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40 Cards in this Set

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If the woman is of normal weight before pregnancy, how much weight is a healthy amount to gain?
25-35 pounds
What are some risk factors affecting pregnancy?
low income level
poor diet
high altitude (high HGB)
Multiparity over 4 (bleed)
Wt. below 100 or above 200
Wt. gain less than 12 lbs.
Wt. gain more than 48 lbs.
Age below 16
Age above 35
Use of drugs/alcohol
Preexisting medical disorders
Previous OB complications
Current OB problems
What are some preexisting medical disorders that would be of great concern for the pregnant woman?
HTN, diabetes, anemia, cardiac disease, thyroid and renal disorders
Herpes II
Rubella Infection
What are some presumptive signs of pregnancy?
mentstrual suppression,
urinary frequency
breast changes- tender, full
What is quickening?
movement of baby felt by mother, usually at 16-18 weeks gestation
What are some probable signs of pregnancy?
Enlargement of abdomen
Cervical softening (Goodelle's Sign)
Braxton hicks contractions
Palpation of fetal outline
Uterine souffle
Pregnancy Test
____ can be noted by the examiner during pelvic examination, it is the softening of the cervix. (Becomes soft like an earlobe, not so much like the nose as before)
Goodell's Sign
At 6 to 8 weeks after the last menses, the lower uterine segment (isthmus) is so soft it can be compressed to the thinness of paper. The uterus can be easily flexed against the cervix.
Hagar's Sign
What is ballottement?
Rebound-- Occurring midpregnancy, a sudden tap on the cervix during vaginal examination may cause the fetus to rise in the amniotic fluid and then rebound to original position.
Irregular, painless contractions that occur throughout pregnancy that can be relieved by changing position or with activity.
Braxton Hicks contractions
What are the 3 positive indications of pregnancy?
Fetal heart sounds

Fetal movements felt by examiner

Fetal skeleton on ultrasound/ visualization of embryo or fetus
Measuring the fundal height from the symphysis pybis over abdominal arch to the xyphoid process gives an idea of gestational age. What is this measure called?
McDonald's measurement
What is Uterine Souffle?
Late in pregnancy, a soft, blowing sound may be auscultated over the uterus.
Pregnancy tests detect ____, which is secreted by the placenta and present in maternal blood or urine shortly after conception.
What is amenorrhea?
absence of menstruation.
Usually seen in second month of pregnancy, what is the name of the sign that has to do with the cervix changing to a blue or purple color?
Chadwicks Sign
Nagele's Rule
Determine EDD
Use 1st day of last menstrual period, substract 3 months, add 7 days.
______ is secreted by the ovarian follicle, and aids in uterine enlargement.
True or False: the Uterus is fairly insensitive to oxytocin the first half of pregnancy
What is lightening?
descent of fetal head, reduces pressure on the diaphragm and makes breathing easier.
The fundus reaches its highest level at the xiphoid process at ___ weeks
What is the most important hormone of pregnancy?
Major functions of progesterone:
maintaining the endometrail layer for implantation of fertilized ovum

preventing spontaneous abortion by relaxing smooth muscles of uterus

preventing tissue rejection of fetus

stimulating development of lobes and lobules in breast in preparation for lactation

facilitating deposit of fat stores, which provide a reserve of energy for pregnancy an lactation
Areas of pigmentation over the forehead, cheeks and nose are called _____.
also: melasma, or the mask of pregnancy
A dark line of pigmentation extending the center of the abdomen from the symphysis pubis as high as the fundus is called ___ ____.
linea nigra
Stretch Marks are more kindly named: _____ ___
striae gravidarum
The BMR increases /decreases by 25% primarily because of fetal metabolic activity.
During pregnancy, _______ from the anterior pituitary increases to prepare the breasts to produce milk.
The posterior pituitary secretes ____, which stimulates the milk-ejection reflex after childbirth. This hormone also stimulates contractions of the uterus, but during pregnancy this action is inhibited by _____.
oxytocin, progesterone
After childbirth, progesterone levels ____ when the placenta is removed and oxytocin keeps the uterus contracted, preventing excessive bleeding.
This hormone has numerous functions during pregnancy such as:
it stimulates uterine growth and increases blood supply to uterine vessels
it aids in developing the ductal system in the breasts
it is associated with hyperpigmentation, vascular changes in the skin, increased activity of salivary glands, and hyperemia of the gums and nasal mucous membranes
Estrogen is produced by ___ ___ early in pregnancy and then later by the placenta.
corpus luteum
True or False: Glucose levels are 10 - 20% lower than before pregnancy
Hypoglycemia may develop between meals and late at night as the fetus draws glucose from the mother.
In pregnancy, the length of the uterus increases by ___ ad the width by ______.
7-11 times
2-7 times
What is the function of the mucous plug?
Protects from infection
A definitive diagnosis of pregnancy can only be based on _____ signs.
What does GTPAL stand for?
Gravida (# of pregnancies) , Term, Preterm, Abortion, Living Children
refers to a woman who is or has been pregnant regardless of the duration of pregnancy
refers to the number of pregnancies that have ended at 20 or more weeks, regardless of whether the infant was born alive or stillborn
Does having twins affect gravida and para?
No, a woman pregnant with twins will be a gravida 1, para 1 if birth occurs at 20 or more weeks of pregnancy.