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59 Cards in this Set

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What is the number 1 characteristic of placenta previa?
Painless vaginal bleeding (70%)
Abruption Placentae?
Bleeding from the placental site may separate the membranes and flow out through the vagina, or it may remain concealed (retroplacental hemorrhage)

Abdominal pain, uterine tenderness and a hypertonic uterus is often present
5 components of the APGAR
Heart Rate
Muscle Tone
Mongolian Spots
Blue patched, more typical in dark skin babies, commonly found on buttocks
Bluish color to extremities before fully effecting blood profusion
Modes of heat loss in the newborn
Why is Vitamin K given to newborns?
Coagulation stimulant
What is primary concern for infants recieveing phototherapy?
Circumcision care
Make sure infant has voided after
Vaseline the gauze
Not remove exudate
Glucose requirements in pregnancy?
Gradually increase from 18-24 weeks until 36 weeks after which they level off

Inuslin resistance increases as well as up to threefold increase in demand: 2nd, 3rd tri
Diabetes in pregnancy risk to mother?

Classical S & S of mastitis?
Unilateral and develops well after flow of milk is established
Other S & S of mastitis?
Chills, fever, malaise, local breast tenderness, swelling, redness, axillary adenopathy
Generally accepted criteria for a reactive NST ?
Two or more accelerations of 15 beats/minute over baseline FHR lasting 15 seconds in a 20 minute period
Basis for non-stress test
Normal fetus produces characteristic FHR patterns in response to fetal movements
NST in the healthy fetus with an intact central nervous system
90% of gross fetal body movements are associated with FHR accelerations
Purpose of contraction stress test?
Identify the fetus in jeopardy who is stable at rest, but shows evidence of compromise with stress (contractions)
What are you looking for with CST
Late decel

Contractions prduces decreased profusion, which leads to fetal hypoxia
Negative CST
No late decels
Positive CST
• If REPETITIVE LATE DECELERATIONS are noted (3 consecutive contractions), the findings are positive
Biophysical profile
Score variables : All scored 0 (abnormal) or 2 (normal)

Fetal breathing movements
Limb/body movements
Fetal tone/posture
Amniotic fluid volume
Non-stress test (NST)

Maximum score 10/10
Low-levels of MSAFP, unconjugated estirol, and amniotic fluid

hCG levels elevated
Down's syndrome
High levels of MSAFP
Nerual tube defects
A pregnancy in which the fertilized ovum is implanted outside of the uterine cavity
Complete mole
Fertilization of egg whose nucleus is lost or inactivated

Sperm duplicates itself

No fetus, placenta, amniotic fluid, membranes
Partial mole
Two sperm fertilize a normal ovum

Usually fetal parts
Concerns for molar pregnancies
Induction of labor is NOT recommended due to the increased risk of embolism from trophoblastic tissue

Follow-up serum bHCG must be done for 1 year; a rising hCG and enlarging uterus may indicate choriocarcinoma
What are the post-partum hemorrhage meds?
Oxytocin (pitocin)


Prostaglandin (Hemabate, Prostin 15m)
Stimulates uterine contraction
Treat PPH

10-40units / L in LR or NS
Stimulates uterine contraction

Contraindications: hypertension, cardiac (do not give if > 140/90

.2mg IV or IM
2mg PO
Prostin 15m
Stimulates uterine contraction

Contraindication: Asthma, hypersensitivity

.25mg IM
Other measures for PPH
Crystalloid solutions or other blood prducts to restore volume
Superficial venous thrombosis
Most common form of PP thrombophlebitis; it is characterized by pain and tenderness in the lower extremity

NSAIDs, elevation, rest, heat TED
Deep vein thrombosis
Unilateral leg pain, calf tenderness, and swelling, may have Homan's

Heparin (5-7 days), Coumidin 3mos, rest, elevation
Pulmonary embolism
Dyspnea and tachypnea, chest pain, elevated temp, tachycardia, doom

Continuous IV Heparin until symptoms resolved, followed by subcutaneous Heparin of Coumadin therapy for 6 months
Appendicitics in pregnancy
Uterus pushes appendix upwards so pain manifests in different area
Magnesium sulfate
Prophylaxis against seizures and antihypertensive agents are given if DBP > 100-110 (preeclampsia)
Why cant you give an ecclamptic women who is hemorrhaging methergine?
Because it icreases BP
HELLP syndrome
Laboratory diagnostic variant of severe preeclampsia involves hepatic dysfunction, characterized by :
Hemolysis (H)
Elevated liver enzymes (EL)
Low platelets (LP)
DIC definition?
Disseminated intravascular coagulation
DIC characteristics
Pathologic form of clotting that is diffuse and consumes large amounts of clotting factors

Caused by:
Abrupt placentae
Retained dead fetus
How do you treat DIC
Treat the underlying cause
When do you use Methotrexate?
Unruptured ectopic pregnancies

Blocks folic acid in fetal cells so that they cannot divide
Antenatal steroid use?
IM injections to accelerate fetal lung maturity

Decrease rates of intraventricular hemorrhage in preterm infants
Long, difficult, or abnormal labor

Primary cause of C-section

Bandl's ring
Bandl's ring
A pathologic retraction ring that forms between the upper and lower uterine segments and is associated with prolonged ROM, protracted labor, and increased risk of uterine rupture
Precipitous labor def?
Labor that lasts less than 3 hours from the onset of contractions to the time of birth
Amniotic fluid embolism
Occurs when amniotic fluid containing particles of debris (vernix, hair, skin cells or meconium) enters the maternal circulation and obstructs pulmonary vessels, causing respiratory distress and circulatory collapse
Possible complications of CS
Maternal : aspiration, pulmonary embolism, hemorrhage, thrombophlebitis, wound infection, would dehiscence, UTI, injury to bowel or bladder, anesthesia related complications
Anticipatory grief
Occurs before the loss happens
Early PPH (acute / primary)
Occurs within 24 hours of the birth
Late PPH (secondary / delayed)
After 24 hours following birth, but within 6 weeks
Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Lung disorder caused by a lack of surfactant, which leads to progressive atelectasis

Admin surfactant
Greater than 42 weeks gestation regardless of weight
Complications of postmaturity
Increased mortality rate
Meconium aspiration
Persistent fetal circulation (PFC)
Pregnant women cannot handle cat litter boxes
What environmental factors may contribute to development of cleft palate?
Type of spina bifida, spinal canal does not close properly
Interventions for Myelomeningocele
Protect sac – make sure it does not rupture!

Avoid any pressure on sac

Keep infant on stomach or side