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114 Cards in this Set

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2 ways to divide the abdomen; 1 is by quadrants; name the other method
Division into 9 sections wiht most common terms used: epigastric, umbilical and hypogastric (suprapubic)
What is the predominant organ in the right upper quadrant?
What is generally not palpable that is located in the right upper quadrant?
The gallbladder and the duodenum
The 9th, 10th, and 11th ribs protect this and it may be palpated just below the left costal margin in some adults
The spleen
True or False In most healthy people, the pancreas can be palpated.
The sigmoid colon can be palpated here
The lower left quadrant
The S1 is commonly mistaken for a tumor or in women, these structures
Uterus and ovaries
Where is the appendix located?
The bladder generally holds this amount of urine
300 ml
True or False Kidneys are anterior organs
Name origins of visceral pain
when organs/tissue contracts unusually forcefully or are distended or are stretched
Name characteristics of visceral pain
diffuse, gnawing, burning, cramping, aching
Name some diseases that elicit visceral pain
appendicitis, alcoholic hepatitis
Name characteristics of parietal pain
steady, aching pain, more severe than visceral, more localized...often aggravated by movement or coughing
Name a disease with parietal pain
later stage of appendicitis
Where does pain from biliary tree radiate to?
right shoulder or right posterior back
Doubling over pain that is colicky may indicate ?
renal stones
Where would pain be associated with cholecystitis?
RUQ and upper abdomen
With patients seeking care in the ED for nonspecific abdominal pain, 15-30% have these 3 conditions that require surgery
appendicitis, cholecystitis, intestinal obstruction
What is aerophagia
swallowing air
Name 2 causes of functional or nonulcer dyspepsia
delayed gastric emptying, gastritis from H. Pylori, peptic ulcer disease, and psychosocial
How often must patients complain of heartburn, acid reflux or regurgitation to be classified as having GERD until proven otherwise
more than once a week
Name things that can aggravate heartburn
ingestion of alcohol, chocolate, citrus, coffee, onions, peppermint, bending over, exercising, lifting or lying supine
True or False Some patients with GERD wheeze, cough, aspirate, are hoarse or have a chronic sore throat
Name 3 "alarm" symptoms
dysphagia, odyophagia, vomiting, bleeding, weight loss, anemia
True or False If diagnosed with Barrett's esophagus, the risk of esophageal cancer is increased by 15 times
False; it is by 30 times
True or False Angina from the lateral wall may present as heartburn
Fals; it is from the inferior wall
Name 2 causes of right lower quadrant pain that migrates to periumbilical region besides appendicitis
pelvic inflammatory disease, rupture ovarian follicle, ectopic pregnancy
What other symptoms should you assess for if the patient c/o left lower quadrant pain or diffuse pain
Fever, loss of appetite
Diverticulitis may be suspected if a palpable mass is found in this quadrant and the patient has pain
left lower quadrant
Name 2 symptoms of a small or large bowel obstruction
diffuse abdominal pain, no bowel sounds, firmness, guarding or rebound
If the patient has chronic lower abdominal pain, you need to ask about ?
change in bowel habits
Colon cancer may be indicated if patient has a mass and ?
change in bowel habits
Name symptoms of IBS
intermittent pain with relief with defecation, change in frequency of BMs, change in color of BMs
Name diseases or conditions that are often accompanied by anorexia, nausea and vomiting
diabetic ketoacidosis, pregnancy, adrenal insufficiency, hypercalcemia, uremia, liver disease, drug reactions, emotions
Fecal odor may indicate ?
Small bowel obstruction or gastrocolic fistula
True or False Hematemesis can be coffee ground in color
True; it can also be red blood
True or False Symptoms of blood loss such as syncope are generally seen when blood loss exceeds 250 ml
False; generally over 500 ml
Patients who c/o abdominal fullness or early satiey amy have these....
diabetic gastroparesis, gastric outlet obstruction, gastric cancer, take anticholinergic medications or have hepatitis
True or False A sensation of lump in throat or the retrosternal area unassociated with swallowing is dysphagia
Some indicators of oropharyngeal dysphagia include
drooling, nasopharyngeal regurgitation
True or False A motility disorder is not likely if patient has difficulty swallowing food and liquids
Name 3 causes of odynophagia
esophageal ulceration, caustic ingestion,infections, pill induced such as aspirin or NSAIDs
Name 2 causes of excessive flatus
aerophagia, legumes or other gas producing foods, lactase deficiency, IBS
True or False Diarrhea occurs when there has been over 100 grams of stool volume in 24 hours
False; over 200 grams
True or False Chronic diarrhea lasts 2 weeks or more
False; 4 or more weeks
What is the definition of tenesmus?
constant urge to defecate
True or False It is normal to have nocturnal diarrhea
What do you call fatty diarrheal stools and when might they occur?
Steatorrhea; seen in celiac sprue, pancreatic insufficiency or small bowel bacterial overgrowth
Name some medications that can cause diarrhea
penicillin, macrolides, magnesium based antacids, metformin, herbal medications
What is the criteria for constipation?
Occurs for 12 weeks during last 6 months; and has 2 or more of: 3 or fewer BMs per/week, 25% or more defecations with straining or incomplete evacuation, lumpy or hard stools, need for manual evacuation
What medications can lead to constipation?
narcotics, anticholinergics, calcium channel blockers, and iron supplements
What diseases can cause constipation to occur?
diabetes, hypothyroidism, hypercalcemia, MS, Parkinson's, systemic sclerosis
True or False The definition of obstipation is no passage of gas or feces
What color or hematochezia stools? and melena?
red/maroon, black and tarry
Which would you see with large blood loss from lower GI bleeding? hematochezia or melen
True or False Blood on the toilet paper generally indicates an upper GI bleed
False; generally hemorrhoids
Name 4 mechanisms of jaundice
Increased bilirubin production, decreased uptake of bilirubin, decreased ability of liver to conjugate bilirubin, decreased excretion of bilirubin into bile
Name a disease associated with impaired excretion of bilirubin
Viral hepatitis, cirrhosis, drug-induced cholestasis from oral contraceptives, methyl testosterone and chlorpromazine
True or False Gallstones or pancreatic cancer can obstruct the common bile duct
What color are acholic stools and when might a patient have them?
gray or light colored (without bile); common with obstructive jaundice
True or False A patient may c/o itching with obstructive jaundice.
