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57 Cards in this Set

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Common conditions of those seeking CAM
back and neck problems, cancer, chronic pain, HIV, anxiety/depression, arthritis, fatigue, insomnia, hypertension
a group of diverse medical and health care systems, practices and products that are not presently considered part of conventional medicine in the US

medical interventions not taught widely at US medical schools or those that are not generally available at US hospitals
Focus of CAM
maintain and promote health, prevent disease, assist healing, support rehab
therapies used in conjunction with conventional medicine
Therapies used instead of conventional medicine
combination of both conventional medicine and complementary and alternative medicine/therapies that have a strong scientific base for use and safety
CAM domains
alternative medical systems, mind/body interventions, biologically based therapies, manipulative and body based methods, energy therapies
Use of CAM by patients with cancer
Patients are often..
reluctant to initate communication regarding CAM to their helathcare provider
How many patients do not disclose CAM use
dilution of substances
diet and nutrition, homeopathy, spine and soft tissue manipulation, acupuncture, acupressure, herbs, exercise, counseling, light therapy
Belief of Naturopaths
If the body is supporter and barriers to cure are removed, the body will heal itself
seeks to restore harmony and balance, encourages prevention, diet, exercise, meditation, herbs, massage, exposure to sunlight, controlled breathing, detox
Elements of Ayurveda
make up all things
space, ether, air, fire, water, earth
Goal of Ayurveda?
bring the body into balance: disease is an imbalance
Ayurveda diagnosis
symptomatology, not a test
strongest evidence in promoting the flow of chi
some traditional Chinese medicine
acupuncture, herbal medicine, massage, meditation, balance of Yin and Yang
Yin- cold, slow, darkness, passive
Yang- hot, active, excited, stimulates fire
Yin/Yang belief
Health is a balance of yin and yang

Disease is an imbalance that impedes the flow of vital energy (chi) and blood along the pathways called meridians
Mind-body interventions
prayer, deep breathing, meditation, yoga, biofeedback, guided imagery, tai chi, pet/music therapy, religious tradition
Best evidence for balance
tai chi
Deep breathing commonly used for?
panic attacks
Guided imagery commonly used for?
Biologically based therapies
herbs, vitamins, foods, natural therapies, diets
Vitamin E
does NOT reduce risk of chronic disease, but may make it worse
Foods for biological therapy
apricots, tomatoes, watermelon to decrease risk of certain cancers and heart disease
treatment for cough, flu, and colds

may interfere with immunosuppressant drugs, MS, TB, AIDS
Panax ginseng

may decrease effectivness of warfarin, MAOIs

May increase glucose/ bad for diabetics
used for bleeding disorders or hyperglycemia
Garlic supplements

May increase bleeding

Does not decrease blood pressure
may stimulate cartilage growth

shellfish allergy
St. John's Wort
ETOH and other antidepressives may increase effect

takes at least 6 weeks to work
muscle relaxant in the digestive tract

avoid during pregnancy and avoid large doses because it can relax uterine muscles causing spontaneous abortion
Fish oils
decrease risk of CAD (no CI identifited)
Ginger supplements
inhibits platelets
improves appetite and digestion
*bleeding tendencies or anticoagulant therapy
Soy supplements
decrease total cholesterol and LDL

(may increase cancer risks but may protect in br cancer)

decreases hot flashes post menopause
Manipulative body based methods
focus on structures and systems of body, osteopathic manipulation, massage therapy, reflexology
Energy therapies
music therapy, light therapy
CAM Nursing interventions
**be knowledgable about the modalities and increase discussion comfort
cultural associations
**ask about use
why they use
*what they know about side effects/ drug interactions
Good, NON JUDGMENTAL communication
*communicate with other professionals about CAM
Medical modalities Physician
chiropractic, acupuncture, TCM
know benefits or potential drug interactions with specific herbs or ingested substances
Physical and occupational therapist
tai chi, yoga
Questions to ask
what benefits are expected? Has it been used to manage symptom or problem? does literature support it? nursing references? risks? safe? effective? benefits outweigh risks? interfere with other treatment? clinical trial? appropriate for patient? providers who are skilled? does the person expect it to work? health insurance?
Enough evidence to use acupuncture for?
migraine headaches, osteoarthritis, chemotherapy induced nausea
Homeopathy evidence
abundance of anecdotal evidence exists but rigorous and empirical research not available
Evidence: Relieve low back pain
good posture
Evidence: Aspirin can...
reduce risk of heart attack (plavix does not increase benefits)
Yogurt Evidence
ease diarrhea, bladder infections, and food allergies (probiotics)
Evidence: Blood pressure
tamed with mediation
Boost memory
walk 3 times a week, reduce stress, relaxation exerices, emotional health
Walking 3 times a week
30% less likely to have dementia in 6 year study
Relaxation exercies for 20 minutes a day, 5 days a week
reduce stress
Lower cholesterol
sunflower seeds, pistachios, pumpkin seeds, pine nuts, whole flaxseeds
federal lead agency for scientific research in CAM
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM)
cancer related CAM: office of cancer complementary and alternative medicine