach and a relief of symptoms
acid-producing parietal cells, increases pH
H2 antagonists are indicated for 3 things:
GERD, PUD, erosive esophagitis
Patients taking H2 antagonists should be taught to avoid what 4 things due to their irritating effects on the GI tract
caffeine, aspirin, NSAIDS, alcohol
Name 3 H2 antagonists
Cimetidine (Tagament)
Famotidine (Pepcid)
Ranitidine (Zantac)
PPI stands for
Proton Pump Inhibitors
PPI's work by irreversibly binding to the proton pump, preventing movement of the ____ ions out of the parietal cells and blocking the ____ secretion.
hydrogen ions, acid secretion
PPi's are used for:
symptomatic GERD, short term treatment of duodenal ulcers and ulcers caused by H. Pylori
Duodenal and gastric ulcers caused by H. Pylori are treated with...
tetracycline, clarithromycin, H2 blockers, antibiotics
Long term use of PPI's has been linked to
hip fractures
Patients taking PPIs may experience an increased chance of bleeding if they take the drug ________
When should PPIs be taken?
Before a meal
3 PPI's
pmeprazole (Prilosec)
pantoprazole (Protonix)
esomeprazole (Nexium)
causes of diarrhea
nutritional factors

______ are given to patients with diarrhea
Adsorbents work by
coating the wall of GI tract and bind bacteria to their surface
An example of an adsorbent salicylate is
Pepto Bismol
Anticholinergics treat diarrhea by ______ peristalsis which ____ the GI tract
decrease , slow
An example of an anticholinergic is ______
Diarrhea can also be treated with an intestinal flora modifier like ______ ____ and is often given to a patient after finishing antibiotic therapy
lactobacillus acidophilus
______ is a classification of drugs that reduce bowel botility and the transit time of food from the GI tract, giving longer for ____ and ______ to be absorbed
water, electrolyes
An example of an opiate to treat diarrhea is _____
Imodium (loperamide)
Pepto Bismol is contraindicated in teens and children with ____ ____ or ____ because it can sometimes cause a fatal condition as ____ _____.
chicken pox, influenza
Reye's Syndrome
Opiate antidiarrheals can have an additive CNS depressive effect if given in combination with ____ , ______, or ______
alcohol, sedatives, narcotics
Peptol Bismol can cause an increased risk of bleeding if given with ___ or ____
Aspirin or NSAIDS
Constipation can be treated 3 ways:
increase fiber intake
increase physical activity
pharmacologic meds
Bulk forming medications act in a similar manner to fiber in the diet, absorbing water into the ____ which increases bulk in stools
________ is a bulk-forming medication that must be taken with 8 oz. of water (liberal amounts) to prevent _____ _______ or ______ ______
esophageal obstruction or fecal impaction
Emolients either lubricate the stool (mineral oil) or act as a ____ softener such as _____
fecal, Colace
Anti-emetics are drugs given to relieve _____ and _____
nausea and vomitting
Anticholinergics that block acetylcholine receptors in the brain so that nausea signals cannot be transmitted to the CTZ. An example is a ______
Anti-histamines bind to the H1 receptors are the safest drug for nausea/vomitting. 2 medications are:
meclizine (Antivert)
diphenhydramine (Bendadryl)
Neuroleptics prevent nausea and vomiting by blocking dopamine in the CTZ. Examples include ___, ___, and ___-
Compazine, Thorazine, and Promethazine
Prokinetics that stimulate peristalsis in the GI tract ans so enhances emptying of the stomach contents in the duodenum. Example is ___
metocopramide (Reglan)
Serotonin blockers who block serotonin in the GI tract, the CTZ, and the Vomitting Center An example is:
ondanestron (Zofran)
A med in the THC class is ____ and these are best used for cancer and AIDS
Enteral nutrition is the provision of foods or nutritients through the GI tract. This type of nutrition is used as a supplement for patients unable to consume or digest normal food or patients who are undernourished due to ___