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99 Cards in this Set

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Why do we give women options in contraceptives
because of compliance. Compliance is the main key to birth control. Some women comply better on certain contraceptives.
Why is STDs (ex. Herpes, HPV) so important with pregnancy
= Not all STDs go away. Some remain viral and stay in the body for life. Some could be recurrent so it’s really not a quick fix for antibiotic. So just because they are on birth control, it doesn’t mean that they are protected from STDs
Why do we check all medical history even when giving birthcontrol on young adolescents
because even the young have disorders such as clotting disorders.
What is the main key when dealing with adolescence
Once a minor becomes pregnant, do they still need parents consent
no they are automatically emancipated minors. But may vary from state to state. If needs aborption, it may require parents consent. But C-section or any other delivery procedures; they don’t need parents consent.
What behaviors do adolescents normal show in terms of STDs or pregnancy
risk behaviors. “it won’t happen to me.” Or even if it happens to them once, they think it will not happen to them again.
woman that are late 30s early 40s. They start to have menstrual changes. Sometimes they have it sometimes they don’t have it.
Do you think perimenopausal woman can still get pregnant =
yes they can because they are still having menses. It doesn’t matter if it’s regular or not regular menses. So you need counsel them of the right contraceptive for this age group.
What contraceptive can you offer perimenopausal woman
low-dose Contraceptives
What do you assess them for before you give them contraceptive s
screen them for smoking, cholesterol issues, blood pressure issues, kidney or gallbladder disease
What type of contraceptives can perimenopausal woman take that is less risky =
IUD (Intra Uterine Device). Lower maintenance.
What are older women at risk for in pregnancy
= 40yrs old or older are at risk for having multiple fertility; twins.
BTL (bilateral Tube ligation)
they tie the tube. It is more invasive and more expensive than males sterilization.
What type of anesthesia does it require for female BTL (sterilization)
regional or block
How effective is female sterilization
95%. So 5% of the woman can still get pregnant after having the procedure.
What is the most effective type of birth control
What is the male’s sterilization called
Which sterilization is more invasive and costly, the male or the female’s
the females. The female’s could cause 5000 vs with the male, it’s only $600.
Where can vasectomy be done
IT can be done in the office because it only requires local anesthesia.
what is the cause that male or female could sometimes be pregnant after having permanent sterilization
at a lot of times they don’t come back for their check up to see if they have any live sperms or eggs
what do normal birth control comes with
progesterone and estrogen
Why do some birth control only come with progesterone =
people who can’t tolerate estrogen, coagulation issues who can’t have estrogen.
So what is the most common type of progestin only contraceptive
Depo Provera
Depo Provera
given IM at 150ml every 3months or 12 weeks
What happens if you miss your injection of depo provera
you can get pregnant
What is depo also good for besides birth control
Women who have menstrual disorders. it greatly reduces bleeding, and cramping.
How does depo provera reduces bleeding
it thins out the lining of uterus. So they would have less lining to shed thus less menstrual bleeding.
What is the action of depo provera
suppresses ovulation
What is the side effect of depo provera
irregular bleeding es. Those patients who have it after delivery because they have irregular bleeding initially. So you have to teach them that they may have some spotting so that they don’t freak out.
How does depo affect weight
some can have weight gain. Could be due to insulin resistant associated with it.
How does depo affects the skin =
acne, mood changes,
Good candidate for depo
Patients that have coagulapathy or heart disease, pace maker. Because these people can’t tolerate estrogen and depo do not have estrogen
another form of progestin only contraceptive. It uses rods
How long does implanon last
What’s the improvement in implanon
it is easier to insert, easier to remove, and only 1 rod system
Emergency contraceptive
good up to 72 hrs (plan b). But not a form of birth control
How old do they have to be to use emergency contraceptive
= 17 and older
When is emergency pill taken
12 hrs after unprotected sex.
Evra patch
estrogen & progestin birthcontrol.
What is the problem with evra patch
= it increases risk of blood clotting – but still in the market so we need to counsil the patient about it
What is the contraindication of evra patch
it is contraindicated to patients who smokes or older because of the increase in risk for blood clotting
How many days in a pack of envra patch
28 or 21 day pack
The last seven day of the pack is wat
placebo pill which only contains sugar just to get patient in a habit of taking a pill everyday. So we normally use the 28day pack due to this reason
Where can you put the evra patch
= abdomen, shoulder. Rotate the site.
Where cant you not apply the evra patch
= near the breast is not a good place.
Nuva ring
hormonal contraceptive that you leave in the vagina for 3wks
When and why do you remove the nuva ring
so that you can have menstrual cycle for a week. After the 7days, you put another one in.
Action of hormonal contraceptives (ortho, evra patch, and nuva ring
suppresses ovulation
If patient have family history of coagulapathy but wants to get in hormonal contraceptive, what do u do
have them get a blood test to make sure they don’t’ have that disorder. If they don’t then they can get on it.
If first time using birth control, who long do you have to use condom
use condom for 1st 2weeks just to make sure you give time for the contraceptive to work or becomes effective
How often should they come for check up after starting on birth control pill and why
= 3months. Just to make sure that they are ok with the birth control they are on now . They can be given different type if they don’t’ like their pills because some are good for cramps, cycle control, etc. depending on their symptoms
What vital sign should they be evaluated for when they come in for check up from birth control
Blood pressure, even in younger population because they can also have alteration in their B/P.
