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55 Cards in this Set

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cond. in which the body is in a decreased state of activity, w/ the consequent feeling of being refreshed.
st. of rest accompanied by altered consciousness and relative inactivity.complex rhythmic st. involving a progression of repeated cycles, rep. diff phases of body and brain activity.
urinating in sleep
excessive sleep, esp. during day.

causes:sleep apnea, drug/alcohol, head trauma/cns injury, meds, depression, obesity
even during normal daily routine. disoriented, irritated, restless.
may be situational or chronic
diff. falling asleep, intermittent sleep or early awakening from sleep. most common of all sleep disorders
uncontrollable desire to sleep. can fall standing, driving, swimming. neurologic disorder.

begins during teen yrs/early adulthood and continues through life

treatment may include: methylphenidate (ritalin):cns stim.

modafinil (provigil) promotes wakefulness

gamma-hydroxybutyric acid(GHB) sedative to promote nocturnal sleep
observed in 10-20% of chronic insomnias. involves marked muscle contractions that result in the jerking of one or both legs during sleep.
nocturnal myoclonus
periods of apnea or hypopnea between snoring episodes

last 10 sec to 2 minutes

50-600 episodes a night

causes: obstruction, narrowing of nasal passageways

may impair cardiac function over time
sleep apnea
sleep disorders characterized by insomnia or excessive sleepiness
patterns of waking behavior that appear during sleep
explain NREM stages
1: transit state between wakefulness and sleep/ relaxed. 5 % total sleep

2:actual stage of sleep. can be aroused easily. 50-55%

3: depth of sleep increases, arousal harder 10%

4: delta sleep-greatest depth of sleep -10%
slow brain waves. pulse low, metabolism slows, lower body temp
explain REM
enter from stage 2.
eyes dart back and forth
sm. muscle twitching
lg. muscle immobility, resembles paralysis

irregular or rapid pulse

BP raises, gastric sec. raises, metabolism raises

active brain waves

arousal from sleep hard

20%-25% total sleep
how can respiratory disease affect sleep
may have trouble breathing, may not be able to relax
how can coronary artery disease affect sleep
pain assoc. w/ illness, likely felt in rem sleep
how can hypertension affect sleep
may have trouble relaxing to promote sleep b/c of higher BP.
how can hypothryroidism affect sleep
lowers amt of NREM sleep, esp. stage 2 & 4
excessive urination during night; ppl w/ this might be anxious to go to bed b/c stressed about peeing bed
how does physical illnesss affect sleep
a physiologic and psychological stressor, influences sleep. certain illnesses are more closely related to sleep disturbances than others
how does current life events affect sleep
offshift work, physical exercise and activity promote sleep but don't do it within 2 hrs of going to bed.

alcohol in moderation induces sleep.

exvessive amts of alcohol limit rem and delta sleep.

caffine stim.

smoking stim.
how does emotional and mental status affect sleep
psychological stress: lowers amt of sleep/lowers rem sleep

any life situations/illness that cause stress tend to disturb sleep. either lower amt of of time sleeps or lowers amt of rem sleep (anxiety, stress)
how does bedtime routines interfere w/ sleep
most ppl have them to help relax and promote sleep. reading, radio, tv, chatting, personal hygiene.
how does bedtime environment affect sleep
most ppl sleep best in home environment. sleeping in a new/strange place influences sleep. if used to a certain noise and now absent may be harder to fall asleep.
What controls the cyclic nature of sleep
the RAS and bulbar synchronizing region work together (brainstem)
inner clock- complete cycle every 24
some monthly

reg. certain biologic and behavioral function
circadian rhythms
physiology of sleep
-circadian rhythm:inner clock
-brainstem: RAS and bulbar sych. region work together
-nerurotransmitters: are involved. norepinephrine, acetylcholine, dopamine, serotonin, histamine, GABA
extends upward through medulla, pons, midbrain and into hypothalamus

-facilitates reflex and voluntary movements and cortical activities r/t a st. of alterness.
functions that depend on circardian rhythms
heart rate, blood pressure, body temp, hormone sec., metabolism, performance and mood
2 major stages of sleep
nrem and rem
electroencephalograph- rec. and receives electrical currents from brain.
elctrooculogram- rec. eye movement
rec. muscle tone
nrem represents what total % of sleep
throught nrem sleep, vital signs...
decrease. parasymth N S dominates
throught rem sleep, vital signs...
increase. general muscle tone and deep tendon reflexes are depressed.
sleep cycle
lasts 90 minutes
80 min nrem
10 min rem

4-5 cycles per night
the average adult gets how much sleep
7-9 hrs/night
motivation-how it affects sleep
no matter how tired, if motivated can stay awake

minimal motivation-fall asleep
how does carbs affect sleep
affect serotonin levels, calmness and relaxation
how does sleep affect peptic ulcer disease (PUD
gastric sec are higher during rem

awaken at night w/ pain, eating a snack or antacids often helps
How does sleep affect CAD/MI
pain likely during rem sleep
how does sleep affect seizures
occur during nrem and depressed during rem
how does sleep affect liver failure/encephalitis
cause reversal in night/day sleeping habits
how does sleep affect ESRD
disrupts nocturnal sleep; leads to excessive daytime sleepiness
barbiturates, amphetamines and antidepressants do what to sleep
decrease amt of rem sleep
diuretics does what to sleep
narcotis do what to sleep
suppress ren
cardiac meds do what to sleep
nightmares, insomnia
sleep meds
short term use
zaleplon, zolpidem amd artrate (ambien)
4 categories of sleep disorders
sleep dis. assoc. w/ medical or psychiatric disorder, other proposed disorders
characterized by insomnia or excessive sleepiness

-sleep apnea
-restless leg syndrome
-sleep deprivation
patterns of waking behavior during sleep
creeping, crawling, tingling sensations in legs

treatments: elim. caffeine, tobacco, alcohol

mild analgesic at bedtime
heat/cold compress
-relaxation techniques
-ropinirole (requip)
restless leg syndrome
patterns of waking beh. during sleep
somnambulism: sleep walking
night terrors-trauma, fears, anxiety
bruxism-grinding teeth
sleep-related eating disorder
nursing diagnoses for sleep
disturbed sleep pattern
activity intolerance
impaired gas exchange
risk for injury
deficient knowledge
dirturbed thought processes
nursing interventions
environmental controls
promote bedtime rituals
promote comfort
promote activity
respect normal sleep-wake pattens
pharmacological aids
OSA, surgery, CPAP