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52 Cards in this Set

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The breasts are on top of these muscles
pectoralis major and serratus minor
The "tail of Spence" describes this portion of the breast
breast tissue that extends into axillae
True or False The breast is not hormonally sensitive
False; it responds to changes in monthly cycles and aging
True or False Smooth muscle of the nipple and areola contract to express ilk
During a physical examination of the breast, the areola may appear ?
puckered and wrinkled
Is physiologic nodularity unilateral or bilateral
Bilateral; can increase before menses
True or False Having an extra nipple indicates increased risk for breast cancer
Most palpable of axillary lymph nodes
central nodes
These nodes drain the anterior chest and breast
pectoral nodes
These nodes drain the arm
Lateral nodes
Malignant breast cancer may drain to these 2 areas
infraclavicular nodes or deep into the chest
Best time for woman to do self breast exam
5-7 days after menses
Term for inappropriate discharge of milk-containing fluid
Age at which most fibroadenoma appears
age 15-25
Describe how a breast mass feels that is cancerous
irregular, firm, not clearly delineated
Most cause of cancer for women worldwide
Breast cancer; affects more than 10% of cancers in women
What is the risk for women in the US to develop breast cancer?
1 in 8
At what ages are the highest mortality from breast cancer
Under 35 or over 75
Name 2 reasons for a decline in invasive breast cancer
Decreased mammography and decreased use of hormone replacement therapy
What population has a higher incidence of breast cancer before the age of 40
African American women
Name 5 non-modifiable risk factors for developing breast cancer
Age, family history, age at first-full term pregnancy, age of menarche, age at menopause, breast density
Name 2 modifiable risk factors for breast cancer
postmenopausal obesity, use of HRT, alcohol use and physical inactivity, oral contraceptive
This activity can decrease risk of breast cancer
Breast feeding
What is the Gail Model?
A breast cancer risk assessment tool that incorporates age, first-degree relatives with breast cancer, previous breast bx, hyperplasia, age at menarche, age at first delivery
True or False Risk for breast cancer can be inherited
True; can inherit BRCA1 and BRCA2 which increase risk by 65% and 45% respectively
True or False The Gail model can accurately predict breast cancer within an individual woman
False; it can accurately predict amongst a population
Radiologic density in more than 60%-5% of breast increases risk of breast cancer by ?
4-6 times
True or False Breast density does not affect sensitivity and specificity of mammograms
For women aged 40-50 who are asymptomatic, what is the recommendation for mammogram screenings?
Every 2 years
True or False The American Cancer Society recommends montly BSE
When would a breast MRI be recommended?
For high risk women: known BRCA1 or 2 mutation, known 1st degree relative with mutation, lifetime risk of 20-25%, hx of chest radiation between ages 10-30
What are some problems with MRI
costs are high, more false positives, recalls and biopsies increased
True or False The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends chemoprevention in all women
False; only in women at high risk for breast cancer and low risk for adverse effects
True of False Thickening of the skin and prominent pores is normal in the breasts of elderly women
False; it is abnormal at any age and can suggest breast cancer
What 4 positions should a women be examined in to inspect for retraction?
Arms at side, arms overhead, arms pressed against hips and leaning forward
True or False Women may have one breast or areola that is larger than the other
True or False Asymmetry of nipple directions may suggest cancer
True or False Longstanding nipple inversion is suggestive of cancer
The area of the breasts is which? rectangular or circular
What is the best validated method to palpate the breasts?
Vertical strip pattern
What position should the patient be in to assess the lateral portion of the breast?
Patient to roll onto opposite hip and place her hand on her forehead but keep shoulders pressed against table
True or False Mammary duct ectasia is a form of malignant breast cancer
True or False Nipples should be flexible and thin
What is the incidence of male breast cancer and at what age does it peak?
1%; peaks at age 71
What is the preferred method to exam the axillae?
What is acanthosis nigricans?
Form of internal malignancy assoc. with deep pigmentation and velvety smooth axillary skin
When would you suspect malignancy when palpating nodes?
Nodes > 1cm, firm or hard, fixed to skin or matted together
What are some causes of nonpeurperal galactorrhea?
hypothyroidism, pituitary prolactinoma, and drugs that are dopamine agonists such as psychotropics and phenothiazines
Spontaneous unilateral bloody discharge from 1-2 ducts could be suspicious for ?
ductal carcinoma in situ, Paget's disease, or intraductal papilloma
True or False Nipple discharge that is multiductal, serous, green, black or nonbloody are often very concerning
True or False Women who have had mastectomies no longer need to have a breast exam
False, must still inspect for masses, nodes, change in color or signs of inflammation
Where do roughly half of breast cancers occur?
Upper outer part of breasts