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29 Cards in this Set

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A collection of subjective information that provides information about the patients health status

Health history

A collection of objective data that provides information about changes in the patients body systems

Physical assessment

Usually conducted when a patient first enters a health care setting , with information providing a baseline for comparing later assessments

Comprehensive assessment

Follow up assessment conducted at regular intervals during care of the patient

Ongoing partial assessment

A type of rapid focused assessment conducted when addressing a life threatening or unstable situation

Emergency assessment

Self care activities; eating, bathing, dressing and toileting are all examples

Activities of daily living

Needs needed for independent living; housekeeping, meal prepping and finance

Instrumental activities of daily living

A series of questions about all body systems that help to reveal concerns or problems as part of the health history.

Review of systems

The process of performing deliberate, purposeful observations in a systematic manner


The sense of touch


The act of striking one object against another to produce sound.


The act of listening with a stethoscope to sounds produced within the body


The ratio of weight to height

Body mass index (BMI)

The measurement around a patient at the level of the umbilicus and is a good indicator of abdominal fat

Waist circumference

A bluish or grayish discoloration of the skin in response to inadequate oxygenation


A yellow color of the skin resulting from elevated amounts of bilirubin in the blood


Paleness of the skin, often resulting from a decrease in the amount of circulating blood or hemoglobin, causing inadequate oxygenation of the body tissues


A collection of blood in the subcutaneous tissue, causing purplish discoloration


Small hemorrhagic spots caused by capillary bleeding


An excessive amount of perspirations; the entire skin is moist


The fullness or elasticity of the skin


Excessive fluid in the tissues; characterized by swelling with taut and shiny skin over the edematous area


High pitched, harsh "blowing" sounds on expiration being longer than inspiration; heard over the larynx and trachea.

Bronchial sounds

Moderate blowing sounds, with inspiration equal to expiration; heard over the mainstream bronchus.

Bronchovesicular sounds

Moderate blowing sounds, with inspiration equal to expiration; heard over the mainstream bronchus.

Bronchovesicular sounds

Soft, low pitched, whispering sounds; heard over most of the lung field, with sounds on inspiration being longer than expiration.

Vesicular breath sounds

Abnormal sounds not normally heard in the lungs, but if present, may be auscultated; results from air moving through moisture, mucus, or narrowed airways.

Adventitious breath sounds

The portion of the body over the heart and lower thorax, encompassing the aortic, pulmonic, tricuspid, apical areas, and Erb's point.


Abnormal "swooshing or blowing" sounds heard over a blood vessel, caused by blood that is swirling in the vessel , rather than normal smooth flow.
