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76 Cards in this Set

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CHO RDA and why
amount of glucose to fuel brain
functions of CHO
primary energy source
storage form of energy in liver and muscle - glycogen
make up glycoproteins and glycolipids
some cells unable to use other fuels
Because the mitochondria can only use fat for fuel and not all cells have one. Others have to use glucose as fuel.
polysaccharides (digestible)
plant starch
animal starch
- glycogen
polysaccharides (undigestible)
glucose + fructose
glucose + glucose
glucose + glucose
glucose + galactose
What does USDA term as "added sugars?"
chemically differ from naturally occurring sugars?
DRI and why?
any sugar that's added (added during processing) - not naturally occurring
no chemical difference (only dose is different)
DRI- less than 25% of total calories
why - minimizing risk of nutrient deficiency
linear, unbranched chains (15-20%)
alpha-1,4 glycosidic bonds
harder to digest --more resistent starch
branched chains (80-85%)
alpha-1,4 glycosidic bonds with alpha-1,6 branch points
digested much more rapidly
100g stored in liver; 400g stored in muscles
highly branched glucose polysaccharide (Quicker breakdown, synthesis, and more dense [able to fit more in])
Cellulose fiber--food source for intestinal bacterial
Part of the plant that cannot be digested
human enzymes cannot breakdown beta-1,4 bonds -- comes out in feces
metabolic/physiologic advantages to the highly branched structure of glycogen
faster breakdown and synthesis
more energy stored in small space
greater solubility
break alpha-1,4 bonds in starch by hydrolysis
acidic pH deactivates salivary amylase
small intestine
S-cell release secretin -- inhibits gastric mobility
-stimulates pancreas to release bicarbonate
major site of absorption
K-cells and jejunum release GIP to promote the uptake of glucose into cells
-induces insulin secretion
release pancreatic alpha-amylose in the duodenum
-breaks alpha-1,4 bonds to make isomaltase, maltotriose, maltase
brush border (lactase)
hydrolyzes beta-1,4 bond to lactose
infants have highest activity of this enzyme
brush border (maltase)
hydrolyzes alpha-1,4 bonds in maltose
brush border (sucrose-isomaltase complex)
two enzyme subunits
sucrase alpha-1,2 subunit hydrolyzes sucrose
isomaltase (alpha-dextrinase) subunit hydrolyzes alpha-1,6 bond in isomaltose
glucose and galactose absorption process from lumens to intestinal mucosal cell
active transport (requires ATP-faster)
transport protein SGLT1(sodium-glucose transporter 1)
1 glucose (0r galactose) and 2 Na+ transported inside (co-transport)
fructose absorption process from lumen to intestinal mucosal cell
carrier-meditated (GLUT 5) facilitated diffusion
Na independent
glucose and galactose absorption process from enterocyte to blood circulation
60% transported into blood via GLUT 2
25% diffuses across basolateral membrane into blood
fructose absorption process from enterocyte to blood circulation
transported into blood via GLUT 2
proceeds down concentration gradient (maintained by liver)
examples of medical conditions or genetic disorders that affect CHO digestion and absorption
lactose intolerance- inability to digest lactase (genetic disorder)
sucrase-isomaltase complex deficiency- genetic defect Sucrose difficulty breaking α-(1,2), amylopectin [difficulty breaking the branch points α-(1,6)
after absorptions glucose from liver gets...
gets phosphorylated (hexokinase); glycolysis or glycogen synthesis --stored as glycogen when you don't need the energy (glu-6-P)
after absorptions galactose from liver gets...
gets phosphorylated (galactokinase); glucose goes into glycolysis or glycogen synthesis
after absorptions fructose from liver gets...
gets phosphorylated (fructose-1-P); goes into glycolysis or triacylglycerol synthesis
type of transport used for glucose uptake by nearly all cells of the body
facilitated diffusion through the GLUT family of protein carriers
overall rxn of glycolysis and where it occurs?
occurs in cytosol
1 glucose + 2 ATP + 2 NAD+ --> 2 pyruvate + 4 ATP + 2 NADH
GLUT transported in insulin sensitive and where its found?
Glut 4; found in muscle and adipose tissue
fate of pyruvate if either no oxygen or mitochondria is available?
reduction of pyruvate --> lactic acid (oxidation of NADH to NAD+) occurs in cytosol
how overall end products of glycolysis change when the cell is in an anaerobic state and what is the significance of this change?
enters the PDH complex and the TCA cycle creating more ATP-- takes place in mitochondria

