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21 Cards in this Set

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Cardiac Terminology
Mediastinum- the chest cavity that contains the heart
Pericardium - protective covering surrounding the heart
Epicardium - outer layer of the heart continuous with the pericardium
Myocardium- middle layer of the heart:muscle
Endocardium - inner layer of the heart, continuous with the tunica intima of blood vessels
The valves that separate the atria from ventricles?
Atrioventricular (AV) valves

Muscles that attach chordae tendineae?
Papillary muscles
Valve that separates right atrium from right ventricle?
Tricuspid valve

Valve that separates left atrium from left ventricle?
Bicuspid (mitral) valve
What are the cords that hold valve leaflets?
Chrodae tendineae

What are the valves that prevent reflux of blood into ventricle that connect ventricle to arteries?
Semi-lunar valves
Valve that prevents back flow of blood from pulmonary artery into right ventricle?
Pulmonic valve

Valve that prevents back flow of blood from aorta into left ventricle?
Aortic valve
The _______ is the contraction phase of the heartbeat while the _______ is the relaxation phase.
The Systole is the contraction phase of the heartbeat while the Diastole is the relaxation phase.
Which one lasts longer and why?
The diastole, the atria and ventricles are filling
What is the percentage of ventricular blood volume that is pumped out with each contraction, also known as stroke volume/end diastolic volume?
Ejection fraction (EF)
What is LVEF?
left ventricular ejection fraction, a measure of the heart's functionality
> 50% normal
35 - 50% weakened myocardium
<35% very bad
How can EF be determined?
1. echocardiography measurements
2. gated mycardial perfusion imaging studies
3. MUGA (multi-gated acquisition scan) - the gold standard for LVEF
What is the dominant pacemaker of the heart?
Sinoatrial (SA) node
paces at 60-100 bpm
Secondary pacemaker along the conductive tissue pathway?
Atrioventricular (AV) node
40-60 bpm
What is the network of fibers that conducts impulses throughout ventricular walls?
Purkinje fibers
what is its other functionality?
also a pacemaker, at 20-40 bpm
Identify the electrodes for a 12 lead EKG
What is a lead and how do you get 12 from 10 electrodes?
leads are views, 6 from the 4 arm electrodes and 6 from the chest
How can you determine the heart rate from an EKG tracing?
Count the number of large boxes between 2 R waves and divide into 300
count the number of small boxes and divide by 1500
What is Sinus Arrhythmia?
SA node paces irregularly
the R-R interval is irregular
P wave, PR interval and QRS complex all normal
What is Atrial Arrhythmias?
P waves differ and premature atrial contraction
What is Atrial fibrillation?
A-fib, many sites in the atria are generating depolarization waves
no distinguishable P wave
PR not measuable
Rate 100-160 bpm
Rhythm irregular
What is Atrial Flutter?
P wave is replaced with multiple flutter waves
Rate around 110 bpm
Rhythm - regular
What is First Degree AV block?
prolonged PR interval (>5 sm blocks(.20sec))
caused by delayed conduction through the AV node
What is ventricular tachycardia?
Rate 180 - 190 bpm, rhythm is regular but abnormal tissues in ventricles generate rapid contractions giving poor cardiac output
Emergency situation
What is Ventricular Fibrillation?
Rate 300+
disorganized elec signals cause the ventricles to quiver instead of contracting
no blood being pumped to brain or body
Defibrillator ASAP!
What is Myocardial Infarct (MI)?
Rhythm is regular and rate is 80 bmp and P wave and QRS complex normal but ST segment does not return to baseline
What is 0 bpm, flat rhythm

CPR and defibrillation needed!
What is the procedure called where the dye is introduced into coronary arteries and stents and balloon catheters are used if needed?
PTCA - percutaneous transluminal coronary angiography