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123 Cards in this Set

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normal adult WBC values

Increases in acute infection; decreases in certain viral or overwhelming infections
iatrogenic infection
type of HAI from a diagnostic or therapeutic procedure
exogenous infection
comes from microorganisms found outside the individual, i.e. salmonella, Clostridium tetani, Aspergillus
endogenous infection
occurs when part of the patient's normal flora becomes altered and an overgrowth occurs results, i.e. staphylococci, enterococci, yeasts
What are the body's defenses against infection? (7)
Skin multilayered surface, shedding, and sebum
Mouth saliva and mucosa
Eyes tearing and blinking
Respiratory tract cilia and macrophages
Urinary tract urine flushing action and multilayered epithelium
GI tract acidity and rapid peristalsis
Vaginal flora
Identify the 6 parts of the chain of infection.
Infectious agent
Portal of exit
Mode of transmission
Portal of entry
Identify the ideal pH for infectious agents.
pH 5-7
inanimate objects
Identify the 6 parts of the chain of infection.
Infectious agent
Portal of exit
Mode of transmission
Portal of entry
Identify the number one mode of transmission.
Healthcare worker's hands
communicable disease
infectious disease that can be transmitted directly from one person to another
Infection can develop if the chain of infection remains ______.
Microorganisms on the skin are either resident or transient ______.
flora, AKA normal flora
normal flora (resident organisms)
permanent residents organisms of the skin, where they survive and multiply without causing illness
ability to produce a disease; typically in reference to an organism
place where microorganisms survive, multiply, and await transfer to a susceptible host
Identify the 4 most frequent reservoirs for HAIs.
Healthcare worker's (esp. hands)

What do organisms require to thrive?
a proper environment, including appropriate food, oxygen, water, temperature, pH, and light
_____ temperatures tend to prevent growth and reproduction of bacteria.
prevents growth and reproduction of bacteria
temperature or chemical that destroys bacteria
Identify 6 ports of exit/entry.
Skin and mucous membranes
Respiratory tract
Genitourinary tract
Gastrointestinal tract
Transplacental (mother to fetus)
Identify the 6 modes of transmission.

mode of transmission: direct
person-to-person (i.e. fecal to oral) physical contact between source and susceptible host (e.g. touching patient feces and then touching inner mouth or consuming contaminated food)
mode of transmission: indirect
personal contact of susceptible host with contaminated inanimate object (e.g. needles, dressings, environment)
mode of transmission: droplet
large particles that travel up to 3 feet during coughing, sneezing, or talking and come in contact with susceptible host
mode of transmission: airborne
Droplet nuclei or residue or evaporated droplets suspended in air during coughing or sneezing or carried on dust particles that then come in contact with susceptible host
Identify 'vehicles' for modes of transmission. (5)
Contaminated items
Drugs, solutions
Food (improperly handled)

mode of transmission: vector
transmission via flies (external) or mosquito, louse, flea, tick (internal)
Identify the 4 stages for the course of infection.

Why would someone have a fever after surgery?
Products getting into blood stream, person is cut up, and surgeons are accessing insides
incubation period
interval between entrance of pathogen into body and appearance of first symptoms
prodromal period
interval from onset of nonspecific signs and symptoms (malaise, low-grade fever, fatigue) to more specific symptoms
illness stage
interval when patient shows signs and symptoms specific to type of infection
interval when acute symptoms of infection disappear; recovery
individual's degree of resistance to pathogens
Identify the two main categories that affects a person's susceptibility.
Natural defenses (age, nutritional status, etc.)
Certain risk factors
Identify the reason for the increased resistance of certain organisms to antibiotics.
Frequent and sometimes inappropriate use of antibiotics over the years in all settings (i.e. acute care, clinics, long-term care)
cellular response of the body to injury, infection, or irritation
fluid and cells that are discharged from cells or blood vessels (e.g. pus or serum)
an increase in the number of circulating WBCs, which is the response of the body when WBCs are leaving blood vessels to attack infection
medical asepsis
"clean technique" includes procedures for reducing the number of organisms present and preventing the transfer of organisms
Identify 3 examples of medical asepsis.
Hand hygiene, barrier techniques, and routine environmental cleaning
Standard precautions apply to contact with _______. (4)
blood, body fluid, nonintact skin, and mucous membranes from all patients.
the complete elimination or destruction of all microorganisms, including spores
process that eliminates many or all microorganisms, with the exception of bacterial spores, from inanimate object
surgical asepsis
procedures used to eliminate any microorganisms from an area
Although surgical asepsis is common in surgery and L&D, when do you use it at the bedside? (3)
Suctioning the tracheobronchial airway
Inserting IV or urinary catheters
Reapplying sterile dressings

Tip: SIR
sterile field
area free of microorganisms and prepared to receive sterile items
A patient in isolation is subject to ________ because of the restricted environment.
sensory deprivation
Identify the most effective way to break the chain of infection.
Hand hygiene
The nurse wears a gown when _______.
blood or body fluids may get on the nurse's clothing from a task that he or she plans to perform.
When a nurse is performing surgical hand asepsis, the nurse must keep hands _______ elbows.