NADH converts back to NAD+
Glycolysis Step 1
Step 1: Hexokinase (glucose  glucose-6-P)
Inhibited by glucose-6-P (product inhibition)
Glycolysis Step 3
Step 3: PFK-1 (fructose-6-P  fructose-1,6-bisphosphate)
What influences activity of PFK-1?
Availability of substrates
Regulatory substances within the cell:
Allosteric inhibition by ↑ [ATP] and ↑ [citrate] – Why? You don’t need to make more energy: shows high energy state
Allosteric activation by ↑ [AMP] – Why? Tells cell is in low energy state
Most potent activator of all…fructose 2,6-bisphosphate, made by the enzyme PFK-2 (active when insulin is high)
Glycolysis Step 10
Step 10: Pyruvate kinase (PEP  pyruvate)
Feed forward activation by fructose-1,6-BP
Inhibited by phosphorylation (occurs when glucogon is high)
where are glucokinase and hexokinase found and how they are similar and different?
hexokinase phosphorylates glucose so it becomes trapped in the cells; high affinity -doesnt phosphorylate more than it can uptake
Glucokinase is in the liver and controls blood glucose levels
why is pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) complex important and where does it occur? overall, what happens during the PDH complex runs and what vitamin cofactors are required?
it converts pyruvate to acetyl CoA for the TCA cycle
occurs in the inner surface of mitochondria
vitamins required: thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, a-lipoic acid.

-decarboxylation of pyruvate, CO2 released
-dihydrolipoyl trans acetylase acetyl CoA is made
-dihydrolipyl dehydrogenase produces NADH
where TCA cycle occurs? why TCA cycle is considered to be an "amphibolic" pathway?
mitochondrial matrix --> because it does catabolic and anabolic reactions
in TCA out TCA
how many NADH, FADH2, CO2 and ATP made when 1 acetyl CoA enters a complete turn of the TCA cycle?
1 Acetyl-CoA + 3 NAD+ + FAD+ + GDP + Pi + 2 H2O 
2 CO2 + 3 NADH + FADH2 + GTP +3H+ + CoASH

