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125 Cards in this Set

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Acts 1 originally received book of Acts
Acts 1 Chosen to replace Judas
Acts 4,11,13,15 "Son of encouragement" takes Paul under his wing on 1st Missionary Journey
Ananias and Sapphira
Acts 5 Lied and Died (Holy Spirit)
Acts 6,7 Stoned and 1st martyr for Jesus (original deacon)
Acts 6,8 Lead Ethiopian Eunuch to the Lord
Simon the Great
Acts 8 Samaritan: tried to buy the Holy Spirit
Acts 9 Peter raises her from the dead
Acts 10 Centurion: first Gentile to believer in Jesus
John Mark
Acts 12,13,15 wrote Mark: went with Paul and Barnabas on 1st missionary journey and left
Acts 15;Gal.1 The brother of Jesus and showed leadership at church council
Acts 15,16 Companion of Paul on 2nd missionary journey
Acts 16 Philipia "seller of purple"
Priscilla and Aquila
Acts 18 Tent makes and employed Paul helped to instruct Apollos
Acts 18 eloquent defender of Faith
Acts 19 silversmith:started riot
Acts 20 raised by Paul
Felix and Festus
Acts 23,24,25 Roman governors:when Paul was in prison tried him
Rom. 16 Deacon of Church in Cencreae:brought letters to Romans
Gal. 2 Titus 1
Phil. 2 brought gift to Paul from Philippians
Euodia and Syntyche
Phil. 4 woman who didn't get along
Col. 1,4 Church at Colossi
Philemon and Onesimus
Philem. 1 Christian slave owner
runaway slave becomes a Christian
Acts 16
2 Corinthians
the report of Titus
good news
The Corinthians had repented of their treatment of Paul during his last visit
Bad News
That there was a continuing misunderstanding on the part of the Corinthians concerning the way in which Paul made decisions and conducted his ministry
The occasion of 2 Corinthians
A false view of Christian leadership
What were the "Super Apostles" like?
They had pizzazz(impressive people)
They insisted on power
They had pocketbooks they wanted to fill
Paul's response of 2 Corinthians
The signs of a true apostle are suffering and weakness
about the behavior of the Galatian believers
The identity of the Galatians
churches in the south central part of Asia Minor (Pisidian, Antioch, Iconium, Lystra, and Derbe
The order of Paul's epistles in the New Testament?
Romans 1st Philemon last
The occasion of Galatians
A drift away from the gospel of grace
False teachers that made churches in Galatia believe they needed to obey Law of Moses to be saved
Paul's response to Galatians 2:15-21
a. The death of Christ is a sufficient provision
b. Faith in Christ is a sufficient response
Why the Law then?
a. To show us our sin
b. To lead us to Christ
How do we live apart from the Law (5:13-24)
We live with a new freedom
according to a new law(the law of Love)
through a new power (the enabling work of the Spirit)
producing a new character (the fruit of the Spirit)
The city of Ephesus
The combination of religion and commercialism
The founding of the church at Ephesus
Paul returned to Ephesus during his third missionary journey and stayed for an extended period of time, for around three years
The occasion of Ephesians
The need to instruct new believers
Reconciling these two different pictures
Gentiles who had come to faith in Christ after he had left Ephesus for the last time
Paul's response in Ephesians
You have a wonderful gift
You are equal members in God's church
You are loved by Christ
You must have a lifestyle that matches you calling
You must be prepared for a spiritual battle
The city of Philippi
a Roman colony, citizens of Philippi were granted the right to be Roman citizens
The founding of the church at Philippi
Philippi during his second missionary journey
The identity of Epaphroditus
member of church of Philippi, who served as a messenger to bring news and a gift from the Philippians to Paul
The occasion in Philippians
The need for unity in the Church
What 3 outcomes did Paul want from his letter in Philippians?
To thank
to warn the Philippians about false teachers
to challenge the Philippians to live and serve the Lord with unity
Paul's response?
What did Christ do that provided an example for us
What would it take for churches to live with unity and harmony?
The city of Thessalonica was
The center for commerce and trade and also Jewish synagogue was located there
When was the founding of the church at Thessalonica?
Paul came to Thessalonica during his second missionary journey and his initial visit was short only about a month
The occasion of 1 and 2 Thessalonians?
Incomplete work and unanswered questions
Response for 1 and 2 Thessalonians?
1Thess2:17;3:9-10 a. Paul felt that his ministry in Thessalonica was too short and incomplete
b. The Thessalonian believers still had unanswered questions, especially concerning the future
Paul's answer 1 Thess. 4:13-18
"No they will be raised and brought up together with the Lord and with living believers"
Question 2 in 1 and 2 Thessalonians
Are we already in the great tribulation?
Paul's answer 2 Thess. 2:1-12
"No, we cannot already be in the tribulation, because the man of lawlessness has not appeared yet"
Question 3 in 1 and 2 Thessalonians
If Jesus is coming soon, why work?
Paul's answer 1 Thess 4:9-23 2
2 Thess 3:6-15
"You must continue to work in order that you might not be a burden or hurt your witness"
Chapter 5 What two stories are emphasized by being narrated three times in Acts?
Conversion of Corniellas and Road of Damascus
Chapter 9 What do NT scholars mean when they refer to the indicative and the imperative in Paul's writings?
Ethical instructions are grounded in Christ
Chapter 10 What OT character does Paul point to in Romans 4 as an example of justification by faith apart from works?
Chapter 11 How did Paul's actions and message differ from those of the sophist orators of his day?
Paul did not seek to persuade his audience with eloquence
Chapter 12 Why was the collection for the poor believers very much at the center of Paul's agenda?