What is the best method to sterilize a straight urinary catheter and suction tube in the home setting?
Boiling water
A patient has an indwelling urinary catheter. Why does an indwelling urinary catheter present a risk for urinary tract infection?
It obstructs the normal flushing action of urine flow.
Identify 5 common nursing interventions for infection control.
-Monitor client’s body temperature
-Inspect urine for foul odor
-Inspect IV site for redness, swelling, drainage
-Observe client for evidence of cough
-Teach client and family proper hand washing technique
Identify nursing actions/concerns for a systemic infection. (5)
I & O
Increased BMR increases Nutritional requirements
Cells need oxygen, rest
Identify nursing actions/concerns for a localized infection. (3)
Remove debris
Assess infected drainage
Supportive care for healing wounds
No fresh flowers or potted plants should not in patients that are _______.
Which mode of transmission requires the N-95?
Identify 3 diseases that can spread via the airborne transmission.
Varicella (chicken pox)
Identify 4 diseases that can spread via the droplet transmission.

Identify which mode of transmission requires the use of a mask when within 3 feet of a patient.
immune response
how your body recognizes and defends itself against bacteria, viruses, and substances that appear foreign and harmful
Normal body floras help to resist infection by _______. (2)
releasing antibacterial substances and inhibiting multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms.
the process of phagocytes (type of WBC) "eating" microorganisms and dead or damaged cell; part of inflammation process
Identify 6 conditions that increase susceptibility to infection.
Poor nutrition
Increasing age
Inherited conditions
Chronic disease
Teatments or conditions that compromise the immune response

Identify the 4 major sites for health care–associated infections (HAIs).
Wounds, surgical or traumatic
Urinary tract
Respiratory tracts

Identify the major reservoir(s) and major infections/diseases caused by the following organism: Escherichia coli.

Gastroenteritis, UTI
Identify the major reservoir(s) and major infections/diseases caused by the following organism: Staphylococcus aureus.
Skin, hair, anterior nares, mouth

Wound infections, pneumonia, food poisoning, cellulitis
Identify the major reservoir(s) and major infections/diseases caused by the following organism: Streptococcus (group A).
Oropharynx, skin, perianal area

Strep throat, rheumatic fever, scarlet fever, impetigo, wound infection
Identify the major reservoir(s) and major infections/diseases caused by the following organism: Streptococcus (group B).
Adult genitals

UTI, wound infection, postpartum sepsis, neonatal sepsis
Identify the major reservoir(s) and major infections/diseases caused by the following organism: Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Droplet nuclei from lungs, larynx

Identify the major reservoir(s) and major infections/diseases caused by the following organism: Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
Genitourinary tract, rectum, mouth

Gonorrhea, pelvic inflammatory disease, infectious arthritis, conjuctivitis
Identify the major reservoir(s) and major infections/diseases caused by the following organism: Rickettsia rickettsii.
Wood tick

Rocky Mountain spotted fever
Identify the major reservoir(s) and major infections/diseases caused by the following organism: Staphylococcus epidermidis.

Wound infection, bacteremia
Identify the major reservoir(s) and major infections/diseases caused by the following organism: HIV.
Blood, semen, vaginal secretions

Identify the major reservoir(s) and major infections/diseases caused by the following organism: Candida albicans.
Mouth, skin, colon, genital tract

Candidiasis, pneumonia, sepsis
Identify the major reservoir(s) and major infections/diseases caused by the following organism: Hep B/C.
Blood and certain body fluids, sexual contact

Hep B/Hep C
Identify the major reservoir(s) and major infections/diseases caused by the following organism: Hep A.

Hepatitis A
Identify the major reservoir(s) and major infections/diseases caused by the following organism: Herpes simplex virus 1.
Lesions of mouth or skin, saliva, genitalia

Cold sores, aseptic meningitis, STD, herpetic whitlow
Identify the major reservoir(s) and major infections/diseases caused by the following organism: Aspergillus organisms.
Soil, dust, mouth, skin, colon, genital tract

Aspergillosis, pneumonia, sepsis
Identify the major reservoir(s) and major infections/diseases caused by the following organism: Plasmodium falciparum.

normal adult iron level
60-90 g/100 mL

Decreases in chronic infection
normal adult erythrocyte sedimentation rate
15 mm/hr (men)
20 mm/hr (women)