in: acetyl CoA and OAA
Out: 2 CO2, 3 NADH, 1 FADH2, GTP(ATP)
Step 1: Citrate synthase inhibited by:
↑ [ATP] and [NADH] – why?- cuz you don’t need more energy
↑ [Succinyl CoA] – end result of odd chain FA breakdown
TCA Step 3
Step 3: Isocitrate dehydrogenase (MOST highly regulated step)
Inhibited by ↑ [ATP] and ↑ [NADH] – Why?- you don’t need more Energy
Activated by ↑ [ADP] – Why?- You need to make ATP
TCA Step 4
Step 4: α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex inhibited by:
↑ [ATP] and [NADH] – why?- don’t need more Energy
↑ [Succinyl CoA] (product inhibition)- since this is what’s made in this step
How many ATP are made from NADH, FADH2
3 NADH = 9 ATP (made in ETC)
1 FADH2 = 2 ATP (made in ETC)
1 GTP = 1 ATP
2 CO2
in order for fat to burn efficiently without producing toxic ketones, adequate carbs must be available
big picture of CHO metabolism
glycolysis --> PDH -->TCA --> ETC
making new glucose form non-carb substrates --> provide energy when glycogen and glucose is not available. during fasting when glycogen stores in liver are deleted
where glyconeogenesis occurs?
mitochondria and cytosol of liver/kidney cells
is gluconeogenesis the exact reversal of glycolysis?
no there are detours that need to be taken for roadblocks such as the 3 irreversible steps
substrates for gluconeogenesis
tiglycerides (glycerol)
Protein (glucogenic AA)
examples of metabolic intermediates that cannot be used for gluconeogenesis
acetyl CoA
fatty acids
what effect does hormone glycogon have on gluconeogenesis? 3 ways glycogon promotes gluconeogenesis
favors gluconeogenesis
- decreases levels of fructose-2,6-BP (via FBP-2)
-inactivates pyruvate kinase (via phosphorylation) which decreases conversion of PEP to pyruvate
-increases gene transcription of PEP-carboxykinase
overall metabolic conditions which favor glconeogenesis and why
High ATP, high acetyl CoA, high glucagon & low insulin
Also high epinephrine & cortisol favor gluconeogenesis
How is gluconeogenesis part of both the core cycle and glucose-alanine cycle?
combination of transanimation and gluconeogenesis --> both during starvation
what is glycogen, where is it found in the body, and why is it important?
storage form of glucose
found in liver and muscle and kidney
provides energy to cells when in non-eatting state
steps to make glycogen to from glucose
1. glucose --> glucose-6-P by hexokinase to glucokinase
2. glucose-6-P --> glucose-1-P by phosphoglucomutase
3. glucose-1-P + UTP --> UDP-glucose + PPi by UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase
4. glycogen synthase
5. glycosyl alpha-4,6 transferase for branch points
intermediate source: UDP glucose
steps of glycogenolysis and form of glucose released by action of glycogen phosphorylase
1. glycogen phosphorylase - cleaves alpha-1,4 bond until the last 4 glucose units --> glucose-1-phosphate
2. debranching enzyme
glucosyl (4:4) transferase - removing glucose units
amylo-alpha-1,6-glucosidase - removes the last glucose

glucose -1-P
what can't muscle glycogen be used to maintain blood glucose levels?
because it is still phosphorylated and cannot get out of the cell
key regulatory enzymes for glycogen synthesis and broken down
glycogen synthesis
needs ATP and UTP
High ATP
glycogen breakdown
requires PLP; vitamin B6
High AMP
Epinephrine/ glucagon
effect of insulin have on CHO metabolism in liver, muscle and adipose tissue
liver - decrease glycogen breakdown
muscle- increase glycogen synthesis
adipose - increase glucose uptake
effect of glucagon have on CHO metabolism in liver, muscle and adipose tissue
liver - increased production of glucose
muscle - increased glycogen breakdown
difference between dietary and functional fiber
dietary - nondigestible CHO and lignin that are intact and intrinsic in plants
functional - nondigestible CHO that are isolated, extracted,or manufactured and known to have physiological benefits
AI for fiber in men and women ages 19-50
28g men
25 g women
mechanisms by which fiber can lower blood cholesterol levels and decrease risk of cardiovascular disease
substation effect, binding effect, fermentation of fiber, delayed nutrient absorption
mechanisms by which fiber can help prevent colon cancer
butyrate, fibers with binding ability, fibers which increase binding to carcinogens
key physiological effects/ benefits of soluble fibers
decreases nutrient absorption
longer digestion time
delays gastris emptying
small increase in fecal bulk
key physiological effects/benefits of insoluble fibers
decrease transit time
increases fecal bulk
doesn't dissolve
key physiological effects/ benefits of viscous fibers
delayed gastric emptying
slows down digestion and absorption
reduced digestive enzyme function
delayed absorption in enterocytes
key physiological effects/ benefits of ferment fibers
digested by gut bacteria then produce gases and short therm fatty acids
key physiological effects/ benefits of non-ferm fibers
increases fecal volume
key physiological effects/ benefits of binding fibers
diminished absorption of lipids
lowered serum cholesterol levels
altered mineral absorption
Increased fecal bile acid excretion