Once they their pill, when should they start taking it
on first day of menses (the real pill or placebo?)
Why do you take the birthcontrol on say time everyday day
to make the therapeutic level continuous.
Why do you take the pill with food
because the estrogen could cause nausea and vomiting. So take it wid food until the body gets used to the hormone.
What do you counsel patient wid regarding their bleeding when on birth control pill
that they may have irregular spotting in the 1st 2-3months
What do you assess on patients taking estrogen related birthcontrol
ACHES when they come in for their check up.
ACHES stands for =
abdominal pain, chest pain, headache, eye problem, severe leg pain.
taking estrogen related birthcontrol , abdominal pain that does not go away with meds could be related to
= gallbladder, liver
taking estrogen related birthcontrol, chest pain, dyspnea, hemoptysis
could be related to blood clotting
taking estrogen related birthcontrol, headache especially with neurological changes such as numbness or weakness of extremities , what should we do
so switch them to something different because this is concerning signs.
taking estrogen related birthcontrol, eye problem could be related to
visual changes, blurry, double
taking estrogen related birthcontrol, severe leg pain, or swelling of calf, thigh could be related to
How long can you leave on IUD
5-10 years without removal. But you don’t have to put it on that long. You can remove it anytime by pulling the string that’s attached to it.
Example of IUD
mirena and paraguard
What is mirena IUD composed of
What is the mirena good for
for people that have heavy bleeding and severe cramping because it does have progestin in it which helps with the bleeding and cramping
What is the advantage of mirena
it doesn’t really have systemic side effects and it is pretty local as far as it’s effectiveness and does last for 5yrs
Why do we need to make sure that the patient is practicing monogamy prior to insertion of IUD
because it increases the risk for pelvic inflammatory disease. So also screen for STDs as well especially that they are asymptomatic
What is Paraguard made out of
only copper
How long does paraguard good for
10 yrs.
What type of allergy is contraindicated for using paraguard IUD
women who are allergic to copper.
Can you still get pregnant with IUD
yes but rare.
If the patient is already having heavy bleeding and cramping, can IUP can you give to them
Mirena and not the paraguard becaue paraguard already causes severe cramping and bleeding
What’s the action of IUD which prevents pregnancy
Spermicidal effect and local antiinflamatory effect on the endemetrium
Which method of contraceptive is the least effective
barrier methods such as condoms, diaphragm, cap, and sponge; because they can break and fall off.
What allergies do you screen for when giving barrier method of contraceptive
latex especially diagram
what does cap need to be fitted for before use
needs to be fitted specifically over the cervix. Nuva ring you just push it up.
What do you add on the diagram before use
spermicidal gel. So it can be very messy
If patient don’t use tampons and are nor confortable touching themselves which method of contraceptive should you not recommend
diagram, cap
How long do you leave the diagram on for
leave for at least 6hrs after intercourse and add more gel in the vagina if they need to have intercourse again during that time frame.
How does sponge method of birthcontrol work
= you wet it cuz it has spermicidal on it and then you put over the os of the cervix.
What can you use in conjuction with condoms
What does spermicidal come on =
vaginal film, gel, nonoxyl -9
What is nonoxyl-9
= it is contained in spermicidal that kills sperm
How effective is spermicidal
only 74% effective
Withdrawal =
81% effective - There’s an initial sperm in the ejaculate ?
If you are on a 28day menstrual cycle, when do you normally ovulate
14days of the 28day cycle
What do you check for when you are ovulating
basal body temp. if elevated, you are ovulating
What is the cervical mucous have to be that suggests sperm can’t survive
when the cervical mucous is thick. This is safer sex. As opposed to when mucous is very thin and slippery, this is the time frame that they are ovulating. This is the time you need to watch out for if you are not planning to be pregnant.
Is hormonal methods more effective than barrier method
yes because they tend to also regulate cycle especially estrogen and progestin birthcontrol. It also reduces bleeding.
What is dysmenorrheal and what can improve it
= it is a painful cramp that can be improved with hormonal methods of birthcontrol.
How do hormonal birthcontrol improve acne
es. Yasmin, orthotricyclin. Because they have lower endrogenic progestine which causes oily skin and acne. But because some hormonal birthcontrol have lower endrogenic progestin, they can improve acne by suppressing some endrogens.
Which cancer does hormonal contraceptives reduce
= it reduces risk for endometrial because it reduces the lining of the uterus. It also reduces ovarian cancer because it suppresses ovulation
How does hormonal contraceptive lower anemia
because it decreases bleeding
If they have TWO agents of Hypertension can they have hormonal contraceptive
Contraindications FOR hormonal contraceptive
Hypertension; Thromboembolic disease; >35 y.o.* (DEPENDING ON THEIR RISK FACTOR. IF NON, THEY CAN GO ON LOW DOSE BIRTH CONTROL ; Smoker; Liver disease, Hyperlipidemia
Side Effects OF hormonal contraceptive:
Headaches; Nausea; >appetite, wgt gain; Irregular bleeding; Melasma, Severe: HTN, stroke
What is melasma =
hyperpigmentation of the skin due to estrogen