Name 5 risk factors for liver disease.
Hepatitis, alcohol abuse, ingestion of toxins, gallbladder disease or surgery, hereditary disease
What type of pain is associated with bladder infections?
dull pressure in lower abdomen
Where do men c/o of pain when they have prostatic pain?
Rectum and perineum
What is the term for voiding over 3 liters of urine in a 24 hour period?
Stress incontinence may be result from decreased contractility of sphincter or poor support of bladder. Urge incontinence usually occurs because of overactivity of ?
What food can discolor the urine red?
What type of pain is kidney pain and where does it radiate to?
Viscera; dull, aching and steady; radiates to umbilicus
Where does ureteral pain radiate to?
lower abdominal quadrant or upper thigh, testicle or labium
What are some physical findings upon exam of the abdomen would make you think that the patient may abuse alcohol?
hepatosplenomegaly, ascites, caput medusa
True or False There is a vaccine available against Hepatitis A, B and C
How is Hepatitis A transmitted?
What are some risk factors for developing colorectal cancer?
Diabetes, alcohol, obesity, smoking, fatty diet, family member with colorectal cancer or adenomatous polyps
True or False The U.S. Preventative Service Task Force recommends the use of aspirin for people with average risk of colorectal cancer
False; poor evidence that aspirin reduces colorectal mortality but good evidence that aspirin increased GI bleeding and renal impairment
Where might you see the aortic pulsation?
These sounds suggest vascular occlusive disease
Systolic and diastolic bruits heard in the epigastrum or costovertebral angle suggests...?
Renal artery stenosis
Friction rubs heard over the liver or spleen may indicate... ?
liver tumor, gonococcal infection, splenic infarction
What is the predominant sound heard in the abdomen when percussed?
Name the 5 categories of abdominal masses
Physiologic, inflammatory, vascular, neoplastic, obstructive
True or False Abdominal pain with coughing,or light palpation or rebound tenderness suggests peritoneal inflammation
What is the landmark for measuring the liver span?
right midclavicular line
True or False The span of liver dullness is decreased with an enlarged liver
True or False Liver span of men and tall people is normally larger than women and short people
True or False The dullness of a right pleural effusion or consolidated lung can falsely decrease the estimate of liver size
False; it can falsely increase the size. Gas in the colon can cause falsely increased estimate of the liver
What would a normal liver feel like when palpated?
soft, sharp, regular and smooth
The liver is best heard when? on inspiration or expiration
On inspiration and is palpable 3cm below right costal margin in the midclavicular line
What technique can be used to palpate the liver in an obese patient?
Hooking technique
True or False Tenderness over the liver could indicate hepatitis or heart failure
What is the name of the area percussed to assess for splenomegaly?
Traube's space
True or False If percussion tympanny is present in the Traube's space, it is highly suggestive of splenomegaly
False; if percussion is dull it predicts splenomegaly 80% of the time
True or False The splenic percussion sign may be positive when spleen size is normal
What causes splenomegaly?
Portal hypertension, liver cancer, HIV, splenic infarct or hematoma
What position might help bring the spleen forward to be able to palpate it more easily?
Pt lying on right side with legs slightly flexed at hips and knees
True or False Kidneys are easily palpable
Bilateral kidney enlargement suggests...?
Polycystic kidney disease
True or False Pain with pressure or fist percussion suggests pyelonephritis
What is the normal width of the aorta in people older than 50?
<3.0 cm (average 2.5 cm)
What are some risk factors for developing an abdominal aortic aneurysm?
Age over 65, history of smoking, make, 1st degree relative with AAA repair
True or False Rupture is 10 times more likely in AAAs> 3cm
False; 15 times more likely in AAAs > 4cm
Name some conditions in which ascites is present
Cirrhosis, CHF, constrictive pericarditis, IFC or hepatic vein obstruction, decreased osmotic pressure in nephrotic syndrome and malnutrition
True or False With ascites, dependent areas are tympanic and the top is dull
False; dependent areas are dull and the top is tympanic
Name 4 signs associated with diagnosing appendicitis
Rovsing's, Psoas, Obturator, Cutaneous hypersthesia
When the Murphy's sign is positive, you must suspect this problem...
acute cholecystitis
To assess for hernias, asking the patient to be in this position is helpful
To raise both head and shoulders off the table
When would a finding of Riedel's lobe be normal?
Patients with a lanky build; liveris elongated so that right lobe is easily palpable as it projects towards the iliac crest
True or False A smooth enlarged liver with a tender edge suggests cirrhosis
False; suggests venous congestion such as right sided heart failure. A firm nontender liver suggests cirrhosis
Generalized abdominal tenderness and muscle rigidity suggests what condition?
What is acute salpingitis and what are the physical findings?
Inflammation of the fallopian tubes; bilateral tenderness above the inguinal ligaments, possible rebound tenderness and rigidity; movement of uterus can cause pain
True or False A venous hum may be heard with hepatic cirrhosis
What is the most common cause of a protuberant abdomen?
True or False An umbilical hernia is most common in adults
False; in infants
True or False Diastasis Recti is a medical emergency