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130 Cards in this Set

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pyrimidine bases:
one ring
thymine, uracil, cytosine
purine bases:
two rings
adenine, guanine
nucleotides vs nucleosides
nucleotides: have phosphate bonds
nucleosides: don't have phosphate bound
protein-DNA complex
200bp DNA wrapped around protein core
octamer core
2X four histone proteins
contain flexible N-terminal "tails"
rich in lysine
histone H1
linker histone that assists in higher order packing
30nm fiber- formed by a bunch of nucleosomes in line
________ of histones regulate transcription
modifications of the tails
examples of how histones are modified to regulate
acetylation- pro-transcriptional
methylation- depends
acetylation of_______ causes_____
lysine located in the tails leads to pro-transcription- the histones no longer bond DNA as tight and therefore a more loose conformation is present and transcription is upregulated
How is DNA modified?
methylated: DNa is irreversibly packaged into transcriptional silent chromatin
which DNA found in our genome is highly methylated?
the study of the patterns of methylation passed on
general content of human genome: repeats, introns protein coating sequences
63% repeats
25% introns
1.5% protein coding
interspersed repeats contain
SINEs and LINEs, retroviral-like elements, and DNA transposon "fossils"
used to identify us as individuals...DNa tests, paternity tests
Alu repeats, MIR, MIR3
tandem repeats are also called
satellite DNA
satellite DNA
found at centromeres
humans, at least four diff. repeat types
mini-satellite DNA
20kb in length with repeat units up to 25bp
microsatellite DNA
less than 150bp
repeat unit is 13bp or less
found at telomeres, other locations
used for DNA fingerprints
Trinucleotide repeat expansion
increases the number of repeats present due to slippage of pol and continuous synthesis
diesases from trinucleotide repeat expansion
huntingtons diease
myotonic dystrophy
huntington disease
increased number of glutamines in huntington protein- insoluble protein that aggregates in cytoplasm
gross rearrangements can cause
translocations, deletions, or transversions
recombination events related to repeats could occur
unequaly causeing an exon to be completely deleted
an example of recombination events as a mutation caused by repeats:
familial hypercholesterolemia
origins of replication are marked by
DNA/nucleosome modifications
Transcriptionally active regions are favored
DNA-binding transcription factors may be involved
origin recognition complex- binds to the ORI region in DNA during late M phase
liscensing replication
cdc6 and cdt1 required to recruit/load the MCM helicase complex onto the ORI during G1 phase
cdc6 is removed:
while cdt1 is:
from nucleus after licensing and is degraded
present only in G1 and S phase. it is degraded after S phase
-this ensures replication will only occur during G1/S phase
inhibitor of cdt1- present in S and G2
timing of cell cycle is orchestrated by
cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs)
unwinds DNA
after the DNA is unwound by MCM,
it is coated by RPA which is a single stranded DNA binding
replication protein A
single stranded DNA binding protein
Primase enzyme
DNA primase and DNA polymerase alpha
DNA primase
makes 10-15nt RNA primer
DNA polymerase alpha
adds 30nt of DNA onto RNA
DNA polymerase needs
RNA primer and DNA sequences inorder to add nucleotides during replication
DNA polymerase enzyme
copies DNA
requires a "clamp" to hold polymerase to DNA
"clamp" that holds DNA polymerase onto DNA
topoisomerase I
prevents overwinding of DNA ahead of replication fork
creates a single stranded nick
one of the strands is replicated in discontinuous way
one strand from each parent in DNA replication
topoisomerase is target for___
cytotoxic drugs: antibiotics (quinolones) or anti-tumor (etoposide, doxorubicin)
maturation of okazaki fragments
DNA pol delta initiates at primer and elongates DNA to the next RNA
DNA pol delta displaces RNA primer
endonuclease cuts off flap
DNA ligase seals the nick (using ATP)
DNA mutations can be caused by
-copying mistakes
- recombination
- "genome mishandling"
- physical/ chemical damage
Chromosome mis-segretation leads to
aneuploidy- abnormal # of chromosomes
chromosome rearrangement results from
base pair mutation
results from a point mutation
pyrimidine to pyrimidine or purine to purine
pyrimidine to purine or vice versa
deletions and insertions
can involve one or more base pairs
Chemical DNA damage
environmental, pharmacological, "benign" to active mutagens, DNA adducts, Free radicals, DNA alkylation, DNA cross-linking drug,
DNA adducts
adding chemical moiety to DNA can alter base pairing and produce double stranded breaks
Free radicals
chemical species that can react with DNA and cause damage
DNA alkylation
electrophilic agents transfer alkyl groups to DNA
EMS (ethane methyl sulfonate) is an example
DNA cross-linking drugs
-this causes a failure of strand separation during replication
replication stalls and can produce double stranded breaks
example of a DNA cross-linking drug
Physical mutagens
UV light- produce thymidine dimers which cause DNA replication to stall or continue without basepairing correctly causing mutations
Base excision repair
abnormal base is removed and filled in by "repair" DNA polymerase
-no genetic defects observed in pathway
nucleotide excision repair
larger, more severe lesions
helicase unwinds large region around lesion (XP genes)
single strand of DNA removed. Filled in by DNA polymerase
xeroderma pigmentosum
mutations in XP genes(helicases) cause this
post-replication: mismatch pair
errors during repliacation not fixed by proofreading.
mismatch recognized by ______ and defective DNA excised and re-synthesized by _______
MSH complex
DNA poly delta
Double strand break repair
most serious DNA damage can be repaired by homologous recombination or non-homologous end joining
homologous recombination
use matching chromosome as a template to fix the break
non-homologous end joining
takes all broken chromosomes and puts them all together. This can potentially be very detrimental and translocations can contribute to cancer
absence of phosphodiester bond in DNA backbone
enzyme required to maintain telomere length in germline cells
chromosomes shorted with each cell division
hayflick limit
approx, 50 cell divisions---senescense
role of mRNA cap in translation initiation
cap is the site of the CAP binding complex
CAP binding complex contains
three protein complex (eIF4F)
translation initiation is regulated by
avaliablility of eIF4E
how is eIF4E regulated?
