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86 Cards in this Set

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Adrenal Physiology:
Medulla works how?
secretes epinepherine and norepinepherine into the adrenal veins when stimulated.
Adrenal Physiology:
Cortex works how?
secretes steroids regulating vascular tone, metabolism, cardiac contractility, TBW, K, Na, and androgenic function
Adrenal Physiology:
Cyclic secretion is controlled by:
time of day
renin-angiotensin system
HPA axis (Hypothalmus-Pituitary-Adrenal axis)
K+ levels
Adrenal Physiology:
Stress equates to:
increased basal glucorticoid and mineralcortiocoid levels up to 10 fold within minutes.
Adrenal Failure
Stress failure results in adrenal crisis
Basal failure results in adrenal insufficiency-leads to insidious wasting
Life threatening
Tx with glucorticoids is critical!
3 Classes of Corticosteroids:
Adrenal Androgens
Control endothelial and vascular integrity
Maintain vascular tone and cardiac contractility
Catecholamine and β adrenergic receptor synthesis
Fat, glucose, protein metabolism
*Regulated by reninangiotensin system and serum K levels
*Decreased GFR leads to stimulates juxtaglomerular apparatus to release pro-renin.
*Aldosterone release leads to Na and H20 resorption at distal tubules
*Minor increase K can stimulate aldosterone secretion directly
Adrenal Androgens
*Controlled by ACTH
*Diurnal pattern similar to cortisol
*In females, major source of androgens
Adrenal insufficiency
*The adrenal cortex secretes Glucocorticoids, Mineralocorticoids, Adrenal androgens and Androgen precursors, such as DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone).
*In Addison’s disease, disruption of a negative feedback loop caused by Glucocorticoid deficiency produces an over stimulation of ACTH production and by-products of ACTH such as Melanocyte-stimulating hormone which causes skin hyperpigmentation.
*In patients with bilateral adrenal hemorrhage, loss of axillary or pubic hair as a result of androgen deficiency.
*Both Glucocorticoid and Mineralcorticoid deficiency contribute to Hyponatremiaprobably due to increased plasma ADH concentration, leads to excessive water retention.
Addison’s Disease
*Clinical presentation
*Clinical presentation is variable, depending on the rate and extent of loss of aderenal function, whether mineralocorticoidporduction is preserved, and degree of stress.
*The onset is acute or chronic with symptoms that can be vague.
*Should be suspicious of any pt who presents with hypotension, prolonged administration of glucocorticoids or abrupt withdrawal of steroids or critical illness.
*Postural hypotension
*Neuro: Headache, visual changes,diabetesinsipidus
Wt loss, anorexia, and GI complaints-N/V, diarrhea, abdominal pain
Cutaneoushyperpigmentation (not always present)
*Lack of energy, fatigue, dizziness
*Salt craving, dry skin, myalgia, arthralgia; loss of pubic or axillary hair
Adrenal Insufficiency
*Normocytic anemia
*Pallor out of proportion to anemia
*Primary insufficiency: lack of aldosterone and Na wasting
Secondary insufficiency: Vasopressin secretion and H20 loss
*Hyperkalemia-only occurs in primary insufficiency
Causes of Primary Adrenal insufficiency
*Autoimmune adrenalitis
80-90% of cases in developed countries

*Infectious adrenalitis (TB, fungal, AIDS associated)

