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33 Cards in this Set

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Define: Rest
decreased mental & physical activity.
Benefits of Rest
mentally/feel relaxed can make you feel rejuvenated
decreases anxiety
Conditions that Promote Rest

1) Feeling of control and freedom from worry
2) Feeling physically & emotionally comfortable
3) Feeling accepted by self & others
4) having a purposeful activity
Define: Sleep
an altered state of consciousness in which the individual's perception of and reaction to the environment are decreased
Characteristics of Sleep
1) minimal physical activity
2) variable levels of consciousness
3) changes in physiological processes
4) decreased responsiveness
What is the function of the Pineal Gland for sleep?
excretes melatonin, important hormone for sleep
Optic nerve function in regards to sleep:
controls light stimulation, wakefulness
What is the importance of the RAS (reticular activating system)?
group or parts of brain that processes work together to regulate wakefulness/sleep
Define the Chemicals of Sleep:
1) Melatonin; helps the body go to sleep
2) Adenosine; promote feelings of sleepiness
3) Histamine; helps keep us awake
What is circadian?
Circadian synchronization?
means about a day, controls our level of functioning. Controlled in the hypothalamus.
When everything is in sync, sleep/wake cycle
menstrual cycle
sleep cycles
Define the 4 Brain Waves:
Beta - associated with being alert
Alpha - calmer, relaxed state
Theta - dreaming, creative, when
transitioning to a deeper sleep
Delta - low-frequency, regular waves
common in deep dreamless
What are the 2 forms of sleep?
NREM (non REM) - slow wave sleep;

REM (rapid eye movement) - sleep
Define the 4 stages of NREM sleep:
Stage 1 - (alpha) last 5-10 min
Stage 2 - (theta) last 10-15
Stage 3 - (delta & theta) 5-15
Stage 4 - (delta) 20-50
What are the orders of sleep stages that equal 1 cycle?
Stage I, II, III, IV, III, II, REM = 1 cycle
Cycles last 90 - 120 minutes
Define: Sleep Deprivation
Microsleep - brief episodes of sleep in an otherwise awake person
How does sleep deprivation effect NREM?

and REM?
NREM: apathy, speech deterioration, excessive sleepiness, less responsive, poor judgment, lack of facial expressions, ptosis (droopy eyes)
REM: agitation, confusion, loss of control of impulses, emotionally labile, hyperactivity
What is the Sleep Equation?
Total Amount of sleep
Restfulness quotient
+ Time in NREM and REM
= Quality of Sleep
Factors affecting normal sleep:
* Age
* Illness
-Resp conditions
-Gastric or duodenal ulcers
* Illness: hyperthyroidism,
hypothyroidism,elev. body temp,
* Environment
*Emotional Stress
* Alcohol & stimulants
* Diet
What are some common sleep disorders?

1) PRIMARY: Insomnia; inability to maintain an adequate amount or quality of sleep. INITIAL INSOMNIA: short term. INTERMITTENT INSOMNIA: wake up & can't go back to sleep. TERMINAL INSOMNIA: early wakening
2) Hypersomnia: excessive sleeping
3) Narcolepsy: sleep attacks
4) Snoring
5) Sleep deprivation
6) Restless leg syndrome (RLS)
What is sleep apnea?
periodic cessation of breathing during sleep
Describe the types of Sleep Apnea:
1) Central Apnea: occurs because of
neurogenic failure to trigger resp. eff
2) Obstructive sleep apnea: (most
comm) blockage of some type
prevents airflow
3) Mixed apnea: combo of the two
Most common in elderly
Facts about snoring:
Cause: poor muscle tone, alcohol, bulkiness of tissue.
Snoring is usually very loud & disbturbs not only the person's bed partner but other household members
What are some parasomnias?

1) Somnambalism - sleep walking
2) Nocturnal enuresis - bedwetting
3) Night terrors
4) Sleeptalking
5) Bruxism: grinding/clenching of teeth
6) REM sleep behavior disorders
Describe a Cpap & Bipap
Cpap: Continuous positive airway pressure (1 level of pressure)

Bipap: bilevel (2 levels of pressure), used with CHF, lung disorders
List ways of assessing sleep:
Sleep history
Physical Exam
Diagnostic studies (EEG, EMG, EOG,
Define: -EEG
EEG: electroencephalogram; monitoring
of arterial oxygen sat (brain waves)
EMG: electromyelogram; muscle movmt
EOG: electrooculogram; eye movement
ECG: electrocardiogram; heart rate
Possible nursing diagnosis:
* Sleep pattern disturbance r/t phys.
illness (pain & mobility)
* Sleep pattern disturbance r/t fear
of surgery
* Potential of injury r/t sleep walking
Nursing plans & Implementation:

1) Reduce environmental distractions
& sleep interruptions
2) Increase daytime activities
3) Age appropriate interventions:
Newborn/infant; School age, etc
4) Help to induce sleep
5) Reduce potential for injury
6) health teaching & referrals
What diseases are affected by sleep?

Coronary Artery Disease
Gastric & Intestinal Ulcers
Medications to help with sleep:
* Sedatives - reduces nervousness
* Hypnotic - results in sleep
* Sedative-Hypnotic - meds w/both
- Barbiturates
- Benzodiazepines
- Nonbenzodiazepine hypnotics
Who might be at risk when using Hypnotics/Sedatives?
* People who drink alcohol
* Elderly and those needing help
when getting up during the night
* Those who operate machinery in AM
* People who have sleep apnea
Nursing Assessment prior to giving meds:
Allergies & contraindications
Mental status
Vital signs
Safety & prevention of injury
Medication treatment guidelines:
* Begin w/the lowest possible dose
* Be short-term, if used nightly
* Be intermittent, if used long term
* Be used only in combination w/good
sleep practices and/or behavioral appr.