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15 Cards in this Set

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What is another name for Celiac disease?
Nontropical Sprue
What is Celiac disease?
Celiac disease is a digestive disease that damages the small intestine and interferes with absorption of nutrients from food. People who have celiac disease cannot tolerate a protein called gluten
Is Celiac disease more likely in men or women?
more in WOMEN than men
In Celiac disease there is a marked atrophy of villi in proximal small intestine induced by ingestion of____ containing foods.
Give examples of gluten products:
gluten is high molecular weight protein found in rye, oats, barley, and wheat (bread products, beer, and other processed foods)
Gluten is ______ to celiac disease patients.
When do symptoms appear in a celiac patient?
when gluten is present (as soon as gluten contacts the cells
Why does gluten adversely affect the person with celiac disease?
the celiac disease patient lacks a peptidase which would normally detoxify a noxious peptide of gluten
In the celiac patient gluten causes a loss of villi which then causes a marked reduction of _____ _____?
absorptive surface
Is there a strong family incidence in relation to celiac disease?
Is someone born with celiac disease?
What is the normal onset for celiac disease?
onset ocurs in infants between 6 months to 2 years and in adults 20-50
True of false, symptoms begin between childhood and adolescence?
What are the symptoms of celiac disease in an infant?
anorexia, irritability, diarrhea w/pale bulky stools, weight loss, failure to thrive
What are the symptoms of celiac disease in an adult?
lassitude (Weakness, weariness, listlessness, exhaustion, lethargy), weakness, diarrhea, steatorrhea (increase fat in feces), bulky pale frothy stools