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52 Cards in this Set

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Historically, what were the 3 main causes of maternal death?
Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy: PIH - Pregnancy Induced Hypertension &Toxemia

Infection- puerperal sepsis "childhood fever," TB

Historically, what were the 3 main causes of maternal death?
Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy: PIH - Pregnancy Induced Hypertension &Toxemia

Infection- puerperal sepsis "childhood fever," TB

What is toxemia?
the condition in pregnancy of pre-eclampsia or eclampsia

(also- a condition characterized by the presence of bacterial toxins in the blood )
What is toxemia?
the condition in pregnancy of pre-eclampsia or eclampsia

(also- a condition characterized by the presence of bacterial toxins in the blood )
Historically, what were the 3 main causes of infant death?
#1 diarrhea from contagious disease (also contributes to dehydration)


dehydration (poor latch-on)
What were some trends used for mothers in the past that have since been reformed?
-Forceps were common
-Meds w/ dangerous and hallucinogenic side effects
-Women lay flat for delivery
-Avg hospital stay 10+ days
Even after technologic advancements, what were 3 more factors that continued to contribute to maternal and infant death?
Poor Nutrition
Infectious Disease
Inadequate prenatal care
Even after technologic advancements, what were 3 more factors that continued to contribute to maternal and infant death?
Poor Nutrition
Infectious Disease
Inadequate prenatal care
What were some important discoveries that led to an enormous change in maternity care:
Semmelweis discovered hygeine practices could prevent puerperal infection
-Development of forceps to facilitate birth
-Discovery of choloroform to control pain during childbirth
-Use of drugs to initiate labor or to increase uterine contractions
The ratio of sick to well persons in a defined population
What were some important discoveries that led to an enormous change in maternity care:
Semmelweis discovered hygeine practices could prevent puerperal infection
-Development of forceps to facilitate birth
-Discovery of choloroform to control pain during childbirth
-Use of drugs to initiate labor or to increase uterine contractions
True or False: Every pregnant woman gets tested for GBS.
True or False: Every pregnant woman gets tested for GBS during first 36 weeks.
first 6 weeks after childbirth
infant mortality rate
# of deaths per 1,000 live births that occur within the first 12 months of life
neonatal mortality rate
# of deaths per 1000 live births that occur before 28 days of life
maternal mortality rate
# of maternal deaths from childbirth and the complications of pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium (first 42 days after the end of the pregnancy) per 100,000 live births

** Also includes deaths after 42 days since delivery if pregnancy aggravated a disease that existed prior to becoming pregnant, or developed during pregnancy and the disease later led to the woman's death
deontologic theory
ethical theory that holds that the right course of action is the one dictated by ethical principles and moral rules
utilitarian theory
ethical theory that holds that the right course of action is the one that produces the greatest good
The following are the basic principles of what type of care?
Childbirth is usually a normal, healthy event in the life of a family.
Childbirth affects the entire family, and restructuring of family relationships is required.
Families are capable of making decisions about care, provided that they are given adequate information and professional support.
family-centered maternity care
____________ emphasizes family unity while maintaining physical safety
family-centered care
Which diseases caused devastating epidemics for children during the 17th and 18th century in North America?
smallpox, diptheria, scarlet fever, measles
If a woman tests positive for GBS, what is the protocal?
prophylactic antibiotics, hospitalized at least 48 h
When does a pregnant woman first get a UA (urinalysis)?
1st trimester
What is considered a low birth weight?
less than 2500 g (2.5 kg)
A preterm birth is an infant born before the end of the ___ week.
Fertility Rate
# of births per 1000 women between 15-44 years of age
Birth Rate
# of live births per 1000 people in population
Regulations involving the termination of preganancy or the withholding medical treatment involved with a viable pregnancy or correctable defect
Baby Doe Regulations
What does the Nurse Practice Act describe?
scope of practice
A diagnosis starting with "risk of" is a ___ -part nursing diagnosis.
_____ provides health care for the poor, aged, and disabled, with pregnant women and young children especially targeted. How is this organization funded?

federal and individual state governments
WIC assists pregnant and breastfeding women up to __ years of age
Main contributing factors to infant mortality in United States today
1. Unequal access to health care for women of different socioeconomic levels
2. Excess low-birth-weight and premature infants.
Also: congenital anomalies, SIDS, problems related to pregnancy complications, and respiratory distress syndrome
morbidity rate
ratio of sick to well people in a population presented as a number of ill people per 1000 people in a population
What Supreme Court Decision ruled that:
-a woman could obtain an abortion at any time during the 1st trimester
-the state could regulate abortions during the 2nd trimester only to protect the woman's health
-the state could regulate or prohibit abortion during the third trimeester, except when the mother's life might be in jeapardy if the pregnancy continues
Roe v. Wade- 1973
Three categories of safeguards determine how the law views nursing practice, these include:
state nurse practice acts

standards of care set by professional organizations

rules and policies set by the institution employing the nurse
Two current trends that hospitals and health care providers use to cut costs that may have ethical or legal implications include:
Using unlicensed assistive personnel and early discharge
The developing baby from 9 week after conception until birth is called a ____.
A clinical nurse specialist is an expert practitioner, educator, researcher, and consultant. Are they able to provide primary care?
_______ is the condition of belonging to a particular group that shares race, language, and dialect, religious faiths, traditions, values, and symbols as well as food preferences, literature, and folklore.
belief that one's own cultural values and patterns of behavior are superior to those of other groups
These people highly value the family and many generations remain close to each other. Elders are highly respected. Self-sufficiency and self-control are highly valued. Stoicism may make pain assessment difficult. These people may avoid eye contact and place a high value on honor. Specific interpreter needed for subgroups of different countries. May view health as a balance of yin and yang.
Asian culture
These people need specific education related to obesity, diabetes, and HTN
Pacific Islander, African American
In this culture, men are usually the head of household and are considered strong. Women are homemakers. They usually have close extended family and place a high vallue on children. They prefer some small talk before a direct question from a stranger. May distrust healthcare providers because of their undocmented status. May view health as a balance of hot and cold.
Hispanic culture
This culture usually has a sense of loyalty to their own people and community and may distrust the majority. The minister is highly influential and religious rituals are often used. Illness may be seen as the will of God.
African American culture
These people use herbs and rituals as part of the medicine man's curative practice. They may consider health to be a state of unity, interconnections, and harmony with they environment. They may believe in supernatural influences.
American Indians and Alaska Natives
In this culture, many pray five times a day, don't eat pork, and don't drink alcohol. Usuallly prefer same gender provider because of modesty. Ritual cleansing, facing meca Asking husband's opinon or permission can be helful. Interpreters should be of same religion and country if possible.
Middle Eastern culture (usually of Muslim religion)
a behavior used frequently by children-- a reactivation of behavior more appropriate to an earlier stage of development
regression, such as a six-year-old sucking his thumb again
A ____ pregnancy is a potential medical emergency. It is a complication in which the embryo implants outside the uterine cavity, usually in the Fallopian tube. Usually not viable.