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36 Cards in this Set

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Describe a Complete bath?
giving to client who are totally dependant and require total hygiene car
Describe a Partial Bath?
Involves bathing only body parts that would cause discomfort or odor if left unbathed
Name 5 of the skin functions?
1. Protection
2. Seceration
3. Temperture Regulation
4. Excretion
5. Sensation
What is a cuticle?
fold of skin at nail bed root
WHat is a Lunula?
crescent shaped white area of nail bed
How many salivary glands are there in the Oral Cavity and how much saliva is produced per day?
3 glands; 1 liter per day
When assessing a client with peripheral vascular diease, their feet, hands, or nails should always be assesed for what?
adequate circulation and sensation
What is Neuropathy?
degeneration of the peripheral nerves charaterized by a loss of sensation
What is Halitosis?
Bad breath
What is Cerumen?
ear wax
WHat are pressure Ulcers?
area with little fat and muscle over bony are of the body; also called pressure sores
What is a "open" bed?
covers are back in a triangle position
What is a "closed" bed?
pulled covers all the way to top of bed
What is a "surgical" bed?
is like a open bed but all linens are folded to one side of the bed
What is a draw sheet used for?
maximize mobility of patient without skin damage
What degree is High Fowlers?
What degree is Fowlers?
What degree is Semi-Fowlers?
How is a Trendlenburg bed positioned?
head of bed facing down and legs up
How is a Reverse Trendlenburg bed positioned?
leg of bed down and head of bed up
What does ADL stand for?
Activities of Daily Living
What does IADL stand for?
Instrumental Activities of Daily Living
When bathing an infant what are 3 inportant steps to preserve body heat?
1. keep body covered
2. Make sure head has a hat or bonnet on it
3. allow 1 hour after birth before giving a bath
Why does a infant have an Acidic covering and what is it normal pH?
- prevent bacteria growth; pH 5.0
What should you not do when bathing a infant concerning th umbilical cord and how long does it take to fall off?
-Sponge bath only, do not emere infant
-14-17 days after birth
What is Vernix Cascosa in infants and how long does it take to dry up?
-gray, white cheese like substance that covers newborn
-provides insulation and lubricating properties
-dries within 24-48 hrs
How old does a infant boy have to be in order to retract the foreskin?
at least 30 days old
What is the #1 death in toddlers?
accidents & injury
What does comfort mean?
state of well-being or ease
What does a Back Rub do?
relieves muscle tension and stimulates blood circulation
Falls account for __% of injury in health agencies?
Give some examples of Procedure -related accidents?
meds incorrect, fluid amt error, Improper application of device
Give an example of Equipment-related accident?
misuse of equipment or equipment malfunction
What is a safety bar?
triangle above the bed to help with patient movement
Alternation in _________often is an early sign of problems with the GI/GU or other body system?
When Urinary system falls to function properly, virtually all _______ _______will eventually be affected?
Organs systems