4E binding proteins (4E-BPs) bind/sequester eIF4E.
phosphorylation of 4E-BPs causes them to release eIF4E and transcription occurs
peptidyl tRNA site: peptide is found there and the growing chain is attached to tRNA
aminoacyl site: the aminoacyl-tRNA for next codon enters here and the peptide is briefly added to A-site and the ribosome is moved
polyribosomes: multiple ribosomes on a single mRNA
direction of protein synthesis
subpopulation of highly translated mRNA in a cell
expression of mRNA can be modulated by shifting into or out of polysome fraction
all_____ for an a.a. use ______
isoacceptor tRNAs with amino acids by amino-acyl tRNA synthetases
each aa-tRNA synthesis binds
amino acids
which aa that is bound to the tRNA depends on
lengths of stems and loops of tRNA and modifications of the tRNA
facilitates CAP binding to mRNA cap
escorts methioyl-tRNA to ribosome
eIF1 and eIF3
binds small ribosomal subunit and interacts with cap binding complex to bring the ribosome to mRNA
Once the start codon is recognized:
eIF2 leaves and large ribosomal subunit combines with small subunit
Kozak Sequence
consecutive sequence before AUG
16s RNA binds to this sesquence and stalls the small ribosomal subunit and allows the large unit to bind translation can continue
regulation of translation by insulin
insulin causes phosphorylation of 4E-BP which releases eIF4E and allows transcription to occur
during stress:
proteins fold incorrectly and can accumulate in the ER
stress triggers:
unfolded protein response which shuts down translation
during the unfolded protein response:
PERK kinase is activated
mechanisms to refold proteins are induced
in continued stress, apoptosis is induced
phosphorylates eIF2 which cannot participate in initiation
Mutation in PERK
no longer has kinase activity- could be a reason for neonatal onset diabetes
how antibiotics affect translation
1/2 of all antibiotics target translation
antibiotic that binds irreversible to 50s subunit
inhibits translocation step where the peptide in the A site moves to the P site
binds 30s subunit and fixes the 30s and 50s complex to AUG
small nuclear RNA- used for RNA splicing
micro RNA
gene "silencing"
core promoter elements
necessary for recruitment of TFs
core promoter elements contain
sequence information that directs transcription and is found essentially in all genes
core promoter elements are located
near the transcriptional start site
distal regulatory elements
affect the rate of the TF binding
distal regulatory elements are located
either near, far, upstream, downstream
core promoter role in E Coli
-10 and -35 sequences that are contact points for RNA polymerase proteins
UP element
part of the core promoter in E Coli that when bound, increases transcription
Sigma factor of E coli
component of RNA polymerase
alpha subunit of RNA pol in E coli
binds DNA
beta subunit of RNA pol in E coli
catalytic subunit
beta prime subunit of RNA pol in E coli
clamps DNA during transcription
sigma subunit of RNA pol in E coli
interacts with -10 and -35 (comes and goes)
ensures RNA pol binds stably to DNA only at promoters
four basic steps in gene transcription by eukaryotic RNA polymerase II
1. loosen/open chromatin
2. general transcription factors bind core promoter
3. RNA pol II binds DNA
4. Phosphorylation of RNA pol II, promoter clearance, elongation
LOCUS control regions
regulatory element that governs transcription of a GROUP of GENES at a single chromosomal locus- related to one function
phosphorylates RNA pol II
TATA binding
nucleates "pre-initiation" complex
can be affected by regulatory factors
chromatin remodeling complex
contains 1 subunit of ATPase activity
activators/repressors function by
altering the rate of formation of pre-initiation complex
What happens when a positive regulator proteins bind positive regulatory element
it recruits histone acetylation enzymes and recruit chromatin remodeling complexes and contacts/recruits general transcription factors
what happens when a negative regulator proteins bind negative regulatory elements
they recruit histone deacetylases and this blocks the binding of general transcription factors
an example of a transcriptional regulatory protein that can activate/repress transcription
-it is usually pro-growth and is a proto-oncogene
transcriptional regulators have
DNA binding domain
transcriptional activation domain
Dimerization and Ligand binding
the DNA binding domain of transcriptional regulators contain
a zinc finger- which is a sequence of protein that binds DNA
a zinc finger usually contains:
two cys and two his and a Zn2+ usually maintains protein structure
what usually binds the transcriptional activation domain
HATs usually bind and this is also where TF will interact with
when estradiol binds ER it forms _________and when tamoxifen binds ER is forms___________
different structure
different structure
In breast cells: the change in structure from estradiol results in_________ and the change in structure from tamoxifen results in __________
estradiol: binding of HAT - activation
tamoxifen: binding of HDAC- repression
in uterine cells: the change in structure from estradiol results in _______ and the change in structure from tamoxifen results in __________.
estradiol: binding of HAT- activation
tamoxifen: binding of HAT- weaker activation
Why is there a difference in the binding of HAT and HDAC to tamoxifen bound ER in uterine cells and breast cells?
the different tissues contain different concentrations of HDACs