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15 Cards in this Set

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What is the primary cause of ischemic and thrombi disease processes in humans?
Atherosclerotic plaque formation
What can plaque cause? (x3)
coronary artery disease, peripheral artery disease, and some types of CVAs
How many types of plaque are there? What are they called?
stable and unstable
What happens to unstable plaque? (x2)
Attracts platelets and ruptures
What happens when unstable plaque ruptures?
Occludes an artery
define infarction (2 parts)
when the artery occludes and tissues distal to the occlusion die
What does STABLE PLAQUE result in? (2 parts)
angina or
intermittent claudication type syndromes
1. STREAKS - fatty streaks form on the intima of arteries
2. a. LESIONS form with a fat deposited in center
2. b. FIBROUS & SMOOTH MUSCLE cover the fat
3. MONOCYTES are attracted and deposited (indicates INFLAMMATION)
4. HEMORRHAGE &/or ULCERATION as lesions become more advanced
What are the three factors associated with the RUPTURE of the PLAQUE?
1. The size of the LIPID CORE and the smoothness of the FIBROUS CAP
2. The presence of INFLAMMATION
3. The lack of SMOOTH MUSCLE cells
What are the four nonmodifiable risk factors for MI?
age, family history, race, gender
Re: AGE, who gets more MIs?
Older people,
Post menopausal women
Re: RACE, who gets more MIs? (2 types)
Native American
Re: GENDER, who gets more MIs?
What are three examples of MODIFIABLE RISK FACTORS?
1. Cigarette smoking
2. Dyslipidemia (Hyperlipidemia)
3. Physical inactivity and obesity
What are three examples of SEMI-MODIFIABLE RISK FACTORS?
1. Hypertension
2. Diabetes Mellitus
3. Genetic Dyslipidemia