*Congenital adrenomyeloneuropathy
*Bilateral adrenal hemorrhage or infarct (anticoagulants, meningoccal sepsis)
*Bilateral tumor infiltration
*Bilateral adrenalectomy
*Drug induced (Mitotane, Etomidate, Ketoconazole)
Secondary Causes of Adrenal failure
Failure of the HPA axis:
Usually due to exogenous glucocorticoid administration
Pituitary failure-infarct
Tertiary Causes of Adrenal failure
Hypothalmic dysfunction
Confirmation of Suspected Addison Disease
*Elevated morning baseline Plasma ACTH
*Serum Cortisol below the normal range
*Corticotropin test-measures serum cortisol level 30mins before and 60 mins after IV synthetic ACTH 250mcg. In healthy pts, the stimulation leads to an increase in serum cortisol levels with peak concentrations >500nmol/l. In pts with Primary adrenal insufficiency, the adrenal cortex is already maximally stimulated by endogenous ACTH, and addition of further exogenous ACTH will not lead to further increase of circulating cortisol levels.
*Elevated baseline renin concentration in the presence of serum aldosterone below the normal range indicates mineralcorticoid deficiency
*Abdominal CT to detect enlarged adrenal glands or calcification. CT directed percutaneous fine-needle aspiration to r/o malignancy.
Adrenal insufficiency (Addison disease) Treatment
*Involves Lifelong administration of adrenal-secreted hormones and education to prevent/recognize adrenal crisis.
~Glucocorticoid replacement (HC 15-30mg daily)
~Mineralcorticoid replacement (Fludrocortisone 0.05-0.20mg Q AM)
~Normalization of Na ,K, and Renin levels, and BP indicate adequate mineralcorticoid replacement.
*Pts and relatives need to be instructed on how to increase the glucocorticoid dose in stressful situations and wear an emergency bracelet which contains dx and detailed advice on steroid dosages in case of trauma, surgery, or infection.
Adrenal Crisis
*Life-threatening, may be due to primary or secondary causes. Hypotension often resistant to catecholamine and IVF resucitation.
*A suspected adrenal crisis requires immediate initiation of tx, even before hormone levels have been determined.
*HC 100mg IV, followed by continuous infusion of 100-200 mg HC over 24h combined with NS 1 L/h under cardiac/BP monitoring.
*Additional glucose administration may be warranted.
Thyroid Feedback Mechanism
*Small gland, weighs <1oz, located in front of neck, below the larynx, consists of 2 lobes joined together by a narrow band of thyroid tissue, known as the isthmus.
*The function of the thyroid is to take iodine, found in many foods, and converts about 80% to thyroxine (T4) and 20% to triiodothyronine (T3).
*T3 possesses about 4x the hormone strength as T4.
*Both T3 and T4 are bound reversibly to plasma protein thyroxine binding globulin (TBG). Only free (unbound)fractions enter cells.
*Thyroid cells are the only cells in the body that can absorb iodine. These cells combine iodine + tyrosine to make T3 +T4, which are then released into circulation where they control metabolism (convert O2 + calories to energy).
Thyroid Gland Physiology
The Thyroid Gland is under
Control of the Pituitary Gland. When T3 + T4 drops too low, the pituitary gland produces TSH, which stimulates the Thyroid to produce and secrete more T3 + T4.
Pituitary Gland Physiology
*The Pituitary Gland senses the increased production of T3 & T4 and responds by decreasing its TSH production.
*The Pituitary Gland is regulated by the Hypothalmus Gland, which produces TSH Releasing Hormone (TRH) which tells the Pituitary Gland to stimulate TSH.
One can imagine the Thyroid Gland as a furnace and the Pituitary Gland as the thermostat. Thyroid hormones are like heat. When the heat gets back to the thermostat, it turns the thermostat off. As the room cools, the thyroid hormone levels drop, the thermostat turns back on (TSH increases) and the furnace produces more heat.
The Hypothalmus is like the person who regulates the thermostat since it tells the pituitary gland at what level the thyroid should be set.
Plasma TSH
Plasma TSH is the initial screening test, except when thyroid function is not in a steady state (as in active tx for hyperthyroidism) or known pituitary or hypothalmic disease:
~Normal TSH: 0.4-5mU/L
~TSH 5-10 mU/L: Subclinical hypothyroidism
~TSH increased(>20 mU/L): Hypothyroidism
~TSH decreased: (<0.1 mU/L): Hyperthyroidism
Diagnosis of Thyroid disease is based on
*Clinical findings
*Palpation of the thyroid for size, nodules, tenderness, or thrill
*Measurement of TSH and thyroid hormones
Causes of Hypothyroidism
*Congenital development
*Primary Idiopathic-90% of cases
*Post ablative (radioiodine, surgery)
*Iodine deficiency
*Drug-elicited (iodides, lithium, amiodarone)
*Chronic thyroiditis
*TSH deficiency
*Congenital defects
*Withdrawal of suppressive thyroid therapy
Symptoms of hypothyroidism
Memory loss
Cold intolerance
Weight gain
Diminished appetite
Hyponatremia (water clearance
Decreased muscle strength
Moon face
Tough doughy skin
Myxedema coma mortality 30-40%
Goiter may be due to antibodies that stimulte growth, but not function vshypersecretion of TSH
Hypothyroid Treatment
~Replete T4 (levothyroxine): Start 100-125mcg po daily. In elderly, start lower, no food 2h before or 1 hr after dose. Check TSH q 6 weeks and adjust T4 by 25mcg until at goal TSH.
~Myxedema coma: Replete T4 200-400mcg IV x1 for 24hrs followed by 75-100mcg IV daily until oral replacement is possible. Need to convert to PO dosing.
~Also, if IV T4 given, also add Hydrocortisone 50mg IV q 8h for possible coexisting adrenal insufficiency.
Hyperthyroidism causes
Graves disease-autoimmune may also cause exopthalmus and pretibialmyxedema
Toxic multinodular goiter-common in older pts
Iodine induced hyperthyroidism- usualy drug induced such as with amiodarone or radiographic contrast media
Thyroid adenomas
Ingestion of Thyroid hormone (surreptiously)
Hyperthyroid Clinical Findings
Heat intolerance
Weight loss
Oligomenorrhea, amenorrhea
Anxiety, emotional lability
Brisk reflexes
Fine tremor
Proximal weakness
Stare, eyelid lag
ST, AFib
Exacerbation of CHF or CAD
Increased perspiration
Urinary frequency
Men: gynecomastia, erectile dysfunction
Differential Dx of Hyperthyroidism
Diffuse, nontender goiter
Grave’s disease or painless thyroiditis
Multiple thyroid nodules
Toxic multinodular goiter
Single thyroid nodule
Thyroid adenoma
Tender painful goiter
Normal thyroid gland
Grave’s disease, painless thyroiditis, or factituous hyperthyroidism
Lab Findings of Hyperthyroisidm
~Low TSH and high free T4 and T3 : Hyperthyroidism
~T3 Toxicosis: Early in course caused by Grave’s dissease or Nodular goiter have greater increases in T3 than in serum T4.
~T4 Toxicosis: High free T4 and Normal T3 found in pts who have a concurrent nonthyroidal illness that decreases extrathyroidal conversion of T4 to T3. IE. Amiodarone inhibits extrahthyroidal conversion of T4 to T3.
Radioiodine UPtake
24hr Thyroid radioiodine uptake and scan are frequently necessary to confirm the Dx of Graves’ hyperthyroidsm and exclude other causes, especially painless thyroiditis.
~High radioiodine uptake indicates de novo synthesis of hormone
~Low (nearly absent) uptake indicates either inflammation or destruction of thyroid tissue with release of preformed hormone into the circulation, or an extrathyroidal source of thyroid tissue.
Treatment of Hyperthyroidism
~Propylthiouracil (PTU) or methimazole, both of which act by inhibiting new hormone synthesis. PTU has added effect of decreasing peripheral T4 to T3 conversion.
~Beta Blockers to inhibit target activity of thyroid hormone. Propanolol is preferred agent it also blocks peripheral conversion of T4. Atenolol or metoprolol may be used.
~1h after PTU or methimazole, Iodide is given to inhibit further thyroid hormone release.
~Acetaminiphenfor fever.
~Hydrocortisone if pt hypotensive as a result of adrenal insufficiency.
Euthyroid Hyperthyroxinemia
Both T4 and T3 circulate in the blood bound to 1 of 3 binding proteins:
~Thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG)
~Transthyretin (TTR)