Practical expression of unity between Jew and Gentile believers
Chapter 13 Why did Paul compare the Law to a chaperone?
because they were babysitting slaves all the way to adulthood
Chapter 14 What are two reasons Paul gave to the Ephesians that they can have confidence in the battle with evil spirits?
1.raised up with Christ
2.armor of God
Chapter 15 Where was Paul most likely in prison when he wrote Philippians?
In prison in Rome
Chapter 16 What are two main theories concerning the Colossian heresy?
Paul is dealing with problem of syncretism or mystical form of Judaism
Chapter 17 What are the three indicators that Paul's ministry in Thessalonica was authentic?
1. Proclaimed gospel
2. Not done for money
3. Motivated by love
Chapter 18 What is the key theme of Paul's second letter to Timothy?
What is a witness?
someone who has had a first hand experience
What is the purpose of Acts? (acts 1:8)
to prepare witnesses for the ends of the earth
What is the plan in Acts? (acts 1:8)
organized according to the geographical spread of the Gospel
What is the power in Acts? (acts 1:8)
The witness of the church takes place through the work of the Holy Spirit
What are the important issues and ideas in the Book of Acts? (6)
1. God's control over history
2. The resurrection of Jesus
3. The gift of the Holy Spirit
4. The growth of the church
5. The salvation of the Gentiles
6. An abrupt ending
What is a Prescriptive event?
Luke presented certain events bc he wanted to establish a precedent that would be regarded as normative shows how believers should live/act.
What is a Descriptive event?
Luke presented certain events bc he wanted to communicate that happened, w/out insisting that they must always happen. Similar events may or may not take place again in the future.
Book on first missionary journey
Books on second missionary journey
1 and 2 Thessalonians
Books on third missionary journey
1 and 2 Corinthians, Romans
Books on the fourth missionary journey
Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon
Other Books Paul wrote
1 Timothy, Titus, 2 Timothy
The focus of Paul's message (Acts 20:24)
The gospel of the grace of God
Who was Paul?
1. A student of the Law of Moses who also understood the Gentile world
2. A persecutor of the church who became a follower of Jesus
3. A witness for Christ who will bring the message of Jesus to the Gentiles
Who made up the church in Rome?
Jews and Gentiles
How did the church in Rome begin?
As house churches
Where and when was Romans written?
In Corinth on the 3rd missionary journey
What is the purpose of Romans?
a missionary support letter
What is the main theme of Romans?
the gospel
What are the 5 "S"s that outline Romans?
1. Sin
2. Salvation
3. Sanctification
4. Sovereignty
5. Service
What is our problem under sin?
God is angry with us about our sin
Why do we have this problem under sin?
Because we fail to take God seriously
What is the result of our problem under sin?
God allows sinners to face the consequences of their sins
What are the 3 key theological terms that help to explain our salvation?
1. Justification
2. Redemption
3. Propitiation
What is Justification?
to declare not guilty and therefore not worthy of condemnation
What is Redemption?
to pay the price in order to buy someone out of slavery
What is Propitiation?
to satisfy God so that He no longer has a reason to be angry with us
What does sanctification mean in ch 6? Does God's gift of salvation make a difference in our lives?
yes, bc we have been set free from our slavery to sin
What does sanctification mean in ch 7? Does God's gift of salvation make a difference in our lives?
no,m if we try to live the Christian life in our own strength
What does sanctification mean in ch 8? Does God's gift of salvation make a difference in our lives?
yes, bc God has given us the Holy Spirit to help us
Why us under Sovereignty?
It is a mystery why God has made us the objects of his grace
What was letter 1 from Paul to the Corinthians?
The previous letter
What was letter 2 from Paul to the Corinthians?
1 Corinthians
What was letter 3 from Paul to the Corinthians?
The sorrowful letter
What was letter 4 from Paul to the Corinthians?
2 Corinthians
What was the first problem the Corinthian believers faced?
What was the first response from Paul about the Corinthian's problem?
You are no longer the people that you once were
What was the second problem the Corinthian believes faced?
Spiritual Pride
What was the second response from Paul about the Corinthian's problem?
You are not yet all that God wants you to be
The city of Colossae was located where?
Lycus Valley
Who started the church in Colossae?
What are the 5 things Paul warned the Colossian believers about a number of false religious ideas and practices:
1. deceptive philosophy
2. fear of spirit beings
3. acceptance of Jewish religious practices
4. Severe treatment of the body
5. Calling on angels for help
Paul's response to the Colossians.
Christ is the creator of all things and Christ is the conqueror over all things
The occasion of Philemon
help for a runaway slave
Who was Philemon?
Acquaintance of Paul who lived in Colossae. Slave-owner.
Who was Onesimus?
Run away slave
What do we know about slavery in the 1st century AD? (7)
1. more slaves than free people in Roman empire
2. several ways to become slave
3. slaves belonged to several different social classes
4. slaves had certain legal rights
5. slaves could normally expect to be set free
6. slaves could come from any race
7. slaves sometimes ran away to gain freedom
What was Paul's response to Philemon?
1. wend onesimus back to him to help during his imprisonment
2. accept Onesimus back no longer as a slave but as a Christian brother, implying that Onesimus should be set free
When were the Pastoral Epistles written?
1 Timothy and Titus: between Paul's first and second Roman imprisonment
2 Timothy: during second imprisonment in Rome
Who was Timothy?
Jewish mother and Gentile father. Paul had great affection for him.
Who was Titus?
Gentile believer. Representative for Paul in various churches.
Emphasis in 1 Timothy stresses the need for:
second doctrine
Emphasis in 2 Timothy stresses the nature of:
faithful ministry
Emphasis in Titus stresses the need for:
proper conduct