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66 Cards in this Set

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Trinity of Pauline Ethics
Freedom, love, Holy Spirit
all make references to Jesus' teachings
Pauline Ethics: Freedom
freedom leads to service, we have the freedom to serve
Pauline Ethics: Love
the law of Christ is love your neighbor as yourself, don't view yourself as more important than other people
Pauline Ethics: Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is the key to our ability to discern right and wrong, not just feelings but learning to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit
Pauline Ethics Problem
letting the Holy Spirit guide us can seem vague, if we don't feel convicted when we do something wrong it must be okay
Pauline Ethics summary
Paul’s ethical system isn’t vague, the all make references to what Jesus taught: we have the freedom to serve and love as Jesus did, and the Holy Spirit helps us do this
what Christ has done for us
commands given to us by God
Indicatives versus Imperatives
From the indicatives (what Christ has done) come the imperatives (commands given to us)
a person of great holiness, virtue, or benevolence
people who aspire to be holy
Main indicative (blessing from God)
we are loved by God, because of this we are adopted by Him, we are His sons and daughters
to recover something pledged or mortgaged by payment or other satisfaction
to pardon for remission of an offense, debt, etc
What is one of the indicatives God promised us?
the Holy Spirit
the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best
God's inheritance
isn't money, is the community of believers, is lived out in community on this earth
the end of life; the total and permanent cessation of all the virtual functions of an organism
A person entirely under the domination of some influence or person
Compassion or kindly forbearance shown toward an offender, an enemy, or other person in one’s power
Unmerited divine assistance given to humans for their regeneration or sanctification
God raised us up
not only do we receive forgiveness but as adopted children we are elevated with Christ
a state of tranquility or quiet
Fellow Citizens
a native or naturalized member of a state or nation who owes allegiance to its government (God) and is entitled to its protection
Everyone who lives for Christ is living in ministry, not just pastors and missionaries
Living in ministry is living your life for God
Ministry is about who you are and how you live out your life, not your job
Why Philippians for discipleship?
Gives us a good model of how to apply the model of discipleship that we find in the Gospels into our time
Problems in the church at Philippi
egoism, self centeredness, pride
The solutions for the church at Philippi
Be like Jesus
Bond Servant
“one bound to service without wages” or “devoted to another to the disregard of one’s own interests”
If you can't be like Jesus then be like
If you can't be like Paul then be like
Timothy: a true servant
If you can't be like Timothy then be like
Epaphroditus: almost gave his life for the Gospel and working for Paul
Modern Discipleship conclusion
• Christ like selflessness is the key to following Christ in a post-ressurection world
• Follow the examples of people around us that are doing this well
Big Picture/Message of the New Testament
the witness of Jesus
the work of the Holy Spirit
God's Glory
The NT Diversity and Unity
human diversity: the context of the NT
Divine unity: the message of the risen Lord
Unity expressed in diversity
the fact that we there are so many different viewpoints, backgroudns, and ideas in the NT but they come together to form the same message attests to the unity of the NT
the themes of the NT
sin and the need for judgment
redemption brought through Jesus
new life for those who believe
the consummation of God’s redemptive plan
Where does the NT start?
the centuries of silence, intertestamental period, 400 years of silence, Jews wondering if God had abandoned them

Matthew 1: the promised Messiah crashes the scene
Where does the NT end?
Revelation 21-22
"Yes I am coming soon!"
last thing prof said in class
"Amen, come Lord Jesus!"
spiritual gifts
trying to bring glory to themselves, spiritual gifts served to reinforce the unity of the body of christ
marriage and singleness
sexual relations within marriage…
"God gives some the gift of marriage, and others he gives the gift of singleness." Paul favored singleness. single person would remain 'single' minded in his/her service for the gospel
freedom and "rights"
paul would challenge us to limit out 'personal rights' if doing so helps to spread the gospel
2 corinthians as one letter
combination of 2 (or more) of pauls letters
6:14-7:1-> one letter
10-13 lost tearful letter
jerusalem collection
major fundraising campaign, to the poor in jerusalem church
thorn in the flesh
the proof of his apostleship was not found in his successes but in his sufferings
weakness/power of God
paul would remind us that God often uses us in our weakness rather than in our strength
North Galatian theory
Gauls from western europe had settled in north central turkey in the 3rd century BC, region named galatia for its connection to them
south Galatian theory
the area became a roman province in the 1st century BC, received the imperial provincial name galatia and expanded to include cities in the south
salvation is by faith not works
fruit of the spirit
those who were indwell with the holy spirit would display the fruit of the spirit
circular letter
intended for churches in a number of cities in the ephesus area
"in christ"
Destiny in christ, exalted status in christ
armor of God
God equipped them for spiritual battle
christ humbled himself, need for humility
"christ hymn"
philippians 2:5-11, used to emphasize need for humility
heavenly citizenship
colossian heresy
at least partially jewish in character, emphasis on circumcision, food laws, sabbath and purity laws
mixing of jewish practices with pagan fold religion and its use of magical spells
fasting brought on supernatural revelations, seek out angles as objects of worship
day of the lord
had not arrived (2 these 2:15) instead live in obedience to the truths they had been taught
latin- rapturo, meaning "caught up"
to be godly, included in practical concerns of daily life
to be godly
to be godly, church to only support godly widows
rejection of the faith
scripture is god breathed-> divine origin and power of scripture