*Serum total T4 or T3 assays measure bothbound and free hormone. Factors that alter binding protein concentrations can have profound effects on serum total T4 and T3, even though serum free T4 and T3 concentrations do not change and the pt is Euthryoid.
Euthyroid Disease
Causes of TBG Excess
5FU,heroin, methadone
Acute intermittantporphyria
Test: T3 resin uptake
Euthyroid Disease:
Causes of Reduced thyroninedeiodination
Iodinated radiographic contrast agents
Euthyroid Disease:
Other causes
Acute psychosis-mechanism unknown
Thryoid hormone resistance
Serum TSH - Normal
Serum Free T4 - Normal
Serum T3 - Normal
Serum TSH - Normal
Serum Free T4 - Normal or high
Serum T3 - Normal or high
Serum TSH - Normal
Serum Free T4 - Normal or low
Serum T3 - Normal or low
Serum TSH - Normal
Serum Free T4 - Low
Serum T3 - Normal or high
Euthyroid:Triiodothyronine therapy
Serum TSH - Normal
Serum Free T4 - Low normal or low
Serum T3 - Normal or high
Euthyroid: Thyroid extract therapy
Serum TSH - High
Serum Free T4 - Low
Serum T3 - Normal or high
Primary hypothyroidism
Serum TSH - High
Serum Free T4 - Normal
Serum T3 - Normal
Subclinical hypothyroidism
Serum TSH - Low
Serum Free T4 - Normal or high
Serum T3 - High
Serum TSH - Low
Serum Free T4 - Normal
Serum T3 - Normal
Serum TSH - Normal or high
Serum Free T4 - High
Serum T3 - High
TSH mediated hyperthyroidism
Serum TSH - Normal or low
Serum Free T4 - Low or low normal
Serum T3 - Low or normal
Central hypothyroidism
~Serum Na >145 and represents state of hyperosmolality
~Maintenance of osmotic equilibrium in hypernatremia results in ICF volume contraction and cerebral cell shrinkage.
~May be caused by primary Na gain or Water Defecit
~Appropriate response to hypernatremia is increase water intake by stimulating thirst and minimum excretion of maximally concentrated urine.
Causes of Hypernatremia
~Due to water loss
*Evaporation of skin
*Loss from GI tract-diarrhea
*Insensible losses due to fever, exercise, heat exposure, severe burns.

