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64 Cards in this Set

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What is the purpose of the integumentory system?
2)Fluid balance
4)Synthesis of Vitamin D
5)Sensation/communication 6)with external environment
What is the layers of the skin?
1) Epidermis
2) Dermis
3) Subcutaneous
What does the dermis layer consist of?
Elastic Fibers
Oil Production
What this?
Dermis Layer of the skin
What is the purpose of apocrine glands and where are they located?
*Sweat Glands of your body
*Axilla (underarm),
*Perianal (near the anal area)
*Areole, (nipple)
*Periumbilical (around the belly button),
*Genital area,
*External ear canal,
What is this?
Inflamed aprocrine gland due to Overproduction of sweet
What is the purpose of subcutaneous tissue?
Fatty Connective Tissue
Protect underlying structure from physical trauma
What is the Ecrine glands?
*Eccrine: glands are sweet glands
What is the Melnaocytes for?
Pronuce pigment
Where is the hair folicles located?
*Majority of hair folicles are located in the dermal layer of skin
What is goosebumps from?
*Goosbubs due to contraction of rector pili muscle
What is nails made of?
Made of a tough protein called keratin
What is the purpose of nails?
protect distal portions of the digits and aid in picking up objects
Are there any nerve endings in nails?
What does cyanosis of the skin meen?
oxygen saturation less than 80% (really poor prefusion within the lungs)
What is central cyanosis?
Change in skin color and the mucous membranes, cause lips, fingers, toes to look blue
What is Peripheral cyanosis?
(Related to cardiac output)
Change in color in lips (Bluish hue)
Change in color in nail beds
Overal bluish hue
What is finger clubing?
*Deficient of oxygen for long term (Chronic lack of oxygen: Hypoxia)
*The normal angle is 160 degrees
*Chronic tissue hypoxia result in an increase in agle
*Tips normally thickened, sometimes discolored nailes
*Normally people w/ emphysema, lung cancer
Ghat is some manifistations in the skin due to impaired digestive system?
What is this
Joundice of the skin
What is this, due to what?
Xanthoma, due to digestive impairment.
What is this and causes it?
due to digestive impairment to secrete toxins
What is this?
Larger, up to 10 cm in diameter
Normally benign
What is this?
1) Compound Nevi (Skin mole)
2) Discoloured acumelation of nevis cells on the epidermis
3) Could eventually be cancerous
4) Look at color (are there changes in color)
5) Size
6) Edges (regular/iregular)
What is this extreme example of?
What is this?
Blood vesels under the skin rupture
What is this?
*Fluid filed
*Collectio of blood outside the vesel
*Sometimes need surgeon lanse it w/ a scalple to releive some of the presure
*Describe size
*Warm or cold
*Does it deter range of motion
What is this?
*An infected perifolicle
*Has a white head that may meen a accumelation of puss that there may be a staph infection
*Make sure the client’s tempereture is normal
What is this?
An Abcess
*Larger and deaper than a furruncle
*Could have bacteria in it
what is this?
Pitting edema
Indentation in the skin
Measured on a scale of 1-4
What may increase the skin pigmentation?
1)urinary problem: not being able to dicard elements in urine
2)Hypofunction of Adrenal Gland
What is this a example of?
What is this?
Lupus Erythematosus
What is this?
Mongolian spots
What is this?
Hemangioma Simplex
What is this?
Collection of sebum from sweat glands
What is this?
What is this?
Linea Nigra
Hormonal skin pigmentation
What is Actinic Keratosis?
red-tan scaly plaques. in sun exposed skin. premalignant may develop in squamous cell carsinoma
What is Seborrheic Keratoses?
Seborrheic Keratoses, sometimes called barnacles, can be dangerous-looking but they are actually benign
What is the tenting of the skin due to?
Tenting of the skin is directly related to a person’s fluid balanse
What is this?
Senile Lentigines.. Liver spots which look like hyperpigmented freckles, found on hands and the arms.
What is this?
Cutaneous tag
What is this
Cutaneous horn
Grows long
Thick base
Suspiceous lesion
Surgically removed because it could lead to cancer
What is this?
Cherry angioma
What is diorphoresis a indicationof?
How would one describe lesions?
7)Surface relationship (raised, flat, depressed)
8)Blanching or pulsation of vascular lesions
9)Pattern, configuration, and distribution
What are the different patern configurations of lesions?
2)Discrete (separate and appart)
4)Confluent (blending of several lesions)
7)Iris (appendiges)
8)Reticular (meshlike)
Hat is this?
Cafe au lait : rounder flat, people are born with it
What type of shape is this rash?
Confluent rash: look like fungal infection
What is the patern of this rash
What are the distrebution of lesions?
Hairy areas
Extensor/Flexor Surfaces
Sun-exposed areas
Interiginous (folds) areas
what is this?
Petechiae: Deposite of blood under the skin that is less than 0.5cm in diameter
What is this?
Telengiectasis: on older people, or people that have allot of fluid in abdoment
Also in people that have vit b diffitiences
What is this?
Spider angioma
What is this?
Mole (nevi)
Any mole should be less than 0,5 cm
What is a macule?
Solely a color change, flat and circumscribed, less than 1 cm. (freckles, flat nevi, measles, scarlet fever)
What is a Patch?
Macule that are larger than 1 cm. (Cafe au lait, chloasma, measles rash)
What is a papule?
Something you can feel i.e. solid, elevated, curcuscribed. less than 1cm in diameter. Due to superficial thickening in the epidermis (mole, lichen, planus, molluscum, wart)
What is plaque?
Papules coalesce to form surface elevation wider than 1cm
What is a wheal?
Superficial, raised, transient, and erythematous; slightly irregular shape due to edema ( fluid held diffusely in the tissue) (mosquito bite
What is a hive?
coalesce of wheals to form extensive reation, intensely pruritic
What is carotenemia?
yellow orange tinge caused by increased levels of carotene in the blood and skin
What is a vesicle?
Elevated cavity containing free fluid, up to 1 cm, clear serum flows if ruptured. (herpes)