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78 Cards in this Set

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God breathed
involves the work of God in which He influenced and guided the human writers of the Bible so that what they wrote was the Word of God
Jesus answered the question of authority by pointing to:
1) The Old Testament (John 10:34-35)
2) His own teaching (Mark 13:31)
3) The teaching of His apostles (John 14:26)
Papyri Manuscripts
written on papyrus
Uncial Manuscripts
capital letters
Minuscule Manuscripts
small or cursive letters
scripture readings
Rules for deciding between differences in manuscripts:
1) the reading found in the oldest and most carefully copied manuscripts
2) the most difficult reading
3) the shortest reading (except for accidental omissions)
measuring stick
helped the church realize the need for a decision about the NT
helped the church make a final decision about the NT
textual critiques
scholars who exam manuscripts to make educated decisions about what was originally written
important question for the church about deciding if a book belonged in the NT
was the book written by an apostle or an associate of an apostle
-Textus Receptus
-critical text
John Wycliffe
Bible from Latin to English
William Tyndale
Bible from Greek to English
What's the best Bible?
Used Bible
Jewish People at the end of the OT
Persian rule at the end of the OT
Alexander the Great
Greek Ruler who became master of the Middle East
The spread of Greek culture
Tolerant. Egypt. Alexandria.
Harsh. Syria. Antioch.
Antiochus Epiphanes
cruel persecutor (Manifest of God)
The Maccabean Revolt
1) Religious Freedom
2) Rededicated Temple
3) Political Freedom for Israel
Started Revolt
Judas Maccabeus (The Hammer)
Religious freedom
Temple rededicated. 164B.C.
Religious Jews who resisted hellenization
Simon Maccabeus
political freedom. Political leader, the military commander, and the high priest.
The Hasmonean dynasty
internal strife and ambition for power
Roman general. lost political freedom. 63B.C.
Herod the Great
Herod receives the wise men
Herod Archelaus
Herod helps Jesus move to Nazareth
Herod Antipas
Herod the fox wants to kill Jesus
Herod Antipas
Herod tries Jesus
Herod Antipas
Herod beheads John the Baptist
Herod Agrippa I
Herod executes James
Herod Agrippa I
Herod arrests Peter
Herod Agrippa I
Herod is struck down by an angel
Herod Agrippa II
Herod is almost persuaded by Paul
Pontius Pilate
quick to cave in
AD70. Temple Destroyed
Jews rebels. committed mass suicide.
The School at Jamnia
Where they studied the Law
Bar Kochba
AD135. Nation obliviated.
-Jesus said about them
-oral traditions of the rabbis
-hypocrites: followed God's law outwardly but neglected the important parts of the law (heart)
teachers who interpreted and taught the OT Law
-Jesus said about them
-only accepted the authority of the law of Moses. rejected supernatural ideas.
-criticized them bc they did NOT understand the scriptures of the power of God
Great Sanhedrin
governing council of Jewish leaders, headed by the high priest
isolated themselves from society (Monks) Dead Sea Scrolls
Jewish revolutionaries. any means including violence.
Ethnically Mixed. Would NOT worship in the temple in Jerusalem.
people of the land
common people in Israel
Jews of the diaspora
lived outside of the land of Israel. Philo of Alexandria
center of Jewish life
Jewish World: General Observations
1) The Jewish people were devoted to one God and to His law.
2) Many Jews longed for a Messiah
3) Most Jews were influenced by Greek culture
4) Before the destruction of the temple, Judaism was diversed
old gods (not popular)
no longer received real religious devotion from most of the people
mystery religions
1) a basic myth
2) public festivals
3) secret initiations and rites
popular god...of healing
pleasure is the chief good in life
dutiful acceptance of one's fate
emphasized personal freedom
individual truth
emperor worship
patriotic duty
secret knowledge and passwords
gentile proselytes
full Jewish converts
Gentiles who practiced Judaism in part
The Gentile World: General Observations
1) People were ready for change
2) People cared about their personal destiny
3) People were becoming less ethnic and more universal in their religious beliefs
4) People saw little need to be devoted to just one god
The Septuagint (LXX)
Greek...very literal translation.
The Targums
Aramaic...free paraphrase
included in copies of the septuagint
assumed names of long-deceased OT figures
apocalyptic literature
describes end of age. the end of present history and the coming of God's kingdom. symbolic and visionary language.
Dead Sea Scrolls
1) they confirm the reliability of the OT text
2) They give us a picture of what life was like for one Jewish group at the time that Jesus and the apostles lived.
tradition of the Jewish rabbis
contains mishnah and gemara
jewish historian. wrote about first jewish revolt.
Jewish philosopher. interpreting the OT allegorically.