~Due to Renal water loss
*Osmotic diuresis
*Diabeteses Insipidus

~Due to Na gain
*DKA-due to osmotic diuresis
Hypernatremia Diagnosis
~Complete hx and Physical
~Assessment of urine volume and osmolality
*Appropriate excretion of minimum urine volume 500ml/day of maximally concentrated urine (urine osmolality>800 mOsm/kg )
*These finding suggest extrarenal water loss or hypertonic fluid administration

~CDI and NDI: polyuria and hypotonic urine. Urine osmo<250mOsm/kg
Central Diabetes insipidus
is characterized by decreased release of?
Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH)
Central Diabetes insipidus Results in:
Results in variable degree of polyuria
decreased bone mineral density at the LS and femerol neck.
Central Diabetes insipidus are caused by disorders that act on site involved in ADH secretion:
Neurosurgery or trauma to hypothalmus or posterior pituitary
Tumors –hypothalmic or pituitary
Idiopathic-50-60% of cases
Pregnancy can exacerbate or make apparent
Hypoxic encephalopathy-can lead to increased ADH release
Anorexia nervosa-due to erratic release ADH
Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus results from
resistance to actions of vasopressin
Is Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus congenital, acquired or both?
May be congenital or acquired
Is Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus more common in males or females?
More common in males
Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus - Acquired forms seen with:
renal amyloidosis
K depletions
chronic hypercalcemia
Congenital Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus is linked to:
Congenital linked to a defect in the renal vasopressin receptor
Signs/Symptoms of DI
~Onset my be insidious or abrupt, at any age
~Intense thirst
~Enormous quantities of fluid may be ingested, varying from 4-20 L/day
~Very dilute urine, SG <1.0005
~Hypernatremia-due to renal water loss
~Dehydration and hypovolemia my develop rapidly if fluids are not replaced.
~Muscular pains
Differental Diagnosis of DI
Compulsive psychogenic water drinking
IV fluid administration
CNS sarcoidosis
Polyuria caused by Cushing’s syndrome
To differentiate the diagnosis between Central DI and Nephrogenic DI:
~Endocrine consult
~Administer vasopressin analog DDAVP (10mcg intranasally) after careful water restriction.
*The urine osmo should increase by at least 50% in CDI and does not change in NDI.
Treatment Goals of DI
Stop ongoing water loss
Correct water deficit
Calculate Free Water Deficit:
the formula
Water Deficit = TBW in liters x(serum Na+/ 140) – 1 x Weight in Kg
*TBW=0.6 if male and 0.5 if female
How do you correct a water deficit?
~Rapid correction of hypernatremia is dangerous.
~Water deficit should be corrected slowly over 48-72hrs, Na should be lowered by 0.5mEq/L/H and by no more than 12 mEq/L over the 1st 24h. Safest route is via NG tube. Alternatively ½ isotonic saline IV.
Treatment of Central vs Nephrogenic DI
Central DI
*DDAVP intranasally

