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51 Cards in this Set

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What GI change associated with aging increases bowel incontinence?
Decreased muscle tone at rectal sphincters
What GI change associated with aging decreases digestion rate?
Decrease in gastric secretions
What GI change associated with aging increases risk of constipation and bowel impaction?
Decreased peristalsis
What happens to the kidneys as we age that effects urinary output?
Decreased number of functioning nephrons and decreased blood supply to the kidney (maybe from HTN)
A result of decreased nephrons and decreased blood supply to kidney is....
decreased filtration rate

decreased removal of body wastes

Increased concentration of urine
As we age, muscle tone decreases in the body. How does this effect the urinary system?
Increases volume of residual urine b/c can't push it all out
With decreased tissue elasticity as we age, this effects the urinary system by causing...
decreased bladder capacity
BPH is an increase in the size of the prostate. How does this effect elimination?
Decreased stream of urine

Increased hesistancy/frequency of urination
Why is there an increased risk of infection in elderly due to urinary issues?
Urine stasis. Difficulty starting a stream of urine, so they strain to urinate and just don't empty it all the way.
When does BPH usually start?
Around 50-60. Most men have it by age 80
Is urinary incontinence normal?
No. Not normal. It is due to physiological changes
What are some risk factors for elimination issues?
change in diet
change in routine
lack of privacy
med side effects
thinking it is normal to have issues
What is issue with BUN in elderly?
Slightly increased. Remember that there are fewer functioning nephrons and lower blood flow to kidney. Higher concentration of urine, would be higher BUN
What percentage of residents are effected by constipation?

What percentage of people in population take laxatives?
50-75% in LTC have constipation

20% in community do laxatives
What is normal transit time for bowel movement?

What is considered "slow transit"?
24 hours is normal

How long do you have to go without a BM to be constipated?
72 hours
What are the risk factors to constipation?
slow transit
decreased fluid and roughage
lack of physicial activity
Lack of privacy
Change in routine
Chronic use of laxatives
Emotional distrubances
Cognitive impairment
How frequently do you assess for s/s of constipation?
Every 2-3 days and PRN
What is an important intervention for constipation?
Know their normal bowel pattern for a baseline
What do you have to do before you give meds for constipation?
Try all non pharmaceutical interventions first.

(activity, fiber, privacy, good position, schedule toileting, look at meds for SE,
You would consult an MD about checking for fecal impaction and digitially removing stool of client if _______ days has passed or if there are signs of ____________.
3 days

What is lowest level that can do digital fecal impaction removal?
What is order of abdominal assessment?
Lastly, rectal exam
Pericolace is a....
stool softener and a laxative.
What are some laxatives?
What are your bowel sounds if bowel obstruction?
hyperactive...no stool

What are your bowel sounds if fecal impaction?
What is the order of meds for treating constipation?
Dulcolax suppository

Then enema: fleets

Then oil retention

Then soap suds
I am urinary incontinence caused by increased intra abdominal pressure.
I am urinary incontinence caused by physical or psychological factors impairing my ability to get to the toilet
I am urinary incontinence caused by poor muscle tone and overextended bladder.
I am urinary incontinence caused by detrusor instability and internal sphincter weakness.
I am also known as over active bladder.
I am identified by my inability to reach the toilet.
I am identified as involuntary leakage of urine due to distended bladder.
What types of drugs would cause overflow incontinence?
anticholinergics (decreasing bladder spasm)

Ca Channel blockers - vasodilate so urine overflows

What assessment tool is used for identifying new onset incontinence?
How often do you assess for s/s of urinary incontience, like wet clothing, wet bed linens, etc.
q 2 hours and PRN
When doing bladder training...how often do you take them to the bathroom?
q 2 -4 hours
What is the Crede procedure?
Applying pressure over suprapubic bone to make them pee
For all types of urinary incontinence, you might want to limit these beverages in your client.
Alcohol and caffeine
When implementing bladder training, how often do you prompt patient to toilet?

What are the time intervals to increase to?
every 2 hours initially, then you want to increase at intervals from 2 to 4 hours, training the bladder to hold slightly more amounts of urine
What is the name of the pelvic floor exercise used as an intervention to urinary incontinence?
Kegel exercises
What is the group of drugs used to reduce bladder spasms?

Give four examples.

Ditropan, Detrol, Urispas, Vesicare
What is the drug group used to treat bladder irritation secondary to UTI?
What drug is used as a treatment for stress incontinence?
What is the name of the drug used to stimulate complete bladder emptying?

(Used in OB & after general surgery also. Helps stimulate urge to go)

Treats Urinary Retention
These drugs (group name and two examples) help to relax muscle tissue and are used in BPH.

(Hytrin, Flomax)
These drugs shrink the prostate.
5 Alpha Reductase Inhibitors

Proscar, Avodart
Why would you use an antidepressant to treat BPH?
Imipramine is a tricyclic antidepressant used to relax bladder and thus causing muscles at bladder neck to contract.
This class of drugs is used to treat BPH and Urinary Incontience.