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33 Cards in this Set

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Acute Renal Failure
Stages (Some books say four stages and some say three)
Onset, Oliguric, Diuretic, Recovery
Onset stage of Acute Renal Failure
Onset (1-3 days) Incrase Bun and serum creatinine with normal to decreased urine output
Oliguric Statge of Acute Renal Failure
Urine output decreased to 400 ml/day or less. Can continue for about 14 days after the onset.
Diuretic stage of Acute Renal Failure
Urine output exceeds 400 ml/day and can go up to 4 L/day. Near end labs will begin to return to normal
Recovery stage stage of Acute Renal Failure
Stage can last from 1-12 months. Renal tissue recovers and labs return to normal. Begins when the GFR increases. Usually some permanent loss of renal function, but remaining renal function is sufficient to maintan healthy life.
S/S of acute renal failure physical
Muscle weakness, n/v, diarrhea. Neuro symptoms - confusion, agitation, disorientation, seizures, and coma
Labs of acute renal failure
Hyper - kalemia and phosphatemia. Hypocalemia
Metabolic acidosis, azotemia, anemia, elevated BUN and creatinine, proteinuria
Priority Nursing Diagnosis for ARF
- Excess fluid volume; imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements; Deficient knowledge; Risk for infection
Planning and implementation for ARF
Monitor I/O; Diet Mod. Protein, high carbs, restricted K+. Daily weights and observe for edema
Medications to avoid with ARF
aminoglycoisde antibiotics (Tobramycin, Streptomycin, Gentamicin, Neomycin), NSAID, contrast media, platinoid chemotherapy agents
Glomerulonephritis - Definition
Group of kidney diseases caused by inflammation of the capillary loops in the flomeruli of the kidney
Glomerulonephritis is usually following to what type of infection
Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus.
Clinical manifestations of glomerulonephritis
pink or cola-colored urine
foamy urine
Hematuria, proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia
Elevated BUN and creatinine
fluid retention: face or periorbital, hands, feet, abdomen
fatigue, azotemia
Tx for glomerulonephritis
Diuretics, anithypertensive, antibiotics (if strep), plasmapheresis.
Nursing tx for glomerulonephritis -
Diet - protein restriction if oliguria, high carb, K+ usually restricted, sodium restricted. Fluid restriction as needed, Monitor I/O, Encourage bedrest for acute stage.
Nephrotic syndrome - description of its characteristics
Massive edema and albuminuria
Cause of albuminuria in nephrontic syndrome
Allows plasma protins to escape into the urine - results also in hypoalbuminemia.
Seen with renal conditions that damages golmerular caipllary memrane: such as glomerulonephritis, and systemic lupus erthematosus.
S/S of nephrotic syndrome -
Severe generalized edema (lecture - periorbital), symptoms of renal failure, loss of appetite and fatigue
Lab findings for nephrotic syndrome
Proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, hyperlidemia (lower levels of lipoprotein lipase)
Nephrotic syndrome - Important diet to note
Provide high-protein diet to restore body proteins and restrict sodium if edema is present.
Wilms' Tumor - Risk factors
Africian - Americans slightly higher, family hx, aniridia (partial eye iris), undescended testes, hypospadias
Wilms' Tumor - definition
Intraabdominal tumor of childhood and is associated with congenital anomalies.
Tx of Wilms' Tumor
Surgery- Nephrectomy of kidney. If both than least affected is left in. Usually a one sided condition.
Wilms' Tumor s/s
Swelling or mass in the abdomen ( may be palpable), abdominal pain as it enlarges, hematuria, anorexia, weight loss, malaise HTN (63%)
Uremia is a manifestation of what renal disease.
Renal failure characterized by increased BUN and creatinine
Normal serum creatinine helps indicate normal renal function what is the normal level.
0.8-1.6 mg/dL per Prentice
Some restrictions for end-stage renal disease
Potassium, sodium and phosphorus
The nurse explains that Pyridium (phenazopyridine) is used in cystitis to:
Ease the discomfort of the bladder mucosa.
Peritoneal dialysis - Dos and don'ts
Do: move person from side to side can help disseminate the fluid throughout the abdomen.
Don't - Raise the HOB (increase intr-abdominal pressure). Refrig. the solution. Increase or decrease the prescribed flow.
Indications for dialysis:
Volume overload, hyperkalemia, metabolic acidosis, rising BUN and serum creatinine (0.5-1.5 mg/dL normal) and decreased creatinine clearance.
What does BUN measure?
Serum level of the end products of protein metabolism. Urea is the end product of protein metabolism. In renal failure, the kid. cannot clear all the urea from the blood, The creatinine and BUN will be elevated.
Nursing measure for acute renal failure:
Observe for secondary infection. Usually a low protein diet. Catherizations are avoided and fluids may be limited.
Classic signs of cystitis
Frequency, urgency, decreased bladder capacity, nocturia, and dysuria.