Nephrogenic DI
*underlying disorder or eliminate the offending drug
Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion
Disorder in which H2O excretion is partially impaired because of the inability to suppress the secretion of ADH
In SIADH, u.o. should be:
In severe case, urine output does not exceed 1L/day
Water retention leads to development of:
SIADH should be suspected in any patient with:
Urine osmolality> 100mosmol/kg
Urine Na concentration > 40 meq/l
Normal acid-base balance
Low plasma Uric Acid level
Differential diagnosis for hyponatremia
Differential diagnosis for Pseudohyponatremia hyponatremia
Differential diagnosis for Edematous hyponatremia
Nephrotic syndrome
Differential diagnosis for Euvolemic hyponatremia
Psychogenic polydipsia
Differential diagnosis for Dehydration hyponatremia
GI loss
3rd spacing
Adrenal insufficiency
Salt losing nephritis
SIADH Etiology
~CNS disturbances enhance ADH release:
CVA, hemorrhage, infection, trauma, psychosis

~Malignancies can cause ectopic production of ADH by tumor:
Small cell lung ca, duodenum, pancreas, head/neck ca

~Drugs which enhance ADH release:
chlorpropamide, carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, cyclophosphamide, Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (fluoxetine, sertraline), haloperidol, opiates, amiodarone, ciprofloxacin, etc.

~Major surgery:
Abdominal or thoracic

~Pulmonary disease:
Pneumonia, TB, Respiratory failure, Pneumothorax

~Hormone deficiency:
Adrenal and hypothyroidism
~Hereditary SIADH: result in antidiuresis
SIADH Presentation
*May be asymptomatic (mild hyponatremia)
*Severe hyponatremia: Altered mental status, seizures
*Normal extracellular fluid volume
*Electrolytes: Na < 135
*Osmolality (norm: 280-295) : decreased

*Electrolytes: Na > 40meq/l
*Osmolality>100 mosmol
Normal Serum Osmolality:
Calculated Serum Osmolality formula
mosm/kg= 2 (Na meq/l) + (Glucose mg/dl/18) + (BUN mg/dl/ 2.8)
SIADH Treatment Goals
~Raise the plasma Na+ by restricting water intake and promoting water loss
~Replace Na+ and K= deficits
~Correct the underlying disorder
Treatment of SIADH
~Rate of correction of hyponatremia depends on the presence of absence of neurologic dysfunction
~The risk of correcting hyponatremiatoo rapidly:
*ECF volume excess
*Development of osmotic demyelination or central pontinemyelinolysis (flaccid paralysis, dysarthria, dysphagia)
Treatment of SIADH in
Nonsymptomatic patient and Na+ > 120 meq/l
~Discontinue any offending drug
~Water restrict to 500ml-1L/day
~Increase salt and protein intake if fluid restriction not working
~Loop diuretic (lasix) to decrease urine osmolality
Free Water Excess Formula
Free Water Excess (liters) = TBW x (1-(Na+/140))

*Males: TBW (liters) = 0.6 x current body weight (kg)
*Females: TBW (liters)= 0.5 x current body weight (kg)
Treatment of SIADH in Symptomatic (restless, confused, seizure, coma) and Na+ < 120 meq/l:
~NS IV with goal of increasing serum Na 0.5 meq/h
*The total change in plasma Na+ (140-measured Na+) divided by 0.5meq/liter/hr will yield the #hrs the correction should take place in.
Ex: 140 – 115 = 25 / 0.5 = 50hrs

~The free water excess divided by the time calculated yields the target rate of free water removal in liters/h.
Ex: 7.56 L/ 50 hrs= 0.15 liters /h target rate of free water removal

*Give lasix 40mg IV and titrate to achieve urine output + to the rate of free water removal.
*Replace urine output with NS. Stop treatment when serum Na+ reaches 120 or symptoms resolved.