Increases in presence of inflammatory process
Identify the possible outcome for the following susceptibility risk factor: chronic disease.
Pneumonia, skin breakdown, venous stasis ulcers
Identify the possible outcome for the following susceptibility risk factor: high-risk behaviors (lifestyle).
STI, HIV, viral infections, yeast infections, liver failure, HBV, HCV
Identify the possible outcome for the following susceptibility risk factor: occupation (miner, unemployed, homeless).
Black lung disease, pneumonia, TB, poor intake, lack of access to medical care, stress
Identify the possible outcome for the following susceptibility risk factor: heredity (sickle-cell disease, diabetes).
Anemia, delayed-healing
Identify the possible outcome for the following susceptibility risk factor: travel history.
Meningitis, acute respiratory distress
Identify the possible outcome for the following susceptibility risk factor: trauma.
Sepsis, secondary infection
Identify the possible outcome for the following susceptibility risk factor: nutrition.
Impaired immune response
You need to obtain specimens with ______ gloves and _______ equipment.
Clean gloves and sterile equipment

You need to double bag contaminated items to prevent accidental exposure.

CDC only recommends use of single, intact , standard size linen bag
Why it it necessary to bag linen or trash?
Prevent accidental exposure to personnel and contamination of surrounding environment
For the following defense mechanism, identify its location, action, and the factor(s) that may alter it: sebum.

Contains fatty acid that kills some bacteria

Excessive bathing
For the following defense mechanism, identify its location, action, and the factor(s) that may alter it: saliva.

Wash away particles; contains microbial inhibitors (e.g. lysozyme)

Poor oral hygiene, dehydration
For the following defense mechanism, identify its location, action, and the factor(s) that may alter it: tearing and blinking.

Blinking reduces entry, tearing washes away particles containing pathogens

Injury, exposure (e.g. splash of infectious material)
For the following defense mechanism, identify its location, action, and the factor(s) that may alter it: cilia lining airway, coating w/ mucous.
Respiratory tract

Traps inhaled microbes and sweeps them outward to be expectorated or swallowed

Smoking, high concentration of oxygen and carbon dioxide, cold air, decreased humidity
For the following defense mechanism, identify its location, action, and the factor(s) that may alter it: puberty causing low pH.

Inhibit growth of many microroganisms

Antibiotics and oral contraceptives
For the following defense mechanism, identify its location, action, and the factor(s) that may alter it: macrophages.
Respiratory tract

Engulf/destroy microorganisms reaching alveoli of lung

For the following defense mechanism, identify its location, action, and the factor(s) that may alter it: rapid peristalsis in small intestine.
Small intestine/GI tract

Prevents retention of bacterial contents

Delayed motility due to fecal impaction or mechanical obstruction
For the following defense mechanism, identify its location, action, and the factor(s) that may alter it: acidity of gastric secretions.
GI tract

Prevents retention of bacterial contents

Taking antacids
Identify the 4 types of isolation precautions in order of most serious to least serious. What tier are they in?
Tier 2

Protective equipment
Identify the type of isolation precaution in which you would have to wear an N-95 respirator.
Airborne precautions
Identify the type of isolation precaution in which droplet nuclei are smaller than 5 microns.
Airborne precautions
Identify the type of isolation precaution in which droplet nuclei are larger than 5 microns.
Droplet precautions
Identify the type of isolation precaution required for a patient that had allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplants.
Protective precaution
Identify the type of isolation precaution required for a patient that had C. difficile infection.
Contact precautions
Identify the type of isolation precaution required for a patient that had pertussis.
Droplet precautions
Identify the type of isolation precaution required for a patient that had mumps.
Droplet precautions
Identify the type of isolation precaution required for a patient that had TB.
Airborne precautions
Identify the type of isolation precaution required for a patient that had measles.
Airborne precautions
Identify the type of isolation precaution required for a patient that had diphtheria.
Droplet precautions
Identify the type of isolation precaution required for a patient that had MRSA.
Contact precautions
Identify the type of isolation precaution required for a patient that had chickenpox (varicella).
Airborne precautions
Identify the type of isolation precaution required for a patient that had rubella.
Droplet precautions
Identify the type of isolation precaution required for a patient that had Mycoplasma/meningococcal pneumonia/sepsis.
Droplet precautions
Identify the type of isolation precaution required for a patient that had varicella zoster.
Airborne precautions
Identify the type of isolation precaution required for a patient that had scabies.
Contact precautions
Identify the type of isolation precaution required for a patient that was immunocompromised.
Contact precautions
Identify the type of isolation precaution required for a young patient that had scarlet fever.
Droplet precautions
Identify the type of isolation precaution required for a patient that had streptococcal pharyngitis.
Droplet precautions